Otis x reader

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Being Baby Firefly's childhood friend and after killing your drugee of a guardian you ran off with what few belongings you had and Mama Firefly always thought of you as a daughter she always welcomed you with open arms and a smile. So the night you ran away you knocked frantically on their front door in the pouring rain Otis opened the door "sh-shit Y/N! What happened?!" Looking up and down at you covered in blood he did think it was pretty hot but he was more concerned than anything about you. Baby approached the doorway "Y/N!? Get in here! What happened?!" Shaking you entered their home Baby mainly pulling you in and sitting you on the couch and Otis wrapping a towel around you "get Mama!" Baby barked at Otis he nodded and left. Baby sat beside you "Y/N what happened?" She held your hand tightly "i-i killed her...slaughtered her..." Her eyes widened "y-your auntie?" She stuttered she was shocked and bewildered you nodded(so sorry if anyone has an abusive aunt).

Mama came in but not with Otis "Y/N sweetheart are you alright?" Baby shook her head "slaughtered her Auntie" Mama was silent her eyes widened "oh my...well then your welcome to stay here sweetie Otis is making up a spare room...Baby take her to the bathroom patch her up if needed and let her shower the blood off". Baby nodded "cmon Y/N lets get you cleaned up" you didn't make a sound or confirming motion you just let her guide you both of you reached the bathroom "take your hoodie off sugar" "i-im fine just old bruises remain" you slid off your f/c hoodie with favorite character on it showing your favorite movie t shirt Baby smiled "well get cleaned up and we'll get you fed Y/N" you nodded "thank you Baby" she shrugged "your like a sister to me Y/N it's nothin" she then left you alone to shower.

You closed the door and locked it stripping down and turning on the hot water you grab some clothes out of your bag and set your bag and clothes by the sink and tossed your dirty ones in the hamper in the closet and you hopped in. You felt relieved as the water embraced you comforting those old bruises she didn't hurt you often she mainly was gone all the time but you were now with people you trusted with your life and someone you had fallen for. Washing and scrubbing away your past smelling like lavender and pomogranate (sorry if you hate both of thos) a few minutes later you got out drying off and then getting dressed in fresh underclothes a baggy f/c sweater over them then baggy f/c sweatpants. You grabbed your bag and opened the door to Baby about to knock "oh your done" she smiled sweetly "foods ready too sugar cmon I'll take your bag to the guest room" you nodded letting her take it and made your way to the dining room.

Mama was dishing everyone a bowl of stew you thought she turned to see you and smiled "go on take a seat by Otis he doesn't bite" she winked her and Baby knew about your crush on him you blushed slightly and sat next to him. "Hey you okay Y/N?" Otis nudged you you simply smiled as a yes he nodded "good...you had me worried at the door seein y'all covered in blood scared me shitless" "why Otis were you worried about little ol me?" You placed a hand on your chest being dramatic. He chuckled "yes stupid i was worried i care a lot about ya we all do" he playfully punched you and you giggled and hit him back "alright you two love birds get a room or give it a rest" grandpa spat apparently he knew too "shove it old man!" Otis spat back you managed to hold back a giggle.

You mainly just listened to everyone talk and nodded if you were asked something during dinner but you didn't notice till he pulled away Otis was holding your hand under the table you blushed terribly and Mama noticed. "Y/N? You okay darlin?" You nodded "a little tired is all" she nodded "Otis if your done can you take her to the guest room" he smiled "sure thing cmon girlie" he nudged you. You got up and followed him "and here we part ways madame" he joked "yeah...Night Otis..." You give him a quick hug "goodnight Y/N" he says before leaving you close the door and go curl up in the guest bed wrapped up in blankets dozing off.

You dreamt of nothing it was just dark and silent it seemed as if your slumber would go on forever what seemed like hours you slightly woke up with arms wrapped around you. Focusing your eyes on the one the arms belonged to turning your head it seems it was Otis sound asleep next to you! You smiled and completely turned around to snuggle up close to him he was muttering in his sleep "i-ill kill you if you hurt....*snores*....her...shes mine...Y/N is mine..." You smiled bigger placing a kiss on his lips then dozing back off to sleep slowly and you felt his grip tighten on you.

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