Pavi Largo X Reader

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(Alright, Pavi Largo was many things but... I can see him as a cute dork type, like apart from the face stealing he actually isn't that bad looking either.)

You were the newest Repo Men to Rotti Largo's army of Repo Men and one of the youngest about Pavi and Amber's ages somewhere in between. Occasionally you thought if Pavi didn't face steal he was actually kind of cute, and always greeted you sweetly but sounded semi nervous around you too. Rotti admired your determination to get where you are now his best Repo, Nathan was who trained you and boy did you learn fast, so once Rotti and Nathan agreed to let you go on your first solo repossession, you did perfect. Earning a permanent spot in the ranks of Repo, Pavi never forgot the first time he saw your pretty face, the faded face scars of your past actually added to your beauty to him. It didn't go unnoticed by Rotti when he caught his younger son eyeing his Repo Man, perhaps there was something there maybe, you felt something too. Today you went to turn in a repossession to Rotti and he always welcomed you kindly you removed your Plague Doctor Repo Mask and Pavi instantly tried looking casual but hoped you'd noticed him. "Excellent retrieval Y/N, as always you did a perfect job" Rotti compliments you nodded "thank you sir, is there another assignment waiting?" You asked semi curious. "Oh, no Nathan picked up the last one my dear but I was curious what you were doing this evening?" He questioned and Pavi quickly looked to his Father if he was really going to invite you. "Well this evening is a little Gala for GeneCo even the Repo Men are invited" Rotti kindly hinted "I'm sorry sir, I-I don't do big parties..." You began to argue. "Aw come on Y/N, it'll be fun!" Amber venomously chirped before walking to be beside you "yeah, it'll be a blast" Luigi said with his eyes looking insane "yes, it will be fun but my dear all you've done is work to the bare bones I would love it if you came" Rotti says sincerely. You sighed and caught a side glance of Pavi looking hopeful you'd go "I...suppose I can go for a little while..." You hesitantly told everyone "wonderful, it is a masquerade as well my dear and I don't mean your Repo mask" Rotti joked. You laughed slightly "understood sir, I'll see you there, you too Pavi" you said sweetly making him freeze in his chair as you left Luigi and Amber laughed at him "aw did Pavi find his true love bird?" Amber teased.

"To frappe her heart and take her face I bet" Luigi scoffed "don't talk about Y/N like that!" Pavi shouted getting irritated "it's different with her..." Pavi huffed looking down at the floor embarrassed. Meanwhile you got home and had to find a dress now you did have a pretty crow themed masquerade mask that would work for your mask tonight. On your bed however there was your invitation from Rotti but a letter was tucked inside the envelope as well, from Pavi himself it smelled like his cologne you always felt he crushed on you in some way. His letter read "Miss Y/N you have stolen my heart and gave it to another, it burns for such a Valkyrie like you" you stopped for a moment slightly confused before reading on "all I ask of you is to share a dance at my Papas Gala tonight, it would be an honor, one day yours, Pavi" you smiled slightly. That letter gave you your answer about Pavi, you didn't think he felt that way, but at the same time he could be utterly full of shite but you know, the party itself could be fun. You did find one of your simple but elegant black dresses Pavi probably would like it, it wasn't overly revealing but defined your form a little more of a gothic taste. Pavi and the family were getting ready for the Gala too, Luigi however decided to stop by and harass his younger brother he sighed already knowing Luigi was standing in his doorway too. "If you have nothing nice to say brother don't say anything at all" Pavi huffed accepting defeat already Luigi rolled his eyes "so you like our Repo Man huh?, I'm the smartest, and the toughest Largo" he taunted. "Well, brother, I don't know if Y/N is attracted to assholish swine" Pavi sneered as he tied his tie Luigi was about to get defensive until their father walked in "boys, I hope you two aren't fighting..." Rotti began.

"Luigi, I need to speak with your brothet alone" Luigi decided to keep his mouth shut as their father approached the younger brother "what is it Papa?" He huffed before looking in a mirror. "Oh, I just couldn't help but notice your admiration for our Repo Man these last few months" Rotti casually hinted Pavi froze for a moment before continuing to slide on his vest. "What about her Papa?" He replied like he doesn't know what Rotti could mean "I would say you are in love with her, she is a stunning match my boy" Rotti says warmly Pavi closely looked into his Fathers eyes and saw the genuine look in them. "She's...stolen my heart the day we met Papa, she plagues me in the most wonderful way" Pavi said sounding in love this time "I hope for the best for you Pavi my son, I'm proud of you for having a romantic interest" Rotti told his son before leaving him be. Pavi smiled to himself, that boosted his mood and now he really couldn't wait to see you again, and get a dance with you hopefully it would mean a lot to him. And time came for you to head to the citys overly huge town hall and made your beautiful self head inside you showed the invite and the guards allowed you in. As as you entered, the crow mask came on and the party was alive inside the hall Pavi was looking around for you whilst multiple young women were trying to gain his attention, he had no interest for them either.

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