Baal X Reader

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(Kinda short yes, but he was a cool villain, hope you dudes enjoy it.)

"Don't you still love me?" He purred into a question as you had yourself backed against a wall in the dingy asylum cell, you were used to the stale smell from when you came here to find Ash. Unfortunately Ruby, Kelly, Pablo, and yourself had gotten separated earlier on, and you had gotten chased down the exact path he needed you to follow so he could get his beloved alone. You avoided his piercing eyes with tears threatening to spill "thats not the demon I knew..." He hissed before jerking your head to face him before gently drying your eyes it was evident you were shaking as Baal stood so close to you. "That's better, you hid from me for quite a few years, but now Ruby isn't here for you to hide behind" he hinted as he stared into your fear ridden eyes, you couldn't pull yourself to look away, afraid of what he'd do next if you did. "Ruby, you being freaked out is freaking ME out, we'll find Y/N" Pablo tells Ruby with irritation in his tone to her, she sighed and turned to her friend "I KNOW Baal has her, he wouldn't just manipulate this asylum to screw with us, he's wanted her back this whole time" Ruby breathed before continuing on. "What's been going on between them?, Like... centuries worth?" Pablo asked confused as he followed her "they love, but, once Baal realized Y/N was susceptible to his powers, his charm in a sense he knew he could keep her forever" Ruby huffed. "And, that built a fear of Baal in Y/N unfortunately it only made him want her more" Ruby adds as she checks a room "so what happened? How didn't he have her until now?" Pablo questioned checking another room. "I brought her to earth to hide her, and it worked until everyone's path connected, she has to be terrified..." Ruby says with a slight cracking in her voice "hey, we will find her" Pablo says sternly as he gets Ruby to look at him with certainty in his eyes.

Kelly a few moments later found Baal and yourself, Now Baal would never hurt you physically but he'd gladly kill anyone that tried to take you from him. You saw her from the corner of your eye and tried signalling Kelly that she needed to leave you, right now, but Baal caught you looking away from him, he was working on getting Ruby's location from you. As he looked towards the doorway Kelly ducked out of sight but as Baal raised his arm he flicked his hand towards him pulling Kelly into the cell with you both. "No!" You cried before trying to pull Baal back "please Baal don't hurt her, I beg of you" you said through clenched teeth and teary eyes as you held onto Baal's arm "please" you pleaded with him once more. Kelly was fearing what he would do to her but feared more for you "just let her go" you cried as Baal looked down at you his gaze softened but behind it you could seen the rage "she hasn't done anything to you" you tell him sternly as you have your own powers of manipulation. And his rage began to fade "you are lucky I'm here for you Y/N and not her, I'd rather not see you cry again" Baal said softly but he shoved Kelly directly against the wall outside the cell before slamming and locking the cell door. Kelly was quick to begin trying to open the door "hang on Y/N!" She cried but by the time her fight with the door ended and it revealed that Baal had taken you to another room, unfortunately in the Asylum still. You had instantly pushed Baal away upon appearing in the office space looking around frantically, "now I know they won't find you here, they're just that much further away" Baal sneered before approaching you again. "What do you want from me you bastard?" Shakily questioned "what else would there be that I want?" He questioned with a slight laugh "then why are you after Ruby?" You demanded to know "she has never had anything to do with our past Baal" you added with irritation crawling onto your tone.

"Don't you see she was keeping us apart?, I remember when you'd see me, you were always looking forward to it..." He says trying to soften the tension as he took your hand in his pulling you against him. You didn't fight him this time you needed to stay calm before attempting to figure out how to get away from him "you couldn't wait for my embrace" he teased before tilting your head upward to lock eyes with him. "And I... couldn't bear time apart from you" he whispered before deciding to kiss you making you freeze as he kept it going but that past part of you needed him again, one would say he fueled your own power which wasn't entirely untrue. The type of Demon you are, their partner, in a moment of passion it amps your power bit by bit permanently, the same did partially go to Baal, you giving in is what fueled it for him. He carefully backed you against a wall while deepening the kiss, a gasp escaped you from the contact with the wall, Baal pulled away slightly. "Ssh, it's alright beautiful, you know you're in good hands with me" he whispered sliding his fingers gently along your jaw you shuddered at his touch. "Please...please don't hurt me Baal, I'll do anything" you weakly pleaded as he chuckled "don't defy me kitten, and I won't have to, but, I'd love to hurt you in another way, just stop fighting me" he purred. It was true, he'd never hurt you unless you defied him "I-I want to...but I can't" you choke out avoiding his lustful gaze, Baal was really trying here with his ability on you but you weren't weak in the mind for it to really really manipulate you. "I think you can" he says calmly before grasping your chin, you couldn't help yourself at that point you needed his kiss, but you were only giving him what he wanted. He wrapped his arms around your waist indulging in the kiss just as you were, a single tear fell as you hated yourself for loving him, Baal wasn't regretting a thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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