Candyman X Child Reader

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Daniel found you hiding in his Greenhouse during a storm he saw the light turn on while he was in the kitchen he wondered if he forgot to latch it. He grabbed an umbrella and headed to the back yard he opened the door and saw you curled in a ball shaking under one of his flower tables that stabbed at his heart. He slid off his jacket and offered it to you hesitantly you let him drape it over you and he scooped you up to take you inside he had asked what you were doing out in that storm. You told him you ran away from your foster parents they were trying to suffocate you to death your voice was cracking then Daniel noticed the finger prints on your neck. He sat you down on the rug in front of his fireplace while he added more to the fire itself he left you for a moment to bring you back tea with honey, lemon, and some peppermint leaf sprinkles in it too. You thanked him and stayed snuggled up in his coat it smelled like flowers it was nice he asked where you planned to go because he wasn't about to let you return to your foster parents you shrugged looking sad. You said you had ran deep into the woods found a spot to hide and you slept there then day hit you kept walking then night the storm brewed leading you to his green house. He then offered if you would want to stay with him he called you little honeybee you asked him if he'd want to keep you he chuckled and said he wasn't letting you return "home" he said he's wanted to adopt a little girl like you for a long time he'd always wanted to be a Father. So he got you bathed and had dug out a box of his old kid clothes recently and just temporarily until he could take you to get clothes of your own. You went to bed and the next day he went to one of the two orphanages/adoption agencies and one of the caretakers recognized you whom knew Daniel he had visited before to take a look. She saw your neck and asked Daniel what happened you said it was your foster parents and Daniel agreed he told her what happened how he found you. So your foster parents got arrested and Daniel adopted you it was obvious he wasn't the one who hurt you because the hand used would technically be the side of Daniels hook hand. So a couple Doctors appointments to make sure you were healthy some meetings to fill out paperwork and a week later you have a permanent new home.

You were 8 and all of this happened and it's been 3 years but you did have a family some of Daniels friends you had grown close with Carrie was amazing and often brought snickerdoodles. Freddy was fun to hang out with he'd even play with Legos with you, Pinhead taught you how to write in cursive and taught you French he likes to cook and a lot of the dishes were French he helped you pronounce them, Jason was your man mom and always looked forward to seeing you and you him. You hadn't met Pennywise or Creeper and Daniel was afraid you'd be scared of them he knew you liked clowns because they freak everyone else out but still and Creeper he was a flying demon thing that would scare anyone especially a little kid. But Freddy encouraged like a Halloween dinner or something so you could meet them and you'd be somewhere you're familiar with too and with people you knew. So a plan was set in motion for everyone to come over for dinner it was fall and beautiful outside a little cold but a little bit of sunlight through the gray clouds. Daniel had you setting the table while he prepped his dish for dinner everyone was bringing something  you hoped your aunt Carrie was bringing snickerdoodles. For your birthday a few months back Freddy got you an awesome sweater similar to his with a few Elm street patches in random spots you had accidentally discovered their movies on TV. You got obsessed and fell in love with Horror Movies Evil Dead becoming your favorite you are now a messed up little kid at least you weren't killing animals and displaying them or something. Daniels grateful for that, so you were setting the table when the doorbell rang "can you get that Honeybee?" Daniel asks "sure Dad" you reply as you finish up the table opening the front door revealed Uncle Freddy and Aunt Carrie. "Hey Uncle Freddy, hi Auntie Carrie" you say fully opening the door for them "hi sweetie" Carrie says walking by "evenin kiddo" Freddy says you get the door closed and follow them. "Cookies for the niecey" Freddy says handing you the whole container and you were about to make a run for it "don't you dare young lady those are for everyone" Carrie warns "Frederick you're a horrible influence on her..." Carrie teases. "I mean I can't argue that, it's impossible to blame Jason for it" Freddy admits as you munch on cookies "I learn from Uncle Pinhead though, but it's all good things" you say with a slight laugh. "Exactly, even the BDSM Lord is a good influence I can be too" Freddy jokes "the only thing you could teach my daughter Fred is how to get a sunburn" Daniel says jokingly. "Believe me there is no 1,000 SPF" Freddy says with a not a joke laugh then Jason poked his head in the kitchen and waved "hi Jason" you say sweetly before going to hug him.

He hugs you back giving you a squeeze making you giggle "honeybee why don't you play in your room for now I think we got everything else" you nodded and skipped to your bedroom. "Are we positive introducing her to Penny and Creeper is a good idea?" Carrie asks when she hears your bedroom door close "she says she can handle it..." Freddy starts. "Hello family" Pinhead says carefully walking in with his dish for dinner "hey Pinhead" Freddy greats "are you sure she won't get a little traumatized?" Carrie asks Daniel sigh about to respond. "Who Y/N? She discovered our movies I think she could handle a clown and a winged reptile man" Pinhead says like it's totally normal. "I know but she is still a kid guys, I don't want her being afraid of my friends" Daniel says saddened "speaking of which where is my niece?" Pinhead asks "oh shes in her room, I figured the adults needed to talk" Daniel says as Pinhead heads your way to say hi. "Greetings heathens!" Pennywise greets entering with Creeper beside him "hi Penny, hey Creeper" they all greet back you talked Pinhead into drawing with you however. "You've definitely gotten better dear, look at this A-Anime? Is it called?" He asks you nodded "yeah Anime art style what are you drawing?" You ask "oh some skeletal butterfly creatures" he says "so are you looking forward to meeting Creeper and Pennywise?" He asks. You nodded "yeah, Dad really seems to like them and I've been around all of you guys..." You say starting too look away "alright I know that face, what scares you?" He asks. "The Creeper scares me, I got through the first movie a-and didn't sleep for a week..." You confess "Pennywise scares me too..." You add "my god, did Daniel find out?" He asks "no...I snuck some energy drinks from when I was with Uncle Freddy last" you tell him. "Then why do you insist you're okay?" He asks with an awe laugh you shrug sitting up and looking away "oh lovey, if you're not comfortable with it you should tell your Daddy" he says getting you to look at him. "But wait you like clowns though? Wait you like it when others get scared by them don't you?" He asks you nodded then there was a knock at the door "honeybee, everybody's here Dinners almost done too" your Dad says "be out in a second Daniel" Pinhead says "yeah just a sec Dad" you say. "Are you ready for this?" Pinhead asks you you shake your head no he pulls you close "I'll hold your hand if you're scared" he teases you try to hide a laugh and flip him off he gasps "oh that just proves Frederick is a horrible influence I'll have to tell Daniel about that" he says faking being offended.

You giggle "alright Uncle, let's go" you says climbing off your bed he follows you out "don't worry they are two of the nicest demons I've met Y/N" he tells you everyone was laughing at something Pennywise said when you went into the kitchen. Carrie smiles slightly and hints to Penny to look behind him you stood back right beside Pinhead had a hand on your back he felt you shaking "well hello, you must be Danny boys honeybee?" He asks with a gentle smile you nodded and backed into Pinhead. "Oh come on now, I'm not that scary am I?" He asks you stayed quiet and looked away Daniel was a little confused you convinced him you'd be fine then Creeper stepped beside Pennywise and smiled down at you. "Hey, do you like animals?" Penny asks you nodded yes "well someone told us you like cats kiddo" he says you nodded again Creeper kneels down and takes a munchkin kitten out of his trenchcoat pocket it was curled up sleeping. He can tell you want to pet the kitten Jason silently fangirls at the kitten "go on kiddo, he's yours if you want him Creeper found him wandering around his place he didn't know what to do I had to stop him from eating it" he says with a chuckle. You try not to giggle "aha, now that's better would you like to keep him? He needs a good home" Penny tells you and you quickly hug Penny he was shocked but accepted this thank you. Creeper was next he accepted it "thanks for going over it with me first guys" Daniel sighs the little white and grey puffball started to purr when you began petting him "hes so cute, he needs a name though..." You started. "Hmm, you got a point kiddo what ya thinking?" Pennywise asks "yes dear what should you name him?" Carrie asks "Alistaire" you decide. The kitten mews and looks up at you with a bright blue eye and a caramel brown eye "whoa, you have two different eyes thats pretty awesome" you tell the kitty he mews and tries to paw at you. "Is the extra bag you brought cat supplies?" Daniel ask Creeper looks up and smiles proudly you giggle "thanks guys, I love him sorry for being a baby..." You tell them. "Hey it's alright I mean I am a clown that is just destined to scare kids and Creepers a winged reptile man no one wants that chasing them" Pennywise says standing up with Creeper. You set your kitten on the ground put your hoodie on backwards and pick up Alistaire to put him in your hood Freddy chuckles "it works" he admits. "Well now that we're all here I do believe dinner is done Ladies, if you'd like to get seated us boys will bring it all out" Daniel says you and Carrie nod and go get seated with your kitten still in your hood. "Oh he's so adorable, those little legs" Aunt Carrie says dying a little "I know and the tiny paws too" you added so on one side there was Carrie, you, and Pennywise then Freddy, Pinhead, and Jason and your Dad was at the end and Creeper at the other.

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