Sam x reader

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Another halloween came you loved it seeing all the kids dressed up as their favorite thing, walking with their friends, and giggling as they raced from house to house. You still dressed up even though you were a young adult who cares? It's halloween and it is a must waves and waves of little goblins and ghouls came and went till it was just a few here and there. You waited awhile to go to bed you wanted to stay up incase any more trick or treaters were still out you occupied your time watching old black and white horror movies. "Cheezy but glorious" you thought enjoying these films was interrupted by laughter you got up and grabbed your half empty bowl of candy (wonder why) you open your door only to see a kid getting picked on by a few teens. "Hey! Leave him alone you ass!" You ran to the kid pushing a teen out of your way "he's just a kid what's wrong with you!?" A teen laughed "pff... he's a freak!" "Well your a Jackass get outta here" "make us bitch". You shrugged and with the few large rings you wore you socked the teen in the face knocking him on his ass "who's the bitch now?" The teens two friends helped him up "c'mon let's get outta here Tom that freak ain't worth it" with that they left.

You sigh and turn to the kid "hey little guy...where are your parents?" The kid looked to the floor and in a child like voice "I don't have any parents... I'm unwanted miss..." That tore at your heart. "Well... surely they want you hun...why don't you come inside? Do cocoa?" He looked up and nodded "yes i do very much miss" you smile and offer your hand he does take it "so what is your name kiddo?" "Sam..." "Oh i love that sit on the couch and I'll get the cocoa" he nods and sits. Luckily you started to make cocoa before you discovered Sam and the milk was the perfect warmth and you poured an equal amount into the two F/C mugs you grabbed mixing the swiss miss cocoa powder. You had the open bag of marshmallows next to you and you went to grab it only to feel a counter top you turn and look down at Sam to see him eating a marshmallow you giggle. "Little stinker...want to put the marshmallows in?" He nodded eagerly him being a little shorter than the counter he plopped a couple mallows in each cup even though he could hardly see the cups. You hand him his and set the mallows back on the counter "there you are sweetheart come on lets go watch a movie" "a scary one?" He asked you nodded.

"Yeah if you like scary Sam..." He nodded "yes i love scary movies!" He shrieked you giggled and took him back to the living room and sat him down next to you. You unpaused Dracula luckily Sam didn't miss much after awhile you feel something against you and Sam had absent mindedly snuggled up against you his cup was empty and on the coffee table. And you listen to hear him snoring you were holding back laughter and pulled a blanket off the back of your couch and put it around you two holding Sam close to you while the moving was coming to an end you too had fallen asleep.

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