Tiffany x fem reader

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A month now and you two haven't talked just passing notes throughout your cousin's club part time bouncer for him, 6'1 like Wonder Woman status she like very much and she was pretty dam sexy too like if Barbie was hot in a way. You'd hear the click of her heels then in her usual spot in the far right corner of the entrance tonight you decided to stay behind after your shift to talk to your lady friend Tiffany and enjoy  some whiskey you waited awhile and no sign of her. Then the click of her heels was heard you smiled slightly and out of the corner of your eye there she was in her spot but looking annoyed she had some goth wannabe with her. As a waitress was passing you slyly you stuck your first note in between her and the tie on her apron she headed straight to Miss Valentines table her eyes lit up a little when she saw the note. She gave her order and plucked the note as she was leaving she giggled "hey beautiful, what's with the douche?" It read she began writing hers too "he begged me till i said yes, it was pathetic...him anyway" she wrote and as always she'd kiss the note leaving a lipstick smudge. She got up to head to the restroom and slid it along the bar counter down to you making you smile a little a bit later she had walked out and you held yours behind you and she took it brushing her fingers against yours. She read it on the way back to her table "well ditch him and come sit with me" you suggested she smiled over at you and wrote her next one "and still pass notes? Or finally hear that sexy voice?" She asked doing what you did with your first note with the waitress when she received her drink.

"Playing games makes the prize worth while doesn't it?" You reply dropping the note on the way to the bathroom next to her table she rolled her eyes this whole time her goth douche friend was rambling on about whatever this whole time. "Didn't your mama teach you not to tease?" She wrote leaving at the end of her table you smirked when you dropped yours onto her table and taking her note your's read something she loved. "I'll take care of him" Damien just then was headed out for a cigarette and you followed she bit her lip excited you followed Damien behind the bar headed for a cig too. "Hey man, you got a light?" He asked you looked up "oh shit, Sorry miss" he apologized. "All good dude, and yeah i got a lighter" you replied you toss it to him "thanks" he turns away from the wind this being your chance you pull out a syringe with a home made VERY effective poison it worked only if directly injected into a vein if just into the body you'd get really sick and MAYBE die. So into Damien's jugular it went he staggered then dropped you hoisted him into the dumpster which smelled like dead bodies anyways your cousin knew what you did and has friends in high places if you ever needed help. And you tossed the syringe into the river behind the club "naughty naughty" you turn around to only see Tiffany "well clearly you didn't like him, and i didn't like him talking to you" you tell her with your cigar from before still hanging in between your lips. But fishing for your lighter "dam! Fuck, don't know where he dropped my lighter..." You complain Tiffany sways closer to you "here babe" she says taking out her lighter and lights it for you "thanks Miss Valentine" you say taking a puff of it "not a problem" she says before lighting one for herself.

"Why haven't we talked till now?" She asks "like i wrote, games make the prize worth the while" you reply she rolls her eyes again "and like I said, didn't your mother ever teach you not to tease" she says "never had one" you reply taking a puff again. She bites her lip "fuck, you are sexy as hell" she says you laugh "i can tell you dig tall girls..." You tell her "rare to find, makes it more exciting when you do find one most the ones i come across are straight" she says "but i could ask why you took an interest in me too..." She says taking a puff off her cig. "Well i could tell you were like me, taking care of anyone you didn't like, a bit twisted in the mind, and sexy" you say making her giggle but she shivers and groans "fuck it's cold tonight..." She mutters "you ain't exactly dressed for it..." You point out "well i was trying to impress you..." She says stepping closer to you for some warmth making you smile slightly. "Hey you don't need to impress me, but we can head out if you like unless you drove it's either the bus or Harley is under maintenance" You say "oh a Harley? I drove, my place or yours?" She asks "you pick" you tell her. She thinks for a moment "yours?" She asks innocently "alright, it's just down the road for a bit then the last right oh dam i need to feed my Owl" you tell her she smiles "your owl?" She asks "yeah Reginald, i rescued him when he was small" she awes and takes your hand leading you to her car. "Ooo, nice ride Miss Valentine" you compliment "please, call me Tiffany you however never gave me your full name just the first initial" she says "it's Y/N" you tell her "gorgeous" she says hopping in as do you.

The drive was pretty quiet she followed your half ass directions to your place just a small house but bigger on the inside had an extra room too. "Just you i assume?" She asks following you to the front door "well i have a guest room, sometimes friends of mine come hang out in the middle of nowhere with me and crash for a few nights" you tell her letting Tiffany enter first. "Christ it's cold in here too..." "Yeah lemme get a fire going the night's are the worst out here" you tell her headed to the fireplace in the living room she follows but looks around a bit "cozy for a killer..." She giggles. You smile tossing wood into the fireplace "Tiff mind tossing me your lighter again?" You ask "oh! Sure..." She says heading over to you "here sweetface" she says handing it over you nod in thanks lighting some newspaper you tossed on top of the wood with a dash of flammable unscented liquid to get the blaze going quicker. "So what did you have in mind?" You ask her sliding off your leather duster and draping it over the back of your couch she takes off her heels  and her mouth hangs wide open at your body "well aside from what i really have in mind, i was thinking some cheesy sitting by the fireplace?" she suggests you smile.

"I'd like that" you say honestly then heading for the kitchen "what you doing?" She asks "getting a drink, you like whiskey?" You ask "yes, thank you" she replies sitting on your fuzzy soft rug in front of the fireplace. You soon join her handing her a glass of the amber liquid "thanks" she says leaning on you as you sit beside her "what was with the goth ass by the way?" You ask her "ugh, i think he just wanted to be able to brag about a bad ass chick like me...he never was my boyfriend..." She mutters. You nod "well he thought i was a guy until i looked up" she almost spit takes the whiskey "haha, well not many women are 6'1 Y/N" she says tracing her fingers up your thigh. You smile "yeah, i got it from my mom too but yet again never knew her" Tiffany sighs sadly "what happened?" "Murdered when i was barely a year, at a local park in front of me and two other moms with their kids that ran for help" you tell her downing the whiskey or what's left anyway. "Hey now you better not start crying" she says positioning herself onto your lap you raise a brow "what's this for?" You ask "i know we both love the other's personality and hobbies but i am DYING wanting a kiss from you" she says setting her glass aside as do you and you placing your hands on her hips. She shivers again "fuck, seriously how long does it take to get warm in here?" You chuckle and swipe the blanket from the couch behind the two of you "here Tiff" you say wrapping it around her as she sits on your lap. "Soft and fuzzy..." She giggles "always" you reply "so what was that about wanting a kiss?" You ask she smiles slightly and leans in. You being the one to close the distance she presses against you and jumps when something feather brushes against her foot "ah!" She squeals "the fuck was that?" She asks you look around only to be greeted by the big eyes of your barn owl you sigh. "Reginald you picked the lock again didn't you?" He tilts his head almost glaring at you "yeah yeah I'll feed you" you groan before scratching his chin. He closes his eyes and leans closer "awe, this is the boy huh?" She asks holding her hand out or Reginald he looks at you then her hand falls over into her hand she giggles and moves to pick him up with both hands he was still fairly young and small she sits beside you holding him "he is so cute look at him!" She cries.

"Hey better not be trying to steal my girl Reginald" he makes a little cooing noise before rubbing his face in her hands she giggles as you get up. "Where you goin?" She asks "i need to feed my boy" you say going to the cage with the door open "does he normally get out?" She asks "only when I'm gone for too long does he escape" you reply filling his food dish "i do normally let him roam about though..." She nods as you come back. "There ya ass your dish is full" you say petting his head making him coo again and nuzzle you "yeah, i love you too bud" you tell him he hops down and curls up in your lap "aw he loves his mama..." She smiles and you smile too "yeah, i love him too" you tell her letting her lean on you "hang on let me get him in his bed" you say picking him up and getting up heading to his cage. Carefully you set him in his little bed he quickly pulls his little blanket over him making you laugh "he's so weird..." "Why?" She asks getting up. "Oh i put him down and and quickly pulled his blanket over him he likes to hide too..." She giggles "from you?" She asks "well i kinda trained him to find me then he has me find him too...his treats lure him out tho" she smiles "I'm sure" she says stepping over to you. You yawn as she does "oh no, i need more than just a taste" she says biting her lip pulling you into the direction of the bedrooms "the room at the end" you tell her as she pulls you into your bedroom crashing her lips onto yours and you both fall back onto your bed to give her more than a taste.

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