Jimmy Hall X Reader P2

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The 7 of you ran far from the Seaview Hotel with Maya carrying the evidence to put Jimmy away for a long time hopefully. When the seven of you rushed into the Police Station of course you gave the woman at the desk a fright and the doors being suddenly wooshed open and Maya's friends panicking and being annoying. She asked for all of you to calm down and pointed to Maya asking her to explain what happened a couple officers came out to see what was going on too. The six of you took a seat off to the side while Maya explained everything the three of them knew the previous incidents with The Seaview Hotel and Jimmy Hall. No one's evidence had ever gotten believed about the deaths that occured it all pointed to Jimmy Hall but he got off free is what the two officers said but they're willing to go up there with a few others and a detective. Maya was still carrying the Spirit reciever and handed it over along with a few other items including Amy's torched toy you couldn't believe what Jimmy had done he showed you such kindness and clearly cared about you. One of the workers who had been working on yours and your friends house saw you all rush into the station just a concerned citizen he decided to park and see what was going on. "Is everything alright officers? I saw these ladies rush inside in quite a hurry...two of them I'm fixing a house for" he says calmly "everything is alright Gerald, we just need to go investigate the Seaview again..." The older of the two officers says. "And Y/N there nearly got killed...we all thought Jimmy was odd but he didn't seem to have any intention to harm us at first..." You hear Maya tell the younger officer. You sighed thinking about Jimmy he was thinking about you too he knew you must've escaped with Maya and the others he missed you he thought you were cute. He blames Hugo for scaring you off "you know they reached the Station Hugo, this is your fault!" Jimmy shouts "if the coppers show I'll handle it like always Jimmy I know you miss her... I'm sorry" Hugo replies. He did just scare off the one thing that showed Jimmy kindness you didn't need to see Hugo you didn't need to see how horrible he was or get hurt due to him.

The pipes had just been replaced and the base for the new flooring was laid down in the new house the man that came in from working on the house said you could start staying there if you wanted too. Your friend offered to take Maya and her friends with tp get some rest she doubted any of them wanted to stay the night in the station the house had two extra spare rooms. A couple more officers came in and were going to take you seven to the house and planned on stopping by in the morning with some questions then the lady at the desk was getting a call. "O-oh Mr. Hall hello what do I owe this call for?" She asks "yes, the ladies are here what happened?" She asked looking to the first two officers "they just ran off?" She asks Maya shakes her head no and points to the spirit reciever. "Well Mr. Hall we'll send two officers over to ask you a few questions if that's alright" she says as the Officers agree and leave to get ready you look up concerned "are they going to be able to handle him?" You ask "hes a deceiver" Maya adds. "Trust me ladies they know what they're getting into it's not the first time dealing with the Halls er...Jimmy anyway" she says as the officers escort you 7 outside to a car meanwhile Jimmy was making sure it looked like nothing happened and Hugo was providing the alibi. "Are you sure they'll believe that Hugo?" Jimmy says not believing Hugo "well Y/N believed you weren't insane..." Hugo hints "because I didn't want her to know!" Jimmy argues. So as the officers arrived Jimmy was tidying the front desk and played it cool as they entered like he didn't terrorize seven girls the recent night "ah, evening officers..." He starts. Your friend and you did go to the house with Maya and her friends it was only the basement that flooded nearly reached the first floor though only one of the guest rooms was on the first floor as well. You wondered why the seven of you didn't get questioned at all you thought there was more than what the ghosts told you and Maya.

Your friend told you to go to your new room while she got the others settled in for the night you were the one Jimmy was after almost more than Maya. "I thought I made a friend..." You tell yourself "for a moment just one moment it wasn't just me and Y/F/N against the world..." You say saddened "should have known it was too good to be true of course he had to be crazy..." You scoff in disbelief. "God and I wanted to kiss him too..." You say to yourself "no kidding, I could tell you wanted to..." You look up confused as you see Harvey's ghost "you're still here?" You ask he sighs "yeah, I am" he says sounding slightly annoyed. "Why?" You ask him "Jimmy sent me" he replies "but all of you moved on I thought?" You ask confused "well we did, beautiful stuff but we are able to be summoned and travel between worlds" he says with a sigh. "Why'd Jimmy send you?" You ask "he wanted to know if you were alright, and wanted to know if you were afraid of him now" he says as he seats himself in the rocking chair in your room. "Are you afraid of him?" He asks curious "I-I don't know, he's the second person to ever be that kind to me..." You tell him "when I first met Rose Jimmy sort of clung to me at the young age he was after Rose killed Hugo" "you knew?" You ask him "yeah, but she begged me not to get involved I knew he was a violent man" he replies. "Tell Jimmy I am alright" you tell Harvey without looking up at him "you know he wants to see you again right?" Harvey asks you sigh and nod as he leaves you wanted to see him again too maybe you should.

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