Freddy x reader

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You were heavily asleep when he came home under several cozy blankets and a fluffy pillow Freddy smiled in relief that you weren't awake. Freddy climbed in beside you holding you close his warm touch made you aware cuddle up close beside him.  Jason and him had just had a battle for the ages and Jason as it seemed was the victor for the blood bath that occured but Freddy faked it and didn't arrive in hell. Slashers could do just about whatever with their powers but they weren't allowed to resurrect themselves they had to serve a sentence in hell or rather with the Cennobites. They had to confess their greatest fear and were forced to experience it till they felt the punishment was brain damaging enough or they were tortured if they refused. But Freddy had done just that the one thing demons and monsters weren't allowed to do preventing death they can pose as political officials and celebrities but forbid them from preventing death. Good things weren't meant to last however Pinhead being a dear friend of yours asked you if you had seen Freddy a few days later and you answered honestly you had and you didn't have a clue about the fire at camp crystal lake had involved Freddy and Jason. Pinhead explained everything and he wanted your help getting Freddy to their domain you begged him to let it slide just this once you feared Freddy would never forgive you if you helped trap him. Pinhead apologized that him of all demon types knew it was against the rules he knew how much you loved Freddy and this pained him to but Freddy would easily evade if just Pinhead and the Cennobites went after him he wouldn't suspect you of helping them.

You agreed to help them you knew it was the one rule too Pinhead was however going to give you one final day with him till he was going to get dragged back to hell. The 24 hours were just about up and you had the puzzlebox hidden in the living room and open for the Cennobites arrival Freddy had his arms around you holding his girl close to him. "Last night was something else babe, what had gotten into you I wonder?" He whispers before kissing your neck you were fighting back your urge to cry knowing time was almost up "well, how about we head back to the bedroom for another go?" You tease as you slide from his grasp. He smirks slightly "Not a bad idea Y/N..." You twirl around about to leave the living room with watery eyes he was catching up to you before a chain hooked Freddy's leg his cry of pain made you whip around with a gasp. You backed into Pinhead by accident "Careful Y/N..." He says calmly but saddened "Freddy just know we are incredibly sorry, it will pain us doing this but not as much as it pains us putting Y/N up to this..." Female says as another chain hooks Freddy's arm. "Y-Y/N help. Me. Please" he begs with tears in his eyes "you can't let them take me babe..." You started to cry his look goes from in pain to concerned "you bastards put her up to this! See what you're doing to her?!" Freddy shouts at them. "Female take Y/N to her bedroom, I don't want her seeing this" she nods and with a gentle smile she takes your hand and guides you to the stairs  as you hear more chains and more pained cries of your boyfriend you went to turn around but Female kept your hand in hers and shook her head with a saddened look and you kept going.

You collapsed into her arms sobbing as you entered the bedroom and she bit her lip trying not to cry with you she held you close like a mother would. She sat with you on your bed you covered your ears as you heard a loud yell from Freddy she jumped as did you and alls you heard was the sharp release of the chains onto him and faintly heard his cries. You cried for awhile after the chains stopped and the screams ended having cried yourself asleep in her arms Pinhead came upstairs to the bedroom and sighed "it is done, we must go" he says as she lays you down on your bed. "We're so sorry Y/N, we wish it wasn't a rule either" she says before leaving with Pinhead meanwhile Freddy was chained in a solitary type room bloodied too "I can't believe they'd make her do that..." He said with a grunt. "She's got to be horrified, those bastards..." Pinhead sighs entering the room "believe me she didn't want to but she knows as well as we do it is a rule and you didn't even tell her" Pinhead hissed "if you loved her you would've trusted her enough to know..." He adds. "Considering you've evaded us in the past we know your greatest fear is no longer losing your power" he says "what? You don't know shit dickhead!" He growls "well we don't know exactly what it is and it's something even I don't wish to see" he says calmly. "You don't mean..." Freddy starts wide eyed "yes unfortunately I do mean that..." He says before a projector shines on the wall across from Freddy sucking his mind into the film. "And you must confess why you did it..." Pinhead says "no no no!" Freddy cries "I did it because I didn't want to leave her alone! Please stop letting her suffer make it STOP!" Freddy shouts being pulled back into reality. "You fuckers leave her out of my torment or else..." Freddy growls "you didn't want to leave her alone? Why?" Pinhead asks "because I love her so much where if she is anything but happy it horrifies me right to my dark core... I faked my death so I could be with her so she wouldn't be scared and alone if she saw I wasn't home" he breathes. "Was doing the right thing in my eyes my crime?" He asks annoyed Pinhead was about to speak again meanwhile you were dreaming but it fades quickly into a nightmare you were forced to watch Freddy being tortured. You were a demon but just your typical one from hell you met Freddy through Pinhead and hit it off quickly later dating of course and what Freddy was just forced to watch was your nightmare but it was focused on your horrified expression with tears streaming down your cheeks.

You shot up in bed with a scream tears and all to find you were alone now Freddy was gone for who knows how long now what he did was wrong but you didn't know why he did it if he just died willingly he'd regenerate in hell being back in a few days. When Pinhead told you Freddy picked the fight with Jason you were confused Jason was a close friend too and never showed any issues with Freddy you were Jasons mom's favorite among all of his friends so you were okay in her eyes. You took a few deep breaths and leaned back against your headboard trying to calm down you reached over into the drawer of your nightstand and found an already rolled joint. "Oh yes..." You sigh as you find a lighter flicking the rainbow bic lighter till you got a flame you held the joint in betwixt your lips and took a deep inhale only coughing a little while trying to exhale tears still fell as you began to feel calmer. Pinhead sighed "well for one you are an idiot for picking a fight with Jason..." Freddy rolls his eyes "hockey puck started it, he talked shit about me..." Freddy says offended "what would he possibly have said?" Pinhead asks with an you are a dumbass tone. "He said I wasn't good enough for Y/N, so i decided to spread fear using him his mind is easy to invade..." Freddy huffs "so you were telling the truth?" Freddy sighed "yes I was" Freddy says not lying at all. Pinhead opens a dark portal as the chains disappear on Freddy "you need to go to her right now and get out of my torture chamber" Freddy nods with a grateful smile and hops through the portal. Meanwhile you started to doze off after almost finishing the joint if you started to think about what happened you took a puff off of it it helped tout stopped crying at least. Freddy appeared downstairs in the living room and could smell the weed he sighs but chuckles "really Y/N?" He says heading upstairs.

Seeing the joint in your ashtray and you out cold bundled up in blankets he shuffled the blankets around and checked your arms you didn't start to cut yourself and you didn't have any burn marks from trying to stay awake either he sighed in relief. "Good girl" he whispers you had a history of depression before meeting him no one knew why but knew it stopped when you met Freddy. He kicked off his boots and tossed his hat to the side he carefully crawled in next to you gently wrapping his arms around you but that caused you to stir and wake up a little bit. "Fr-freddy?" He nods "yeah, I'm back Y/N..." He starts as you start to get up "nonono, come back here I'm not mad at you beautiful" he says calmly as you hesitantly curl back up in his arms you hide your face against his chest. He smiles and holds you "look I avoided death because my greatest fear was leaving you alone..." He says shakily "it is?" You look up at him confused. "Yeah, fuck even if I was human again I still wouldn't want to leave you alone..." He says with a hand on your cheek "screw my power, as long as I'm with my little demon I'm okay" he says with a smile you smile slightly trying to hide it. "Gotcha" he says before pecking your lips "you really do care about me?" You sniffle he nods "of course I do, no other lady interested me like you do I always learn more about you each day and no one has the trust like we do" he says warmly. You kiss him "I love you" he kisses back and nips your lip as he pulls away "I love you too..." He replies you blush slightly and hide your face again "i hate how sexy you can be! Your stupidly sexy smug face..." You muffledly say he chuckles. "Well thanks Y/N, didn't know I was like that for you..." He says happily you look up to him annoyed "you should know you're like that for me..." You huff "well now I know, how's about that round two then?" He asks curious. You playfully hit him "you'd like that wouldn't you?" You ask sitting up from the bed straightening your pajamas he smirks and scoots up behind you "you know I would..." He says before trailing his hands down your sides you freeze for a second once he started kissing along the side of your neck. "Freddy no..." You say "oh, Freddy yes..." He replies pulling you back to the bed pinning you and beginning to kiss down your neck you squirm slightly beneath him biting your lip as he licks up your neck. You shiver and glare at him he just smirks "you know you love it" he points out before trapping you in a kiss and making you melt in his grasp sliding your arms around him. You swore if all he was thinking was a round two with you during the mental state shattering torture you were going to kill him yourself after tonight right now you fully were admitting you thought about the round two.

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