Otis x Zoe

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"Dumbass..." She mutters heading upstairs to patch up Otis after getting knocked on his ass by Charlie she was involuntarily volunteered to clean him up. Otis always has a problem with Charlie and Spauldings exact words to Zoe were "he's your boyfriend you fix him up" Otis just couldn't keep his dam mouth shut. Let's hope he had a deep cut for her to rub salt in as she got to his room the door was open and he was sitting on the edge of his bed facing the wall. "Alright fuckface shut up and lets get this over with" she tells him he sighs and scoots over for her to sit beside him and she does fishing the alcohol out of the kit. Gently applying it to his few cut he kept flinching "ow..." He says annoyed "shut up and hold still" she growls "fuck you" he spits she sighs and dumps more alcohol than needed onto several of the cuts he deeply and sharply inhales crying internally. She smirks slightly and continues her job later she thought she should tell him that she's always loved him and that's why she's always trying to protect him and always caring for him. Otis thought Zoe was always nuts but later on thought in the head when he noticed all the nice shit Zoe did for him Spaulding noticed too and encouraged her a few times to tell him. Baby even agreed, but Zoe felt as if she told him he wouldn't return it to her he was a bit of a stubborn ass but deep deep deep deeply down Otis had a love for Zoe the firey reddish haired girl who was crazier than him he loved her. He always seemed annoyed with her when he'd be helping her but on the inside he always wants to be there for her he always kinda thought there was something more between her and Cutter but those two were just close and open around the other like him and Baby were that...father daughter relationship.

Zoe finished her work and packed up "thanks, Zoe you're so kind" Zoe says with a sigh leaving "wait...Zo..." Otis says getting up quickly grabbing her arm "thank you, i mean it" she aggressively pulls away "what? Ain't that what you wanted?" Otis spats. "What i want is for you to see i do what i mostly do for YOU" she chokes out "for me?" He says confused "i love you!, Jack ass why can't you see i love you?" She sobs Otis scoffs "love me? You treat me like hot trash!" He spits. "I'm only a bitch because you don't see it! I'm tired of you not seeing it! The way you vision your artwork is something i find incredible and wish i could be like that" she stops to breathe "instead i have a knack for horror poetry, and as she looked into the fires of hell she saw him" Zoe says before leaving. She passed Cutter in the hall not noticing she bumped into him "Zo? Hey darlin what's wrong?" He asks grabbing her arm making her jump and she turns he noticed she's been crying "shit...what the fuck did Otis do?" He asks. She sighs "nothing, i finally fuckin told him but he doesn't believe me" she says annoyed as he pulls her into a hug "I'll talk to him?" Cutter offers "don't bother, thanks anyway though..." She says before venturing to her's and and Baby's room. Cutter sighs and listens he doesn't want to make things worse for her Otis needs a woman like your or needs you, someone to get his head out of his ass Cutter considered you his kid you were a lot like him sometimes always a fucked up sense of humor in the serious of times.

Otis sits on his bed holding his head "I can't believe it, it all makes sense now why she was so nice to me" he says to himself it clicked she really did love him he felt like a huge ass hat right now. He needed to talk to her and apologize and indeed tell her he feels the exact same "you better fucking tell her you love her right now or ima bout to kick ya ass" Cutter says leaning against the door frame. Otis sighs "Yes I'm going to tell her Cutter, fuck off would ya?" He shakes his head "geez" he adds making his way to her bedroom while she was venting to Baby. "Zo, honey calm down at least he knows now right?" She asks as Zoe groans "probably not with his thick skull" she says annoyed "hey it's okay Zoe, if what you told me is true he probably knows now" Baby tells her. Otis then knocks on the door "Hey Baby, Zoe? Either of you in there?" Otis asks Baby looks to Zoe "just me Otis" Baby tells him "what do ya need?" She asks he sighs "I've been around you two long enough to know that if there's a pause before either of you say something you both are in there" Otis points out as that is very true. "Yeah Zos in here..." Baby admits "Zoe can we talk?" He asks opening the door she sighs and looks away from him "I'm sorry i was so stupid to not notice everything you do for me, every single time i-i was hurt you were there and anytime i needed something you were there and..." He sighs "and i love you too Zoe" her eyes widen slightly as she looks to Baby. "Y-you don't mean it..." She chokes out "Zo, yes i do and nothing would actually make me happy unless i had you beside me" he says as Baby is nodding at you and gesturing to Otis looking at you like "bitch you better fucking kiss my brother".

You sigh and turn to Otis "you were such an ass all the time after everything i did to help you..." You say to him he nods "i-i know, i know and I'm so sorry Zoe i just wasn't raised on affection..." He sighs "i didn't know what it was you were doing, i fucking love you ya crazy bitch" he smiles slightly taking her hand. She flinches at his touch "hey I'm not about to hurt you Zo, can we go take a walk?" He asks her "fine..." She says getting up with him "still hate you" she tells him "ehh feelings mutual" he replies holding her hand. "Now you finally understand?" Zoe asks as he sighs "yes, like i said spilling my heart out to you i-i love you yes you are fucking crazy but i love it" he says leaning against her a little she quickly kisses his cheek "good, cause you are stuck with me now" she says with a smirk. "Oh i don't mind" he says so sure of it as he takes her outside "beautiful day" she says "perfect time to start a new relationship" he adds "don't push the cheese factor Driftwood" she warns "oh please you share the same sense of humor with Spaulding and THAT is far worse than me loving you" he chuckles. "Hey at least we have a sense of humor" you defend he rolls his eyes and puts an arm around you "yeah well not all of us are sooo funny" he teases "up yours" you reply he laughs "i see why you get along with men better... " he says "oh yeah? Why's that?" You ask he smiles "you come up with middle school insults" you can't help but smile as well because that is very true. He sits with you on the porch enjoying the sun unlike her pale and going to get burned odds are but there was a nice breeze going so woo a little bit of the weather was on her side. Charlie and Cutter seeing this cuteness "finally he won't be such a miserable son of a bitch" Cutter sighs in relief "no shit, this'll be good for both of them" Charlie says "maybe Otis will finally get laid and stop being a crab" Baby adds walking downstairs. They suddenly heard Otis laughing and wondered what was so funny they leaned in and you were telling dirty limricks that ended in funny once Otis calmed down he kissed her making the others awe at this Zoe heard this and was going to get payback later.

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