Julian Slowik X Reader

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Wether you broke his heart or he broke yours it could've been either way, you felt he loved his restaurant more than you and oddly enough he felt he wasn't good enough for you to give you the future he wanted to have with you. You also knew of his childhood and how his father was and how serious he took his cooking, he eventually did it The Hawthorne has been a hit for awhile now and your ex husband or at least you signed the papers. He's always on the Island and manages to avoid it and he managed to find you. He sent you a personal invite along with a more personal letter to you, saying how you still are his dearest wife and he misses you terribly he's never stopped thinking about you. The typical shit, well you thought maybe he finally wanted to talk you had missed him as well and internally regrettably you were headed to the restaurant dressed in a gown he's seen you in at dinner many times in the past. Julian always insisted he cook dinner for you, he's wanted to kiss you once more for so long it's been 5 years since he's last seen you. You sighed as Elsa began showing you around with the other guests already dreading seeing him but he was excited to see your name on the guest list too, finally, he could fall for you all over again. And finally you had gotten seated with the other guests only for him to begin introducing his palace The Hawthorne, the first course began and he planned it to where he would be joining you. "Hello, Y/N it's been some time" he greets calmly "Julian" you flatly greeted as you avoided his eyes "I've missed you, I'm so pleased you accepted my invitation, there's a course I've planned especially for you" he says semi sweetly. "Of course you did, why do you want me here?" You questioned annoyed "I'm not here to forgive you, but I know how much this place means to you so I'm here as a friend, nothing more" you say fighting back your tears.

He had a look of concern as he took your hand in his kissing the back of it "but you are so much more than that Y/N, you had said yes after all" he says with a nervous laugh. "I-I would never want you to feel unloved Y/N I am sorry in more ways than possible" he whispers "I need your forgiveness, you're my inspiration for my work and without you it's nothing" he begged. "Then why does this place mean so much more to you?" You questioned with watery eyes, the other guests began to stare Julian sighed and began to head back to the kitchen as you finished the first course. You enjoyed another three glasses of wine while course two was being prepared you had caught him staring at you several times he looked heart broken when you'd lock eyes with him. You excused yourself to the ladies room because each time you looked at him you felt everything come back emotionally you dried your eyes and tried to distract your brain. You were having the most beautiful time of your life with him, before the obsession certainly took off for cooking and of course, Elsa found you. "Mrs. Slowik, the second course is being served, the Chef wishes for me to get you seated" she politely tells you making you sigh you follow her back out and Julian was not seated at your table this time. "Once you are finished, Chef Slowik would like to see you in his office" Elsa hints before leaving you making you sigh "he just needs to stop" you thought you're only being nice. Or thats what you were telling yourself, you knew you wanted him back even Julian knew that you only needed to come to terms with it, sooner or later you will. You tried eating as slowly as possible but your time was running out, you had to go to his office at some point, regrettably time came where you finished and Elsa escorted you to the wolfs den.

He smiled slightly and gestured for you to take a seat in the chair across from his desk hesitantly you did as told and kept your eyes off of Julian. "Darling please look at me, it pains me" he begs "well it pains me that you won't quit, I'm just supporting a friend" you tell him sternly he gently grasps your chin getting you to look at him. "Why did you really accept the invite Y/N? If you're so sure it's just to be kind to me..." He says looking back and forth between your eyes and your lips "I already told y-..." You couldn't even finish your sentence, Slowik needed your touch, right now. He was swift to capture your lips with his causing you to freeze but he was working his way to get you to want him again, it was already working but your hands were shaking as he took your hands in his. "Fourth course, I wish to take you to my private cottage afterwards" he says gently "y-you aren't winning me over" you tell him breathless he chuckled slightly "I believe I already did, just one more kiss before I let you go?" He asks politely. You quickly stood up as did he, before you pulled him back into a kiss he was quick to return the affection as he began backing you against a wall he pulled back slightly "if I didn't want my Chefs hearing us I'd take you right now my beloved" he whispered before going back to your lips.

You had just gotten your arms around him just as there was a knock at the door as well "Chef Slowik the next course is about to begin" Elsa chimed before you heard her footsteps fading. Julian pulled away making you huff in annoyance and looking away from him, "please, go to my cottage" he pleaded as he tried handing you the key. "I will beg" he whispered "in any way you deem fit my love" he adds before ushering you out of his office time for course three, wonderful. The dish was definitely representing how you made him feel when you fell in love it was poetic you'd admit, you had no idea what just happened in that office one second you hated him but you found yourself needing him the next.

Course four was shortly after under preparation and one of the tables of guests began gossiping about you and Slowik, wondering what happened in his office, your lipstick was a tiny bit smudged and your cheeks dusted pink. You noticed however the two toxic lovers at another table were gone looked like Elsa was cleaning up some blood from the table is what you noticed, you doubted it was wine that spilled. As Slowik began explaining the dish he approached your table "this sweeter meat related dish is commonly served in France to celebrate love between two individuals, usually marriage" he says as he takes your hand in his. "My love for you never had an end, I only wish to show it all over again" he says sounding in love as he knelt before you taking out a little black box that was shaped like a heart. Your heart was begining to pound you only prayed it wasn't your wedding ring, regrettably it is was Slowik revealed to you everyone that was seated though was "awww" ing like it was so sweet he wants to marry you all over again. You were frozen in your seat avoiding his eyes "Julian what are you playing at?" You quietly questioned "nothing has ever meant more to me than you Y/N, please, don't make me sign I need you" he begs.

Upon looking into his eyes you could see the need he had for you which began to make you feel unsure about everything again, unsure about him you thought he could be telling the truth and means it wholeheartedly. Hesitantly you gave him your hand allowing him to replace the ring "a much more completed picture" he says before pulling you up with him "now as the rest of you enjoy this course, I shall be stealing my special guest for a private dish" he says before taking you over to the exit. Your hands were trembling as he walked with you "oh relax darling, you're not who I aim to kill tonight" he whispered "you know I'd never dream of it Y/N" he tells you as he guides you to the true wolfs den.

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