Baby x reader

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You'd been close friends with Baby for awhile it started as just a friendship when you saved her from getting mugged slaughtering him she admired your insanity as you did hers you talked till you got to her home and she introduced you to her family and they welcomed you as one of them.

~Skip Of Time~
But eventually she wanted you to be hers not forever just yet but she was protective of you if any of her family members gave you an unusual look she'd pull out her biggest knife she had and give them a death stare they'd never forget. You told her to relax and that it was nothing but she loved you she couldn't help it if she got protective over you. You were her N/N yes that nickname she came up with annoyed you she almost never called you by your actual name unless she was feeling needy for attention from you but you delt with it cause you loved her. You groggily woke up from the perfect sleep having not gotten any after slaughtering Baby's abusive ex with Otis it took effort hunting him down and cornering the asshole she had left him a year ago you encouraged her to do so and he stalked her and kidnapped her several times before she told you an Otis about it she would just say she was on a walk or she got lost or fell in a ditch you had a feeling it wasn't true the bruises were pure evidence to you and Otis.

You got dressed in a F/C flanel over your black t shirt and dark blue jeans you grabbed a pair of socks and went downstairs smelling something Mama's cooking probably. You get to the kitchen to see Mama and a hot plate of food for you "oh there ya are sweetheart i was about to see if you were alive" you look over at the clock "shit i slept in..." She nodded "Otis and Baby agreed you earned it after what you did for her... she's very grateful Y/N she really loves you but I'll let her give you the details" she winks and motions for you to sit and eat blushing you smile and nod in thanks sitting alone since she left and you ate slowly enjoying the quiet.

Baby loved you? You knew she was protective over you hence why a spare bed was in her room along with your things you were thinking of telling her you love her but wasn't sure. After you ate you hand washed your dishes and set them aside and went to your's and Baby's bathroom to wash your face and such feeling a bit more awake. You went to the back yard and practice your archery incase a victim got a decent ways away instead of Otis struggling with his gun you'd get them in the leg every time to wound them. You shot a few at the dummy you made it in the leg each time you walked over and retrieved them and walked back the distance you stood at before and raised your bow once more you felt slender arms snake around your waist "Hey N/N...miss me?".

You smiled to yourself she giggled "of course Baby i always miss you when you leave" she giggled and nuzzled into your neck "i love you N/N i always my N/N?". You laughed "of course darlin...a-and i feel the same I've loved you for so long Baby..." She kisses your cheek holding onto you tightly " way I'd let you love anyone but me" you lowered you bow and turned around kissing her "that i know for sure Baby" she scoffed "dam straight N/N" you rolled your eyes and smiled "now cmon let's go on a walk N/N...i wanna show ya somethin!". Eagerly like a kid in a toy store she grabs your hand and begins quickly walking to where ever her destination is after what felt like an hour you reach a circle of five beautiful willow trees tall and leaves drooping. "Baby it's gorgeous" she smiled "wait'll you see in the circle of trees" pulling you along you reach this.

 "Baby it's gorgeous" she smiled "wait'll you see in the circle of trees" pulling you along you reach this

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Turning and smiling at Baby "did you do this?" She swayed and hesitated "maaaaaybe..." She giggled and swung her arms around you "i needed some place to take you when i wanna be alone with my lover". You blushed bad as she kissed you "i was serious when i said you were mine Y/N" you chuckled "wow you actually called me by my name" she smiled and nodded as she walked backwards pulling you with her then falling back onto the pillows and such you landing next to her. "I love you Y/N don't ever leave me..." You gave her a kiss on the cheek "i love you too Baby i will never ever leave you" she smiled as she pulled you into a quickly heated kiss never stopping the moment between you two her N/N.

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