Henry Bowers x reader

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"Sis, that douche is staring again..." Your brother Richie informs you which makes you look back across the pizza parlor and to see Bowers quickly look back down. You giggle, a giggle Bowers can hear over even his own thoughts he smiled slightly "Sooo...what? Does he like me or somethin?" You ask your lovely loser's Bev nods "oh hell yes!" She chirps. "Have you never noticed?" She asks amazed "look Beverly we may be in the same generation doesn't mean i pay attention to every one or anyone for that matter that's my age" you reply making her laugh. "I saw him carve your name AND his in a heart on the bridge railing" Ben says before going back to his book "everyone else agrees he likes me?" You ask the Losers they all nod yes in response as you shrug. "Well, he is kinda cute..." Richie gags "please for the love of my sanity don't say that again Y/N" you sigh "Richie, this'll be fun to watch and he won't hit a girl" Eddie facepalms "he might hit you though" Mike says trying not to laugh. "A-all h-onesty Y-Y/N..." Bill starts "you'd be the one girl we'd hit back" Stan winks with a smile you roll your eyes and stand up "I'll be right back" you say before heading to Henry's table. "Hey Bowers!" He jumps and glares up at you "the fuck do you want Tozier?" He asks hatefully "shove it Bowers, a little birdie told me you like me..." You tease he rolls his eyes as Hockstetter and Belch snicker a little knowing about his crush. "Yeah Henry, do you like Y/N Tozier?" Hockstetter asks making you laugh and fist bump him aside from the Losers he was actually a hella close friend of yours first friend aside from your only brother. He sighs and nods making you smirk "alright, you do like me so you wanna ask me out or something?" He hesitates something fierce you smirk. "Arcade at noon" you say before kissing his cheek making him look at his friends wide eyed with a shocked expression like he just experienced the most wonderful feeling ever. As you swipe a licorice rope from him and head back to your table the Losers couldn't believe what you just did in front of everyone.

"So if you Losers are about ready, shall we head to the den of Tozier?" You offer everyone looks to each other for an answer and agree, the patio just got finished Mom and Dad made sure there was plenty of seats for you 8. Also the hedges along your side of the fence was perfect for hiding two coolers of water balloons that even Richie didn't know about and you told him everything. You 8 got up and headed out of the door and down the block Henry quickly scribbled his number on a napkin and raced out the door "Tozier!" You and Richie both turn around to see Henry headed for your group. "Y-Y/N!, Hey... here's my number..." You smirk "well then it's only fair i give you mine..." You tease pulling a sharpie out of your bra and taking his right arm fancily writing your number. He noticed your sharpie tattoos and smiled a little "call me" you say before kissing his cheek and leaving with your club Hockstetter smirked "oh dude, everyone else is so going to hear about this" Bowers sighs "Hockstetter, i could care less I'm in fucking love with her" he replies "you ever gonna admit it to her?" Belch says beginning to walk off with his friends following them. You and Bev were getting some sun, Ben Stan and Mike looking through the old town history books, Bill, Eddie, and Richie were arguing about who is the best street fighter character Bev you assumed was asleep and rolled to the hedges.

You pulled out one of your coolers and grabbed three, one you calmly aimed and nailed your brother right in the face. "What the fuck?!" He yells to see you holding the other two "smile Eddie!" You yell before yeeting one at him "ah! Y/N come on!" He complains. You smirk saving the third the Richie pulls out a squirt gun he had duck taped underneath his lawn chair "oh shit..." You say kind of excited. "Really sis, you aren't the only crazy sibling here...get her!" He battle cries everyone reaches under a piece of lawn furniture reaching for ammo or a squirt gun and Bev rushes to the cooler after you run off after grabbing a few more. It became a war of water you were ducking and dodging from everyone Eddie was out after he became a meat shield by you and Richie. Then you hopped the back fence and leapt into the front yard running before slamming into a figure you hit the ground hard "Fuck Tozier, are you okay?" Henry asks offering a hand you sigh but smile "my hero" you say sarcastically before standing up. "And why are you wet?" He asks as Richie nails you in the back making you tense "that's why" you reply "ah" he says "so what brings you here?" You ask as the two of you take a seat on the front lawn. "Oh this is the quickest way walkin home..." He tells you "well yeah you normally take the longer way don't you?" You ask "i-ive just seen you walking onto the trail before..." You say slightly embarrassed "what you spyin on me?" He jokes giving you a playful nudge. You smile "no that's just the way i take home sometimes" he nods "you know you are a really cool chick..." He tells you "why do you say that?" You ask him. The others rolls their eyes and head to the backyard letting you two have your moment "because you are the most bad ass bitch in our grade, all that shit i hear from your stories with Richie are true right?" He asks. You smile slightly and nod "some of it is my imagination, most of it is true though" he smiles "rad..." He says before sliding his hand closer to yours.

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