Pinhead X Reader

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You had been on earth for a very long time but you had made a really neat friend recently long after losing a friend who mysteriously vanished your new friend though her name was Kirsty Cotton. When she first came into the pet store to ask about a Job she had mentioned she was from across town and had just moved back to her home town too. She got a studio apartment with her boyfriend that also happened to be across the hall from yours you jokingly said if she ever needed to get away from her boyfriend she was welcome over. You got a laugh from the new neighbor she said she'd take you up on that offer you introduced your manager to her and vouched for her even though you hadn't known Kirsty very long. So she got hired and starting hanging out with you when her boyfriend wasn't home so she had company you learned a lot about her family apparently her deceased Uncle Frank and stepmom Julia were both odd ducks but Julia was okay at least. Now your life in hell you were a close friend with the Cenobite Queen Angelique who gave you the opportunity to live on earth she knew how much you'd wanted to visit earth and make knew friends. And you got your first cat a solid black one with bright blue eyes adopted him as a kitten after he tried to claw out of his kennel area to get to you his name is Y/Cs/N he's a sweetie and grew attached to Aunt Kirsty. She also asked if your were free one night because her Dad and Stepmom were inviting some friends over and Kirsty she asked if you'd go with her and her boyfriend Steve. You didn't see anything wrong with it and accepted her dad asked her if she wanted to invite the new friend she mainly didn't want to suffer her Dads awful jokes alone. And Kirsty was right Julia was odd but you got her to smile and stifle a laugh at a really lame pun to said that added on to her Dad Larrys joke Kirsty didn't think you could say something so cheesy.

When Kirsty was getting to know you after the first meeting she saw you were a brute if provoked some guy tried stopping you two on the way home from work. You slammed him into a brick wall then threw him into an open dumpster Kirsty couldn't believe your strength you told her you went to the gym every weekend and every Wednesday which wasn't true it was your supernatural strength. She saw you to be caring and loving towards animals and friends like your cat he is your fur baby without a doubt but even at the pet store you treated those animals loke you do your cat. Then since you were the last person Kirsty called a psychiatric hospital called you that Kirsty had wound up there and she had a strange box with her so to the hospital you went. You got to see Kirsty and she told you what she was told was a fairytale but when you saw the box your heart sank this should not be in human hands ever even though you're a demon and you sort of should let this thing ruin human lives but you couldn't not Kirstys life anyway. The Cenobite she named was an unfamiliar one you hadn't met before maybe Angie got new cenobites that get summoned from hell when that box is opened. So without Kirsty seeing you took it from her hospital room and back to your place you casted a spell you learned on your bathroom mirror that would connect to one Angie was near by. "Y/N? What's wrong normally you don't contact me this way unless something is dire, are you alright?" Angelique asked you sighed holding up the puzzlebox. "My new friend Kirsty I told you about in my letter, she found it and has opened it please is there anything you can do?" You beg "I'm sorry Y/N but once the Cenobites of the box have their target only another soul could take her place..." She starts. "But you're sort of already dead you couldn't even if you wanted to take her place I-i'm sorry unless you can get someone even unwillingly to take her place" she says softly.

"Thank you Angie..." You reply slightly annoyed "don't get in their way directly sweetie, trust me I don't know what I'd do if they decided to torture you since you aren't a Cenobite demon" she says before her image faded from the mirror. "Shit...I can't just sacrifice her Dad to them he's all she has" you say as you look to the puzzlebox "I need to see if I can negotiate with them..." You say before taking it to the bed sitting cross legged and allowing your black wings to unfold behind you as you began to figure out this box for Kirstys sake. Then the lights began to flicker and you heard a deep rumbling like the building was going to collapse then the wall across from your bed suddenly pulled itself open and four pale, leather wearing Cenobites walked into your domain. "She is not Kirsty..." The female looking one growled you glared back at her "but she has opened the box yet she isn't human" you look over to the first one that walked out. "Tell me child, how did a demon of your caliber get this?" He asks calmly you hesitate but tell him "my friend had it, I wanted to strike a deal with you first I request to know your name" you say sternly. He chuckles "you don't frighten me little demon, and you should know you can't substitute your soul for hers..." He starts casually "and my name is Pinhead, yours is?" He asks curious. "You're surprisingly civil for a Cenobite, my name is Y/N" you reply calmly "wh-what if I offered my being to you?" You offer with a curious look he was rather handsome compared to his Chatterer companion. His dark eyes and the gentle smile that occasionally pulled as he talked his voice however really got you " little demon pet?" He asks with a slight smirk you sigh "whatever seems fit for me in your eyes just not my friend I beg of you" you pleaded.

" are a beautiful creature and there are many sights I'd love to show you but I will think on your offer" he says before headed back the way he came in. "I shall be in touch with you" he says before vanishing into the brightly lit entrance as his minions follow him and the entrance closed you noticed the puzzlebox was gone then your phone began going off. Kirsty was in a panic she asked if you knew what happened to the puzzlebox but you had to lie to her "Kirsty what puzzlebox?" You ask curious "oh...wait a minute here it is...i-it was in my jacket pocket...sorry if I freaked you out Y/N it's been a long last few days" she says with a sigh. Your eyes widened they got it back to her "Well Kirsty you should get some rest and we'll do lunch tomorrow" you tell her calmly "okay, I'll see you tomorrow" she says tiredly before hanging up. You sighed placed the phone back on its receiver on your nightstand and fell back onto your bed you basically just agreed to be his slave or wife or whatever else he could think of. You sort of spaced out for awhile before falling asleep and your dream was just starting too you walked down a dimly lit dark marble walled hallway in a long black dress with a slight going up the right side of the skirt it hugged your form and had long sleeves. The moonlight was leaking into the hall through the grey glass windows you entered into a bedroom equally dark bedroom compared to the hallway and Pinhead was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you. He seemed calm and welcomed you by his side the rest blurred after that you woke up with your heart racing you were alone but felt eyes on you from elsewhere "you are something beautiful" Pinhead said to himself. "You've got to be mine, I can't let anyone else have you" he says sounding hurt "and I have such sights to show you my dear I can hardly wait" he says sounding in love "I can't be thinking like that about him... he's after my friend" you said to yourself. "Oh but you can and shall my dear girl, I'm already Imagining you beneath me clawing for an end when you love the suffering" he says still watching you. He sighed contently "if only I could really interfere with your dreams" he says "hmm...but I can bring you to my domain or enter yours..." He says thinking of which to do.

"Maybe I'll pull you into mine, you can't escape me that way..." He says to himself before closing his viewing portal to your world and had a way to pull you into his world. You layed back down shakily breathing with your hands over your heart you worked on calming your breathing you didn't know what you were going to do if he took your offer or declined it and took Kirsty. Part of your brain however wondered how Pinhead looked under the Leather but you couldn't let that weakness overtake you he wanted to take over you though. A bright light flashed in your living room and Pinhead appeared "ah, there you are my little demon so peacefully at rest... I've decided to accept your offer you have much more hidden than Kirsty" he says walking to your bedside. He holds a hand to your cheek you subconsciously leaned your head closer to his touch "my my, you are a tormented one aren't you? The things you've been through..." He breathes. "That name, Elliot..." He starts confused "Y/N? It's you...?" He says with watery eyes "my god I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again..." He says kneeling down beside your bed. Then he sees the old picture of you and him before Elliot disappeared and became Pinhead "I do remember that day..." He says to himself "the day before I left to find that accursed box...though you wouldn't believe me if I told you it was me" he whispers. "Elliot No!" You suddenly cried jolting upwards in bed making Pinhead rise and stand back from you then your anger quickly rises seeing him fire forms around your hands. "What the hell are you doing here?" You growl with tears still streaming down your cheeks "I am here because I wanted to accept your offer but then I realized, I know you" he says gently as the fireball you were ready to throw disappeared.

"The man in the picture with you, he disappeared and all that was found was the puzzlebox yes?" He asks you as you nod hesitantly "Elliot was my only friend on earth...he gave me this ring for my birthday before he went missing on the inside it says his demon then his says her Cennobite he was obsessed with learning about your kind so I started to call him that" you say with a slight laugh. "Her Cennobite?" He questions before reaching into his pocket "the only thing I had of my life before was this ring" he says showing it to you " couldn't be" you say scooting back slightly. "I didn't know it was you, until I was going through your memories when I became this I had no Idea who I was before..." He starts "I-I didn't think I was anyone before this" he adds. "Elliot I thought you were gone for good" you tell him with watery eyes he carefully sits on the side of your bed "well, you are still my demon if you'll still let me be your Cennobite" he says with a slight smile. "What about Kirsty?" You ask him he gently takes your hand "like I told you I accepted your offer" he says with a soft smile you wiped your eyes "you know, I thought something felt familiar about you "Pinhead" it was your smile" you tell him. "Please, when it's just us I am Elliot" he tells you before kissing your cheek you clung to him hiding your face in his shoulder as he held you "I love you so much Y/N, don't forget that" he says softly "I won't, I love you too" you muffledly replied.

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