Zoe x Spaulding

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"You stupid bitch, what makes you think I took it?" He aks her annoyed as her right hand with her brass knuckles is getting twitchy "I know it was you! Give it back before I make you jack ass!" She cries at him. "Why is that knife so special to you?" He asks knowingly because Spaulding gave it to her "just give it back!" She shouts tackling him to the floor starting to hit him with one hand and claw him with the other. He shielded his face until he could get a clean hit to her face he quickly shoved her off of him while she was stunned and began to kneel on her chest starting to hit her as well. "You fucking cunt he doesn't fuckin love you! No one does!" He growls as she's gasping for air feeling a piece of her heart break and trying to shove him off Charlie and Cutter came in hearing the loud thud from Zoe falling. "Otis! What the hell?!" Cutter shouts as they go to pull them apart Charlie has Zoe and Cutter has Otis "mind telling me why you were beatin on Zoe here?" Charlie asks glaring at Otis he chuckles "dumb bitch accused me from having her dam knife" he hissed at them. "And did you?" They both asked Otis "pff, no!" Baby comes out annoyed "then why the FUCK was this in your room?" She asks holding up your favorite knife Otis looks away without a word. You suddenly try standing on your own "whoa, easy baby easy..." Charlie says supporting you as you try to stand you smile weakly "wh-whos the fucking cunt now Otis?" Cutter sighs "Charlie take her to my room I need to get the first aid kid" Charlie nods and had you wrap an arm around him as he helped you going upstairs. "Alright..." Cutter says before making Otis face him "why did you take it? You know Zoe hates it when you ESPECIALLY you take her things most of all that knife" he says sternly to the younger blond. "Pff, only reason she flipped shit is because you gave it to her and the best part is she thinks you fucking love her..." Otis says with a laugh Cutter slams Otis into a wall "i do fucking love her you sack of shit if i ever see you hurting her again I'll personally bust your face in..." He hisses.

He shoved Otis out of his way "Baby, give me her knife" she nods quickly handing it to him before he storms off for the first aid kit "but you love her too don't you?" Baby asks Otis curious. He sighs and leaves avoiding her question Baby knows something is up internally with him "Otis wait a minute..." She huffs following him meanwhile Charlie was helping Zoe sit up. "There, you good baby?" Zoe nods "i-i'm fine Charlie...thank you" She raspily replied Charlie sighs standing up "want me to go beat the shit out of happy boy?" He asks not kidding she smiled "no, you know Baby will take care of him" Zoe said as he nodded in agreement. Cutter arrived with the first aid kit and sighed "Charlie I need to talk to Zoe alone..." He says looking at the floor Charlie nods and leaves without a word to either of them. Otis was brushing Baby off this entire time "Otis you're so full of shit, it's not a bad thing if you care about Zoe" she says knowing he does care about Zoe "you care about me and my Dad to a point, why do you "hate" Zoe so much?" She asks curious he sighs feeling like a dick. "I do care about her a lot, and she doesn't know I-i see a lot of myself in Zoe but i-i almost don't want her know I care..." Baby sighs "you're afraid of losing  her, it ain't rocket science Otis she'll be around a long time you don't need to worry" Baby says reassuringly. Currently Zoe hissed at the sudden stings of alcohol as it touches her wounds "Zo, Otis would've killed you why'd you pick a fight?" He asks sternly she sighs "he took my knife, he knows it means a lot to me but took it anyway ow..." She growls.

"Here i don't have pain killers but here's a joint..." He says putting it in between her lips she wasn't surprised he had one on him she nods in thanks then letting him light it he holds it while she takes a puff off it. As she exhales "you gave it to me, of course it means the world to me" she tells him "next time please for the love of lucifer come to me or Baby?" He asks noticing your bruises forming. She sighed "I didn't mean to make you worry Johnny..." She says looking away from him he sighs "it's alright girl, i love you dammit" he says which causes her to quickly look back up at him. "Oh hush you heard me" he says before giving her a soft kiss "and don't even say you don't feel that way you dam near got yourself killed over something I gave you" he says before Zoe can protest just that. He holds a hand to her cheek "and just so you know Otis meant none of that shit he cares about you just like he does Baby" she nodded with watery eyes "I know..." She tells him clearly his words still got to her. She hated it when her and Otis fought it was always over stupid shit she is a lot like him hence why they but heads a lot he regrets it every time he just never apologized after arguments they never got physical before tonight.

Otis's guilt was settling in he really fucked up Zoe and realized what he said to her had to have hurt Otis did take her knife, he only needed to borrow it he was going to put it back before Zoe would've noticed. But she noticed before he could even have a slight chance of putting it back on her nightstand he needed to apologize but you were with Cutter he didn't want his ass getting kicked by him Cutter probably didn't want Otis around her at all. After several puffs off the joint Cutter got Zoe some water and got her comfortable so she could get some sleep "I'll be right downstairs if you need me..." He says starting to get up "can you stay?" She asks propping herself up on her elbow. He nods slightly with a small smile "sure Zo..." He says crawling in beside her he lazily wraps his arms around Zoe and she curls up beside him "let's hope Otis has some guilt..." He tells her with a yawn. "He probably does..." Zoe replies he just nods and let's her doze Cutter fell asleep long before her shortly after the conversation ended she was about to pass out till there was a light knock on the bedroom door. She jolted awake not disturbing Cutters sleep Zoe lightly took his arms off of her and slightly limped her way to the door only to see Otis looking ashamed.

He quickly hugs her holding her close "I am so sorry Zoe, I didn't mean to get physical and I certainly didn't mean "no one loves you" i do love you Zo yer a crazy bitch that I'm glad to call family" he whispers. Zoe hugs him back clinging to him "and you're the best asshole of an older brother I could ask for i never forgot how kind your family and you were when Baby brought me in" Zoe whispers back. "You know if you weren't so much like me we wouldn't but heads all the time..." He says "deal with it jack ass" she says letting go of him as he does her. "Yeah, love you too bitch get some rest okay?" She nods and he gives her a soft smile before heading back downstairs she closes the door with a smile and curls back up next to Cutter. "You know I heard every bit of that and we can completely rub it in his face now you laugh "Cutter i thought you were asleep?" Zoe asks "just because my eyes are closed don't mean I'm out" she sighed "fair enough" she replies cuddling up close to him. "I think the sweetest thing Otis said out of that entire thing was admitting he loves you and you are his favorite crazy bitch" you snicker "don't tease him Cutter, now shut up so we can sleep" he chuckles and kisses Zoe's forehead as she tries to sleep.

(Sorry if this was short as shit hope you guys liked this one :D)

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