Leatherface x kid reader P2

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~Time Skip Of Five years~

You we're seven when you had to leave but it was to keep you safe, you knew it and they knew it very well too they haven't forgotten about you far from it but have you forgotten them? Maybe. After the first year without your family you needed help, and Aunt (Uncle) Lecter he was more than happy to help you started acting out little by little. Terrorizing the neighborhood kids, scaring off the local girl scouts, aaand slashing tires of the minivans in the neighborhood. Jason and Freddy couldn't apologize enough to the other Parents then Aunt Tiffany (also a neighbor) suggested getting Hannibal they had no other option Hannibal was actually waiting for them to call when Freddy would call him every other day. Then Freddy called twice in the same day the second time was about you the last two of the five years you got better it got down to you just terrorizing Girl Scouts. Freddy and Jason knew you were missing them especially your "mom" and wherever he was Leatherface could feel your heartbreak the rest of the family could tell Leatherface was depressed. I mean they knew where you we're staying they just needed to be careful coming out of hiding to get to you and your birthday was in four days Drayton of course made it a point to mail you a card at least. But you actually wanted them there with you all of them signed each one over the years even Nubbins did each card you hoped one of them said when they'd be coming back for you. Your "cousin" Glen/da was kinda your emotional support they felt really bad for you they knew better than anyone even Hannibal how much you loved them. Everyone tried getting you psyched for your birthday but no promising you'd even be excited ON your birthday on the Fourth day today you wanted to be left alone on day one.

You sighed sitting up in your room writing down another nightmare from the night before, Hannibal suggested to do that when you brought up you hadn't been sleeping well after the first few sessions possibly four? Three and a half. You tried to not cry while writing even though you shouldn't hold back the urge if it's truly needed "Y/N?" Freddy called before knocking three times and you didn't answer. He sighs opening the door "hows it going kiddo?" He says sitting beside you on the bed you sniff and wipe your eyes "I'm fine Uncle Freddy..." You say not looking at him. "Everyones got a huge surprise for your birthday Y/N, everyone is excited aren't you?" He says giving you a nudge you sigh "i just want them back..." You say with tears threatening to spill he sighs side hugging you. "Well Glen wants to know if you're still wanting to go stay the night..." He says "Y/N?" He asks you then burst into tears and turn around hugging Freddy tightly burying your face in his chest he knew this was coming. He wraps his arms around you holding you close "it's alright Y/N, do we need to call Uncle Hannibal?" He asks softly you shake your head no he nods and let's you get it out. Meanwhile Leatherface was helping Chop skin some rabbit for dinner "hey Bubba it's alright, we got three more days and we'll be home with her..." He reassures as Leatherface sighs and nods. "Yeah, it'll be a big surprise for her surely they've given up hunting us down by now" Drayton says entering the old shack "i know you're missing her but we need to hold out just awhile longer" Nubbins sigh "I'm missing the little runt too..." He adds.

Leatherface looks out the window as the sun sets and to himself in his head he says "don't worry my sunshine, we're coming home just wait a little while longer i love you" and where you are you heard him. "I miss you all so much, I'm trying too stay strong kick Nubbins in the shin for me" you reply he smiles and nods you ended up staying with Glen for the night Chucky and Tiffany were going out with Freddy and Jason as well as a few of the others. "Y/N, why do you always carry that knife?" He asks looking up from his drawing as you are carving a figurine from wood "Uncle Nubbins gave it to me before I left, it's the only thing i have from home aside from a few old pictures of us" you tell him. He nods "i thought you two never got along though?" He asks you giggle "it was love hate, he's family" you reply "o-or was..." You add sadly "hey they'll come back for you Y/N, i know it" he says going and sitting beside you with an arm around you. You smile slightly "thanks cous, it means a lot..." You tell him "not a problem, you know they probably are on their way right now" he says happily. You sigh "i wish" "they are! Quite being so negative!" He groans before flopping on you "hey get off!" You say trying to sound annoyed but end up giggling. "There's my happy Y/N/N!" He sings you sigh "why do i care about you?" You groan "because I'm your favorite cousin" he says flatly "you're my only cousin" you reply in the same tone "exactly my point" he says rolling off of you. You roll your eyes "whatever Glen..." You say laying down on your sleeping bag with a sigh "I'm kinda tired..." You tell him he nods "it's getting late anyways..." He replies shutting the light off in his bedroom then jumping onto his bed tomorrow might be better right? Glen hoped so for you.

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