Creeper x femreader

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You wake up to the feel of Creepers face rested in the crook of your neck his breathing tickled you lightly about to try and move his arms locked around your waist. You sigh and decide to try and slip out from his grip 'success!' you said in your mind you scoot over to the edge of the bed only to hear your Creeper let out a whine.

'dam...' you pretend you didnt hear him but he scoots behind you and wraps his arms around you holding you close "Creeper i cant lay in bed all day..." He growls in a way of saying 'yes you can!' "i need to pee love" you say flatly he loosens his grip a smidge then lets go completely. "Ill be right back" he crosses his arms pouting a bit you roll your eyes and leave the bedroom for the bathroom you take care of your business and begin to wash your hands humming a tune from something. You begin to head back to the bedroom to find Creeper looking butthurt that you took so long (only 10 minutes away from him he can deal)

"oh come on... don't be this way" you nudge his arm he growls "fine i just wont give you a good morning kiss then..." You know you're his weakness just the slightest touch of you he goes wild internally. He slightly turns looking at you out the corner of his eye "well? I know you want that kiss" he slowly scoots over to you and and pulls you onto his lap his arms locked around you and face buried in your chest a bit of blush spreads across your cheeks. "

"You act like i was gone for eternity..." you look down at him he looks up at you pouting with an 'it was eternity!' expression on his face. You sigh and lean down to kiss him hes on it he closes the distance between your lips acting as if he hasn't felt your lips in forever. The kiss lasted a bit longer than necessary you nip his lip and pull away getting off him he lets out a wimper "babe id love to but i have a pack of delicious strawberry poptarts waiting for me ill come back upstairs to eat" (cause why not i like poptarts they be good) he glares then nods.

You sigh and make a quick trip to the kitchen to grab the poptarts and quickly get back upstairs to see creeper wanting you on his lap again. You smile and do so he hold you close while you open the poptarts and take a bite of one he starts sniffing it you hold it out for him to try he quickly takes a bit as if waiting for it forever. He takes a second he smiles meaning its good you guys took a bite after eachother till they were gone.

Once finished he pulls you back down on the bed burying his face in tour chest holding you close "did you love bite me?" He shakes his head. "Creeper..." He nods you smile running your fingers through his unruly white hair "i love you too Creeper" he looks up at you smiling warmly you remained stuck in the bed with him all day but you gave him this one.

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