Harper Alexander X Reader

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You had no intention of taking the sketchy detour but you heard a couple cars down the way so you followed the sound there were tire tracks in the dirt someone had to be around. Turns out there was a town at the end of the road Pleasant Valley everyone did seem enthusiastic and nice the Mayor was an odd duck but he seemed like he knew how to have a good time here. Ms. Peaches was a weird one definitely you did decide to stay away from her you saw everyone and were going to sneak away but she spotted you and called you out to Mayor Buckman. You noticed a darker haired male in the crowd a little older than you it looked like he was kinda cute he caught you staring and gave a soft smile you quickly looked away and he chuckled but kept watching you. Harper wanted to come find you later show you around maybe show you his blood lust side you might end up liking it you and the other kids got whisked away to the Inn of the town you were by yourself in a smaller room which was fine with you. You were stepping towards the window of your room till you heard a knock on the doorframe turning around to see the man from before looking in hesitantly. "It's you..." You breathe with a small smille "hi, I'm Harper Alexander I-I was wondering if you'd like to see the town? W-with me..." He says shyly as he scratches the back of his head. "I'd love too, this town is beautiful from what little I've seen" you tell him  "well alright then, shall we?" He asks offering an arm you nod taking it and when you two reached the bottom of the stairs Mayor Buckman was waiting. "Ah, Harper my boy I was curious to ask how you'd feel showing young Joey and her two friends around" he says as if nothings wrong you unlink arms with Harper and look away nervously. "Well you see Mayor Buckman I was going to show this young lady around..." He starts "I-its fine Harper I'll just explore on my own" you say before scurrying out the door Harper sighs. "Dammit George did you have to do that?" He asks "she'll be fine on her own there will be plenty of time later for her" he says before leaving you decided to head where there were more barns than houses. You started hearing horses in the distance you work at a summer riding camp and even got to show off your riding skills to the kids you didn't brag or anything but you were a pro your grandparents ran the camp now your mom and you do. 

You smiled and rushed to the fence and saw four horses a solid black female with a white diamond and white socks, then a burnt orange male with a white mane and white socks, brown female with black mane and tail, and a grey male with white mane tail and socks. "Well aren't all of you pretty there was a barrel of apples on your side of the fence just out of reach of the horses grabbing one you climb on top of the heavy wooden fence and take a seat holding onto one of the posts while holding out an apple the grey male looked over and took a couple steps towards you. "That's right, come here..." You encourage the horse then the solid black female trots over sniffing at the apple before gently plucking it from your hand "ata girl..." You say before you start petting her. "Ah you found my horses" you jumped at the sudden voice and looked over to see one of the Mayor's sons he introduced earlier Rufus leaning over the fence "shit you scared me..." You breathe "not my intention, sorry ma'am seems ol Persephone likes you though" he says as she is pressing her snout against you. "She's a sweetie, I was trying to get the grey one to come over" you tell him "oh Jones is a little skiddish, but the orange one is Georgie and the other lady is Anna" he informs you "I take it Persephone is the most social?" You ask he nods "Georgie usually is unless he's full he wants to be left alone" he says "don't we all?" You joke as you both laughed. "So make any friends yet?" He asks you sigh "well, I almost made one but the Mayor decided to pull him away..." You say with a go figure tone "who? Harper?" He asks curious you nodded. "He seems so sweet I-I really wanted to get to know him..." You say while petting Persophone "well he headed to that worn down barn down the way, with some tan skinned girl we used to keep some of the other horses in there but there was a bad thunderstorm that nearly made it come crashin down" he tells you. "No one got hurt right?" You ask "oh course not everyone was fine including the horses anytime you want to go ridin don't you hesitate to ask" Rufus says with a smile you nod hopping off the fence and head for the worn down barn.

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