Chucky x reader

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"i know you're alive Charles...i can feel it..." You said to yourself about your best friend growing up you heard news of his death but something wasn't right. He wasn't dead to you you wish he'd give you a sign he was alive all's you had of his to remember him was his favorite trenchcoat you being a bit shorter than him it drug behind you on the floor he'd always laugh at you when you wore it usually you'd just flip him off and ignore him. He taught you some things about voodoo that could come in handy if you got into trouble suddenly a loud knock at the door more of the banging variety. "Miss/Mr. L/N its the police we need to speak with you!" You patted your back pocket to make sure your knife was there you made your way to the front door and opened it pretending to be friendly "Officers what seems to be the problem?" "You knew Charles Lee Ray correct?" You nod "you are aware of his death then?" "Yes he was my only friend..." The officer sighs "well he didn't have very much on him but this amulet we kept it long enough for evidence we got nothin here".

You nod and take it and weakly smile the officers nod and leave you be closing the door behind them and locking it "his amulet...he always kept this close to him". You go upstairs and place it in your jewelry box mainly a collection of things you've stolen Chucky boy would be proud of you. Needed to make a living somehow never getting caught your slickness at thieving you admired your finds till you were interrupted by a loud shattering crash coming from the kitchen you thought.

Clutching the knife in your hand you slowly made your way downstairs and into the kitchen to see the window on the door was broken a brick was laying on the floor. "What the hell?" You looked around holding the brick no blood or muddy footprints anywhere. "Well since your door was locked kid" you turned around to see...a good guys doll? You held back a scream and hucked the brick at its stomach "ah! Y/N what the fuck?!" You ran over to in placing your foot on its stomach pinning it and your knife at its throat.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Y/N its me! Its Chucky!" You immediately drew away the knife and moved beside him "you... transferred your soul into a childs toy? A fucked up looking one.." He hesitated "y-yeah...i wasn't ready to leave yet kid especially leaving you" you helped him sit up. "Sorry about the brick Chuck..." "Eh its okay i should've knocked instead of breaking in" "no shit buddy..." He flips you off "heh same old Chuck" "dam straight...god im hungry..." "What can i get the little demon toy?" "Watch it kid" you laughed at him.

You go and stick swedish meatballs in the microwave "hey what ya doin?" He attempted to jump to see "you've gotta be kidding me kid...your the best" "i know i am" you can practically sense that he rolled his eyes you brought the food to your dining table with a fork. "Uh Y/N? Can you help me?" You smiled and nodded and picked him up like a toddler trying to not laugh at him and set him on the table "thanks kid" you gave him a thumbs up and grabbed yourself a glass of water and sat back down with him.

He stopped eating for a moment "i meant what i said kid... I wasn't ready to leave you behind not if i didn't get to say goodbye first..." He put his small hand over yours you smiled a little watery "that's the nicest thing I've ever heard you glad your not gone I would've missed you" "hey hey no tears Y/N come here" he stands up on the table arms open for a hug. You laugh a little and hug him close "this is really wierd Chuck" "i know...well figure something out Y/N so im human again" you were about to pull away but he stopped you "just a little longer Y/N" you could tell he was crying a little "okay you little sap" "fuck you Y/N" he muttered "back at ya" you said.

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