Leprechaun x Fairyfemreader

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(leave me alone he's amazing and besides i got bored)

St. Patrick's day you would watch as men and women get wrecked beyond belief you made your way to a culdesac neighborhood to escape it all and enjoy the peace away from the packed bars it saddened you really they had no idea of the reason behind this day. It was a dear friends birthday you hadn't seen him in sometime you began to worry but knew he had to be around here somewhere you were snapped out of your thoughts as you ran into a young man. "Oh sorry Miss i wasn't paying attention..."  You noticed he looked scared "and what is wrong? You seem terrified..." Suddenly you hear "gimme back me coin!" His eyes widened as he ran passed you knocking you to the park floor. "Twat...i was going to offer to help..." "Y/N? Well if it isn't the fairy in the flesh" you look forward to see "Lubdan? Christ where have you been old friend?".

He smiled as we walked over closer to you "ah as lovely as ever Y/N still being a tricky fairy?" You nodded "would you expect anything better of me?" He chuckled "no me dear not at all...say do ye mind helpin me out? That boy took one of me coins!" You smiled. "Of course old friend" you stand up and shrink down to your fairy form "alright me dear this way" he began to walk carefully sticking to the shadows as you sat on his shoulder to not be seen. "Wait Lubdan!" You shrieked "that's him over there isn't it?" The boy walked into a house he chuckled "that it is...if i distract the greedy child can ye get me coin?" You smiled and nodded "sure thing" you flew off somewhere in the house he had entered and stayed hidden and watched as Lubdan entered the house's living room.

"Oh Cody me boy you have something that belongs to me" you saw Cody whip around "only if i get Bridget back!" "Ye can have her...but give me the coin" as Cody and Lubdan continued you carefully fly to Cody and sneakily begin to search his pockets you finally found the coin. You flew passed his ear he tried swatting at you  "the hell?" Lubdan smiled as you flew back over to him landing on his shoulder "thank ya me dear" you nodded with that Lubdan made Codys bones crack as he crumbled to the floor a blond girl came in "Cody!" She screamed she knelt beside the dead boy and you made her begin to age and turn to dust.

"Well me dear the deed is done" you flew off his shoulder and turned human sized "now what old friend?" Suddenly a shot glass appeared in your hand you looked down and over to Lubdan who also had a glass and a bottle of whiskey. "How about a birthday drink eh Y/N?" He wiggled his eyebrows you laughed "okay not here though incase people show up finding them dead "fair enough lass" you two were suddenly in a familiar place "your home hasn't changed at all Lubdan" he nodded. "Still home though Y/N" he came over and grabbed your glass you smiled and sat on the edge of his bed he handed the glass back to you and you raised the glass as he did "to old friends" he says and you say "and the memories we have" you both downed your shots. You began to cough "fuck....forgot why I don't drink whiskey..." He laughed and poured you another "you'll live Y/N" you downed that one hoping it would help.

No it didn't "goddam..." Ending your coughing fit "oh Lubdan i have something for you" he smiled "oh you shouldn't have" he comes and sits next to you. "And what is my dear?" You smiled slightly and gave him a kiss on the cheek "happy birthday Lubdan" you saw the heat rush to his cheeks "now i know it was the whiskey making ye do that" he joked. "Well my friend it was not" you both layed back on his bed just talking about the things you two had done together and what's happened during your time apart eventually falling asleep finishing the bottle(s) of whiskey first.

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