Jason x kid reader

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Jason found you wandering the woods surrounding the camp, you didn't have anywhere to go you decided to crash in one of the old cabins for the night. Jason followed you into that one which happened to be his,he let you sleep. then the next morning when you saw him you weren't scared of him, he wasn't trying to be scary. he made pancakes for you that morning because you looked starved. He had asked you your name scribbling the question on a notepad, and asked what you were doing in the woods, you ran away from this actually really nice couple that adopted you yet you felt it wasn't your place you felt like you belonged with people more like you. For a 6 year old that was ballsy. Jason the next day brought you to a huge house in the middle of the woods he didn't know why you wanted to be with people more like you, you seemed human. But when you met Freddy he was teasing Jason and you growled unhinging your jaw and clamping down on his hand with razor sharp teeth ripping it clean off, he was impressed.Pinhead and Pennywise being the next ones to be introduced to you, they gladly welcomed you to stay so you set up in Jason's bedroom until the boys were finished with yours making it cool. It's going to be a birthday present for you so the guys make it a point to keep you out of there. also Jason's mother Pamela has heard a lot about you lately and was dying to meet this little girl. She was kinda everybody's mom, over time every now and then she'd come over and cook for everybody that lived in the huge house or drop of some sort of baked sweets if she was out and about. Everyone living in this house consisted of Jason sometimes, Freddy, Pennywise sometimes, Pinhead sometimes, Chucky and his family, and Candyman Glen/Glenda however Chucky's son/daughter grew to adore you and protective something so little and "innocent" they could die. they'd always wanted a little sister too so instantly Glen/Glenda filled that spot with you.

Right now Aunt Tiffany was watching you while Jason left to run a few errands and scoop up his mom before returning home. Jason trusted a select few with you for babysitting Tiffany of course, Glen/Glenda, Pinhead, and once in awhile Samara or Kayako if they were around. You and Tiff decided to take barbie dolls and make them look like the different female slashers currently you were making one look like the Female Cennobite she was turning out pretty good, Tiffany was also a wiz with sewing so making the clothes for the new dolls was a snap. Samara then crawled through the TV "hey Y/N, hi Tiff" "hi Aunt Sam!" You chirp "look we made a barbie of you!" You say holding up the Samara one "well isn't she pretty?" Samara says "well she has to be because you are" you point out to Samara. "Aww aren't you sweet?" Samara says ruffling your hair "anyways what's up pretty lady?" Tiff asks "Jason happened to spot me and asked if i could pop by to check on this little trouble maker" Sam says poking you "he worries to much" Tiffany says "before Jason knows it she'll be a teenager, agro and ready to fight" Tiff giggles. "True but he did kind of adopt her, he does have the right to be like that with her" she says Tiffany nods agreeing to Sam's words "Oh Jason I'm sure it'll be fine" you hear a voice say making you three look to the hall by the living room and Jason is standing in the doorway.

"Mommy!" You squeal he's smiling under the mask as he walks over and picks you up smothering you with love Tiffany and Samara awe at this "hey Mrs. V" Tiff says "oh hello Mrs. Valentine, hows Glen/Glenda?" She asks "oh good the kid's are with their Daddy today and Jason asked me to babysit Y/N" she says Pamela smiles "and Samara how are things?" She nods "can't complain, Jason had spotted me and asked me to check on these two" she says. "Then that means you must be the Y/N that my Jason has?" She asks with a smile looking up at you in Jason's arms you nod and hide your face Jason nudges you "I'm Jason's mother, Pamela oh my you are even more precious than he described" she cooes. Jason nudges you again making you glare up at him and he glares back hinting at his mom "yes, I'm Y/N..." You reply "tell me Y/N do you like cookies?" She asks you slowly nod he reaches into a basket and pulls out a snickerdoodle. "I baked them fresh this morning" she smiles as Jason holds the cookie to you hesitantly you take it and bite into it "thank you" you replied with a mouthful "Y/N i can tell you aren't sure about me..." She says "Jason mind if i take her for a moment?" She asks him he looks at you horking down the cookie. He shrugs and sets you down and you look to him confused he then gestures for you to follow his mom you sigh and do what mom says following her to the kitchen. "Why is it you aren't sure about me?" She asks sweetly "i wouldn't dream of hurting you, Jason hasn't been this happy in a long time" she tells you "I don't do well around new people, i bit Freddy's arm off and bit Chucky's hand" you tell her "but you haven't bitten me" she says. "Your Jason's Mom, he'd be mad at me if i did" you tell her "well doesn't that make me your grandmother?" She asks with a smile you think for a second and nod "so don't you trust me just a little?" She asks "yes Granny" you reply letting her take your hand. "Here" she says handing you a brownie "i made these last week" you nod taking it "thank you" you say "your welcome sweetie" she says "so if Jason's your mummy, who would your Daddy be?" She asks as you think for a minute. "Samara i would say... she's the one that lets me do stupid stuff with her..." You reply she laughs "i can see that, but what about Frederick? Or Michael I know they care about you even though you took Freddys arm off" you giggle "yeah he's the fun papa I'm not allowed around unsupervised" she smiles.

"Hey squirt Jason's lookin for ya" "FredFred!" You squealed running to him for him to pick her up "you are getting big kid, knock it off will ya?" He teases holding you close "Mrs. Voorhees, how are things?" He asks "oh the usual, making sure all of you are okay" she replies. Jason walks in standing beside Freddy "here you are honey" he says handing you to him Jason nods in thanks taking you back to the living room. He holds up a piece of paper that says "were you nice to my mom?" You nod with a shit eating grin he sighs and sets you on the couch then Michael walks it excitedly you wait for him to sit then attempt jumping on him only for him to catch you mid air. "Aww your no fun..." You whine he chuckles and sets you on his lap while The Iron Giant is being put on you reach for your drawing stuff only for Jason to grab it and hand it to you. And the scribbling/drawing begins i mean you love this movie but you had an idea for a doodle your family of psychos and killers first you drew you, then Freddy and Jason, Michael, Samara and Tiffany, and then Pamela next to you and Jason. But with Jason you attempted to draw the S from the seafood sign in The Iron Giant Freddy later slid in between you and Jason Freddy looked down and smiled at the drawing he nudged Michael to look and he put his hand over his heart "aww" he says once the doodle was done you started to doze off and fell over onto Freddys lap. He nudged Jason and he looked down to see you passed out the movie wasn't even close to over Hogarth just gotten chloroformed by Kent Mansley who works for the government Jason sighed and let you stay asleep on your Dad Freddy sighed and glared at Jason for not moving the munchkin and adjusted you so you were laying on his chest Michael kissed your forehead and Jason rubbed his thumb against your cheek then the three of them finished the Iron Giant.

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