Dracula x fem vampire reader

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(any version of Dracula you choose)
You didn't know if he was just toying with you, loved you, or wanted you dead you already were a vampire born that way avoiding his grasp for ages. He wanted you to be his but you hadn't a clue what his intentions were. Another night afraid and alone in your dusty room you pulled out your sketchbook to calm your nerves or at least attempt to the mere thought of Dracula made you shiver. But you knew if you tried to leave his wives or himself would stop you. His wives were kind to you and retrieved anything a lady might need since you weren't allowed to leave the castle Dracula constantly entered your dreams trying to persuade you to be his.

You did have to admit he was charming and sweet at times but quick to anger we was a handsome being you blushed at remembering when you two first met. But later on you realized who you got involved with hence him chasing you for ages you ran all over Europe different towns, different countries, and each time you settled he found you. You heard a light knock at your door "enter" the door cracked open a bit to show Aleera and she smiled "Y/N the master requests you join him in the parlor" she saw your frown and sighed. "Please Aleera tell him im not feeling well" then Verona poked her head in "please Y/N? Give him what he wants just this once without you threatening him" you sighed. "I don't want to be anywhere near him!" Marishka showed up as well "Y/N calm down...your just hungry he has a victim waiting for you" your eyes whipped over to her and she knew you were starving you nodded and gave up.

You stood up facing the wives they smiled with a "well?" Expression you walked over to them they moved and you made you way to the parlor you walked in he turned around and smiled at you. "Y/N ahh my darling come here... I've noticed your hunger darling..." You groaned "don't call me darling..." He gestures towards the unconscious woman on the sofa you carefully leaned down and then quickly dug your fangs in deep. He smiled in a way that he almost seemed arouse when he saw you feed you rolled your eyes as he leaned over the back of the sofa watching after several minutes you pulled away panting. "God i hate drinking that shite..." He chuckled "i know but you need it to live Y/N to stay as...young and lovely as you are" he crept up behind you and placed both hands on your hips you stiffened as he placed a kiss on the back of your neck lightly nipping it as he pulls away.

"Oh my dearest Y/N...how i wish i was the victim you feast upon... seeing the bloodlust in your E/C eyes" he groaned "it would be an honor to feel the prick of your fa-..." "Enough Dracula! I will never love you...do you hear me? Ever! We may both be Vampires but your a monster!". You placed a rough kiss on his lips then smacked him across the face "i lo-hate you..." You whipped around and left the parlor back to your room angry and confused. He stood there shocked and smirking slightly he began to make his way to your room as you began to sketch out your feelings a stitch up heart with your initials and Draculas the heart also dripping with blood. As you heard your door creak open you looked up to see Dracula with that stupid smirk on his face you growled as you stood "leave" you flatly said "no my dear i cannot...i love you so...and i wouldn't mind finishing our moment in the parlor" he lifted your chin carefully "i love you..." You muttered.

He smirked once more and kissed you passionately yet roughly and you didn't stop him you had wanted this for sometime deep deep deep down. You moaned for him as he desperately kissed you needing more and more of your touch his arms wrapped around you and yours around him trying to pull you even closer. You both knew you loved eachother you let your hate for him fade you both slowly let your desires come true savoring this night.

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