Mayor Buckman x female immortal reader

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(Requested by hello-mishamigo)

You followed the sketchy detour sign after catching a ride with these three college boys at a gas station the bus you were in broke down and you needed to get as far away from your home town as possible your Mom still trying to make you like her and your Dad trying to get her to stop. The three boy's were a funny group Lee was probably the kindest of the three, Nelson was aggravating, and Cory was...okay? You weren't sure how to describe him Nelson and Cory both tried hitting on you before reaching the detour sign Lee got them to fuck off. The Mayor of the place called Pleasant Valley pulled Lee out of the car to greet him then he saw you "my my, what a beautiful meadow flower we have here..." He breathes as you climb out of the car with the other two boys. "What might your name be my dear?" He asks gently taking your hand "Y/N..." You reply nervously but wearing a kind smile to hid the nervousy "Y/N, a beautiful name that flows like a river" you blush slightly and look away. He catches this and smirks to himself "now, since y'all have found Pleasant Valley i hope you do plan on stayin for The Guts and Glory Jubilee" Buckman says trying to contain his excitement and looking proud of the upcoming event. "Thank you Mayor Buckman, we'd love to stay" Lee says grateful for the hospitality "you are very welcome Mister Lee..." Mayor Buckman turns around and sees another car pulling up with a motorcycle close behind. The others that arrived were confused but went along with it like Lee and his friends and you of course you heard Buckman's chinamen comment and the woman correcting him you were shocked she didn't kill him for that it made you snicker to yourself along with the others. Then Buckman announced this Granny Boone woman was expecting you as guests at her inn that's where all of you were headed more so herded in that direction by the townsfolk.

Granny was nice she had everyone taken to a room to get settled you were by yourself which was nice, Lee came and found your room he said Buckman was looking for you since everyone else had gotten settled then started to explore the town all except you. You told Lee to tell Buckman you'd be down in a second you wanted to dress in something lighter for the sunny weather Lee headed back downstairs and told Buckman what you said so Buckman waited at the bottom of the stairs. You had a nice long summer dress with fall colors but you kept your converse on instead of wearing your sandals you hesitantly walked downstairs and spotted the Mayor "Mayor Buckman? Lee said you were looking for me?" You ask he turns around and gasps. "My goodness look at you" he chirps "what made you get all dressed up?" Granny teases you blush slightly "well it's a sunny day figured it's best I dress for the weather..." You say shyly "what a beautiful choice it was" Mayor Buckman agrees. "Now i was hoping you'd let me show you around my darling?" he asks offering his arm "I'd wouldn't want anyone else showing me around Mayor Buckman" he smiles hugely "well now that's just perfect" he says happily as you take his arm. You smile to yourself developing a crush somehow on this total stranger handsome for an older man and was treating you sweetly it was nice compared to the douchebags your mother tried setting you up with after high school. You could care less for a young man going to med school who's captain of a lacrosse team college your Dad managed to get her to stop and let you go. As odd as it seemed here you kinda liked it here in Pleasant Valley you felt like you didn't have any stress or anxiety anymore.

You could however sense something was off with Buckman and his town sometime eerie lurked in each one of the townsfolk especially him. Whatever was inside him needed you though in some way you weren't sure how exactly it needed you but it did. So far this small town was pretty cool the town hall had a lot of neat history of the place after awhile there wasn't anything too recent of the town which was odd who knows maybe nothing's happened at all for years. Buckman introduced you too his older sons Hucklebilly was an absolute sweetheart and that Granny Boone is his ex lover subtly he was hinting there was nothing there anymore. You were kinda relieved he wasn't taken or anymore for that matter maybe something would happen between you and him neither of you would mind. Supper time rolled around and Granny personally invited you along with Lee and the others to her home for dinner her sons and Buckman were invited. He was invited because Lee asked Granny if he could join you all since he welcomed everyone it only seemed fair Granny agreed. One of the girls' friends wasn't there Kat was her name everyone didn't think much of it she wandered off with that really cute Harper Alexander is what the blonde girl Joey said. After supper Granny offered to play piano while you enjoyed pie she made earlier even though you were across the room Buckman didn't take his eyes off you the entire time. Then the guests aside from you got pulled away by a guy or girl and went to their rooms for the night you were about to till Buckman asked if you'd join him for a special late night drink you thought it was harmless and agreed.

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