Pennywise X Reader

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"Promise me we will always be friends Penny?" He smiled at you "of course squirt till the end of time" you smiled up at Penny who smiled down at you yet you forgot about him over time yet he was the only one that knew about your immortality you'd truly be friends till the end of time.
~end dream~

You were sad that you had to move out of Derry that day but you and almost all your friends were the Losers club moving as well except Mike Hanlon he didn't feel the need to leave but you all were returning as a promise you made Bill to return if IT returned. You woke up to the cab driver waking you up "Miss/Sir were at the old Derry Library..." "Hm? Oh thank you...sorry that drive here must've knocked me out" he chuckled "quite alright" you got ready to pay the fare "its alright this one's on me Miss/Sir" you tilted your head "you're sure" he smiled and nodded "go on" you smiled grabbed your bag and wandered in looking for Mike. You approached a woman at a desk "ma'am? Im looking for Mike Hanlon?" "Oh so sorry he just left he said he'd be back in a couple hours feel free to wait here if you like" you nodded in thanks. Suddenly you heard a man yell at a women trying to speak over something and run out of the library shortly after "okay...odd" you sat in a chair and pulled out your sketchbook to see a drawing of a balloon you hadn't done confused you go to pull the page out but suddenly.

"My my if it isn't Squirt...all grown up..." You look up to where you heard the voice to see a clown? You looked at him confused and shook your head and looked back down at the sketchbook to see a comic strip you hadn't drawn either. "Aw don't say you don't remember the day you left?" The strip was of a little kid asking the clown in front of you if they'd be friends forever "i-i don't know you stranger" the clown frowned. " did forget...well no worries ill jot your memory in no time!" Confused and a little uneasy you put away the sketchbook and got up to leave "hey squirt what's the rush? You only just got back here!" Ignoring him as you left. You began make your way to the inn you'd be staying at as you checked in little by little you remembered that exact clown "Penny? it couldn't be him..." You smiled slightly you began to remember more.

It had to be one else you knew had crazy red hair like that and no one else called you squirt! You pulled out a silver necklace chain with a red balloon charm on it that was tucked inside your shirt. "Oh my god... it's got to be him he gave me this the day i left i-i slowly forgot who gave it to me but i kept wearing it anyways..." "That you did squirt" you whip around to see him standing there kicking at the ground. You smiled and ran over to him hugging him for dear life "i-im so sorry i forgot about you...i d-didn't mean to..." You began to cry into his shoulder "h-hey! Easy squirt i just had this dry cleaned" you laughed "so sorry did i ruin the silk?" "Almost" he muttered.

Out of nowhere you kissed him on the corner of his lips blush showed up fiercely on his face "i-i hate to cut this short Penny i have to meet my old friends in an takes just about that long to get there...." He smiled "what if i go with you squirt?" "Uh...Penny your an alien disguised as a clown what all people fear..." "Tch to you im the clown i can make them see me as a normal dude...come on I've waited years to spend time with you again" he attempted sad eyes but it just made you laugh. "Okay okay just stop making that face and you can come with" you took off your t shirt and went to grab a nice sweater from your bag Penny stunned that you're letting him watch " certainly did grow up on me squirt...i mean i know you ain't human and you age way slower and it stops at 30 but wow..." You blushed "why thank you Penny come on lets go" he snapped out of his thoughts "oh uh...yeah lets go squirt so am i posing as your boyfriend or somethin?" You nodded with a small smile and quickly kissed him before leaving.

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