Chucky x reader P2

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(holy crap forgot yall wanted a part 2 i haven't even been thinking about this oneshot book i feel a little ashamed)

You dabbled in voodoo type things you were mainly into witchcraft so you fell asleep with your books sprawled out beneath your sleeping form. Chucky had come back upstairs only to smile "dam kid, you really are doing a lot for me...i owe you once I'm human again" he climbs up onto your bed and curls up next to you. "I wish it wasn't so awkward to kiss you Y/N..." He whispered. He always really loved you but never wanted to fuck up the friendship you two had if you didn't feel the same you shifted slightly as a loud knocking was at your front door. "Huh?" You groan and sit up "Y/N L/N! Open up!" You hear "Chucky fucking hide!" He nods darting for your closet you rush downstairs and open the door. "Jesus, what did i do this time?" You say flatly the chipper officer smiles "oh nothing at all ma'am, we're just here to ask a few questions" you nod and Chucky just had to creep downstairs and listen around the corner. "So what are you asking exactly?" He smiles again "you knew Charles Lee Ray correct?" You sigh "i got asked this a few days ago and handed his old jewelry, i don't need any more painful reminders that i lost my only friend" you rant. The officer chuckles "oh no nothing like that we just heard you were harbouring him" "harbouring him? I'm sorry but he fucking died how would i be harbouring him!?" You shout "check the place if need be but you won't find anything or anyone" you sigh. "The officer and his partner nod heading in once you step aside Chucky quickly darts back up the stairs and leaps into a dresser drawer that happens to be your underwear drawer, the only one he can reach.

After maybe an hour the officers found nothing and hoped you'd have a great day you replied with "once you leave and stop harassing me i will" the friendly officer was a little terrified closing your front door behind them you called for Chucky "Chucky? Chuck?! Where ya at?" You started heading upstairs and to your room. "Chucky?" You called again "I'm here! I'm here..." He says climbing out of the large drawer with black panties on his head you try not to laugh "what?" He asks confused then looks up "shit..." He rips them off shoving them back in the drawer. You smirk "that desperate to get some action huh? Stealing my underwear...need a barbie Chuck?" He flips you off making you laugh harder "so what did those pigs in blue want?" You sigh "they said they heard i was harboring you, i told them they can search if they want but wont find anything or anyone" he chuckles "well...ya kinda are" you smile "yeah but hows about some breakfast for lunch?" He nods "hell yeah i can be down for that" he says getting out of the drawer. And following you downstairs he noticed you were a little tense and sweaty "hey kiddo you okay?" You reply "hm?, Oh yeah I'm fine why?" He sighs "Y/N you were never a good liar towards me, something is bothering you and i want to know" he says climbing up to the counter. "I love you okay?" You blurt out making him look confused "ya love me? Really? I-i have felt that way for a long fucking time i just didn't want to fuck up what we do have" hey says with a sigh of relief.

You nod "yeah, thats part of the reason why i never told you" he nods back "i understand that, but uh now it's even odder since I'm fun size here" you smile a little "true" you say trying not to laugh. Chucky glares "don't even Y/N" you nod "you do look like a cabbage patch doll reject though...." "Aaand, there it is" he says to your words. You smirk "you still are kinda cute though, just not as handsome as the real thing" you run your fingers through his orange hair he smiles a little "thanks, Ken just did my hair yesterday" you try not to laugh. "That's why you look like a garbage pail kid?" he rolls his eyes chuckling "you are such a bitch, yet i fucking love you" he says looking up at you making you smile. "Yeah love you too pint size" you say kissing his forehead making him smile "i also really appreciate all you've been doin for me, i also currently appreciate the view right now" making you push away and him laugh. "Cabbage patch pervert" you say making him shrug "you did not seem to mind doll in the slightest" you roll your eyes "whatever Chuck, so what sounds golden today for food?" You ask changing the subject "poptarts possibly?" He asks "okay you lived with me for three years, you know i always have Poptarts" he smiles "yeah stupid question...just wanted to make sure you didn't change on me" he winks making you smile and pull out 5 different Poptart boxes.

(Sorry my lovelies that it's short but it's still a part 2)

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