Tiny x fem reader

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Being Otis's long lost sister when he finally found you after 2 years locked up in a dark room being fed awful things and beaten on occasion for who knows why Otis, Baby, and Tiny came to your rescue shooting up the warehouse you were trapped in. Hearing the gunshots you scooted to the very back corner of your cage you feel a tap on your shoulder "Y/N now don't act like you ain't happy to see me" you quickly turn around to see your brother smiling "Otis!" You squeaked. Suddenly the door of your cage open to see a roughly 7 foot tall man holding his hand out for you "it's okay Y/N this is Tiny he don't bite your coming home sis" nodding you tried walking but fell several times trying to get up each time you hissed in pain Otis ran around the cage to see your ankle bruised to hell "Shit Y/N...Tiny carry her will ya? She can't walk on that" the one called Tiny scooped you up in his arms and made his way to their car.

You got seated next to whom was called Tiny and on the other side of you was a pretty young woman "Baby this is my sister Y/N...be nice to her please?" She girl nodded "sure thing... I won't bite unless she asks" she winks and you giggle at her and she smiles at you. "Otis was tracking you down for a long time Y/N...you wouldn't believe how happy he was to have found your current place and to find you alive" Baby whispered you nodded "i know...i was walking hope one night and suddenly i got kidnapped i didn't think I'd get to see my brother again..." She patted your shoulder "well you have a new life waitin for ya...with us...".

You smiled so did Baby "and finally I'll have someone to call a sister it's just me Mama and a bunch of sweaty men" you snickered and she grinned "Looks like Tiny is holding onto you tightly". You look up at the gentle giant you could see a bit of blush on his face. "Hey Y/N get some rest girl were a long ways from home best to try and not think about your ankle" Otis said you nodded you were tired as hell unintentionally you leaned against Tiny drifting away and the feeling of your ankle getting wrapped up the last thing you remember was hearing Baby laugh before you passed out.

You wake up to what seems to be a bedroom you attempt to sit up but a large hand pulling your shoulder back you jumped but to see it was Only Tiny you smiled. "Please let me sit up Tiny? It'll be easier to drink that water there" he looked over at the water on the nightstand then back at you he nodded. "Thank you" you attempted sitting up by yourself but Tiny saw your struggle and aided you then he grabbed the water and carefully held it to your lips smiling a little you take a few sips. He then sets the water down and gets up to leave before he gets to the door Otis enters the room "there's my sis...hows that ankle?" You move the blanket off your feet and looked to see your ankle bandaged up with a sock over the bandages "feels a little numb...but i think I'll be fine soon" he nods.

"Baby patched you up and Tiny offered to be your nurse...and the others downstairs wanna meet ya but i said not until your ready" you smiled "yeah don't think im ready for new people yet Otis" "alright if you need anything ask Tiny as long as he's in here with ya okay?" "Mhm". He comes over and hugs you "im so glad i have my sister back..." You hug him back "im glad to have my brother back" you both smiled and he left the room Tiny sat down but on the edge of the bed next to you.

You smile up at him and scooted over so he had more room he looks at you confused "I don't bite often Tiny come sit with me" he nervously scooted onto to bed closer to you. And you scooted closer to him "i really appreciate you caring for me Tiny that was really sweet of you to keep me company in here". He smiled and grabbed a note pad off the nightstand and wrote "your welcome Ma'am it's nothin" then wrote "i have to admit y'all is very pretty Otis always talked about you and your beauty and talent with weapons". "He always did brag about me...and thank you your very handsome i must say" he blushed and kissed your cheek you smiled and blushed a little too "Tiny...do you like me?" He froze and wrote very nervously "yes very much ma'am" you smiled and turned his face to meet yours "i like you too Tiny" and you kissed him ever so gently he held you close to him and wrote "Be my Lady friend?" You giggled "yes Tiny i will".

He actually smiled at you and attempted resting his head on your shoulder but then he noticed his height and layed fully on the bed next to you. You laughed and carefully slide down onto the bed and he wrote again "you should get some rest Y/N Otis says so" you nodded "probably a good idea". Tiny reached over onto the nightstand and grabbed a painkiller and the water you smiled "thanks Tiny" you take the painkiller and a sip of the water then he took it from you and set them aside. You then rested your head on his chest and he held you closed after pulling the blankets over you two you kissed his cheek "I love you tiny" you layed back down expecting to see the note pad "I-I...L-Love y-y-you t-too...Y-Y/N" your eyes widened you couldn't believe he spoke "goodnight Tiny" "G-goodnight Y/N" you smiled as you drifted to sleep.

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