Leatherface x kid reader

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You we're caught stealing food from Drayton, you thought he left the room that's when you made your move then Nubbins and Chop Top caught you Drayton made them put you down but you bit Nubbins in the process. Leatherface appreciated that in more ways than you know how you snuck into the house was something you never spilled till Drayton talked you into telling him he understood you did what you had to to survive. He offered to let you stay but two of his sons were less than thrilled to watch over a little girl but Leatherface loved the idea! She was just adorable to him even though you had more fire than anybody they'd ever met especially for a kid. Chop Top nicknamed you Ankle Biter and grew to like you Nubbins remained a little distant since you bit him so he wasn't around you much. Leatherface was upstairs currently he was putting away your clean laundry while downstairs you were chasing after Nubbins for stealing your beaten stuffed giraffe you did not steal his knife first. He took your plushie to be a dick Chop Top warned him not to and the name ankle biter came true when you got him when he least expected it he thought he lost you. "Stupid little shit get off!" He yells but you bit harder till he dropped the giraffe quickly you grabbed the plushie and darted off then he chased after you till you both slammed into Leatherface he had his arms crossed and looking down at you two. Both of you scooted back slightly he picks you up and holds you close and kicked Nubbins in the face before taking you upstairs to the bedroom he sat you on the bed and sighed. "Sorry mama..." You whispered he sighs and pats your head then grabs his notepad and writes "what happened?" You huffs "Nubbins decided to be an asshat and take my giraffe again...so i chased him" he sighs knowing that wasn't all of it. "And i stole his knife second..." You sigh Leatherface nods that sounded about right you only stole his knife once first and it was because you were bored go figure right? Sadly you were stuck with him and Chop Top for the day too. Drayton was out with Leatherface getting a few things and you cannot take Chop and Nubbins to a public space but you were asleep when they left. Chop even made breakfast for when you were up but then left to tend to whatever it was he does in his spare time you thought the knife was pretty in your defense of course Leatherface didn't get mad when he walked in and saw you sitting on top of Nubbins pulling his hair.

Meanwhile Chop Top was asleep this entire time and later you got to help Drayton in the kitchen he didn't like anyone being in there with him except you. Leatherface writes "Y/N you need to not always beat up your uncle" it said you sigh "but mamaaa..." You whined "he was being a butt!" You cry he sighs and writes "next time call uncle Jason" then you got the biggest smile on your face but just replied "okay Mama" sounding calm he had a feeling that would end up badly. But you'd have Jason to beat the shit out of Nubbins it would be fun "Y/N?" Drayton called "there's a visitor for ya kiddo" he says leaning against the doorframe of your bedroom but he sounded sad. "Uncle Drayton what's wrong?" You asked curious "well sweetheart, we have to go into hiding for awhile a-and Uncle Jason is going to take you for awhile" You sigh you were told by your mama this would happen someday. "Okay..." You say looking down he sighs "now don't be like that, well see each other again real soon" he says kneeling down in front of you you trying not to cry he tries to fight the urge to cry and pulls you into a hug. "Come on beautiful girl, Leatherface bring her bag i-i got her" he says picking you up walking downstairs and your mom follows you cling to Drayton  hiding your face "no tears girlie, what did i say?" He teases trying to make you laugh a little. "Well look Y/N it's uncle Jason" Chop says walking to all of you you sigh and looked up slightly as tears spilling it stabs at Chops heart "shit kid why do you gotta do that?" He says offering to take you from Drayton he passes you over and Chop hugs you tightly. Nubbins sighs and pats your head "we will miss ya ankle biter..." He whispers next to you "here take this and take care of yourself" he says handing you his knife you nod and take it he smiles slightly and Chop passes you back to your mom. "Bye mommy" you whisper he gives you one last hug and hands you to Jason who takes your bag from Leatherface and takes you to his car.

You wave goodbye from the passenger seat the all do the same before grabbing their bags from the entrance and heading for Draytons truck. Jason sighs and writes "they'll be okay they've had to do this before and Uncle Freddy is going to be at my house too" you smile slightly but still look sad as hell. He takes your little hand in his giving it a squeeze you sigh turning away facing the window holding your giraffe and Nubbins's knife close. You see no one other than the other slashers that they had you the Sawyer's didn't want anyone to know they had you in fear you'd get taken away from them so it was a plan as soon as they took you in that Jason would take you while they hid. You also fell asleep along the way to Jason's he figured some sleep for you might be nice that had to be hard that out of nowhere having to leave your family you wouldn't want to get taken away from them that's why you didn't protest and try to leave with them. You didn't know how many hours had passed till you woke up to Jason picking you up "Uncle Jason? Are we there yet?" You ask rubbing your eyes he nods and takes you inside and Freddy's on the couch watching TV "hey Jason, and is that my little ankle biter?" Freddy asks. You smile slightly and nod he sighs and offers to take you Jason passes you to him and he holds you close "it'll be alright kid, they'll come for you you're all that matters to the Sawyer's" he whispers. Part of you had a feeling Freddy was here so you'd sleep and be up late stressing and that part of you was right Freddy was watching the news and the last words you heard on the TV were "The Sawyer Family has..." And that was it  before Freddy made you fall deeply asleep not wanting you to hear what the newswoman said. Good or bad news he didn't want your hopes getting way up and end up getting your heart broken Jason fully agreed and Drayton did previously tell Jason keep her away from the news.

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