Otis x Elizah

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(requested by bloodyzombiekiller01)

Deciding to take a midnight kill...I mean walk! Drayton and Chop Top were getting into it AGAIN and Leatherface suggested Elizah leave before they started to target him and Leatherface. E definitely agreed and pulled on his black hooker boots and leather jacket then left he's probably about 6 hours away right now and enjoyed the moonlight on his skin. His knifing hand was getting twitchy there had to be at least one poor sob wandering around suddenly Elizah was smashed into by a young brunette  girl "please! You have to help me..." She cried "h-hey calm down calm yourself honey I'll help my house ain't far" he tells her helping her up. "Oh thank you...thank you..." She says as he nods noticing flashlights in the distance not saying a word and starts to walk with the girl quietly Elizah flips out his pocket knife and quickly slices her throat she begins doing the dying bit but E shoves her to the ground then pins her. He starts to laugh and stab her repeatedly in the neck causing some blood to splatter ignoring the lights getting closer "hey asshole that cunt was our kill!" Otis growls Elizah sighs and stands up turning around to try looking passed the lights at the figures. "You want somma this honey?" Elizah hisses at Otis "Bring it motherfucker!!!" Otis growled "sorry don't have one to fuck, it's you that does the motherfuckin bitch" Elizah spats at him. "Elizah?" A female voice asks and a figure getting closer wait, "Baby?" Elizah questions "E!" Baby cries hugging him tightly "oh my god biiitch, what are you doing out here?" Elizah asks happily. "Well that bitch was our victim but she fucking got away..." "Oh!" Elizah says shocked "sorry Baby baby" he says "Baby you know this dick?" Otis asks coming closer "hmh, least i have one honey..." Elizah brags. Otis rolls his eyes "christ you two are a ways from home tho?" E asks Baby "shit, a little yeah..." "Fuck, I'm sure Drayton wouldn't mind if i brought ya home come on y'all" Elizah says dragging the body with ease Otis raises a brow "you Draytons little boy?" He asks "no I'm Freddy's little boy asshole" he says annoyed.

Baby giggles linking arms with you "I've known Elizah here for a long time, when Mama dated Drayton" she giggles again "hey you still single Elizah?" Baby asks "yea, I ain't into dating my family" Baby laughs "well Otis here has been looking!" Baby chirps. Also Otis had been staring at Elizah's ass this entire time "really? Ol Otis thinks he can handle me?" Elizah teases "fuck no" Otis gags E giggles "don't worry honey, i don't bite often" emphasising the t in bite. So they talked along the way home and Otis was being nice and talked with Elizah Drayton quickly swung open the door to the house as the voices got closer "Elizah Krueger! You had me worried sick!" He cries as he hugs E "relax Drayton you know i can handle myself as well as Mom, this is why he doesn't worry" Elizah tells Drayton "i know i know, Chop Top just..." He starts "i know Drayton, Chop Tops a bitch ignore him also i brought this" he says gesturing to the body. "Oh well I'll take care of this Elizah, huh? Mama Firefly's kids?" Baby giggles "hey Mr. Sawyer" she says "well you two are an awful long ways from home, i-i can take ya back in the mornin if ya like? Let's get you two settled for the night..." Drayton says dropping the body and taking you three inside. "Either of them can stay with me Drayton I'd feel bad if one of them had to room with Chop Top" Elizah groans "well uh alright then, who's bunkin with my baby?" Then you four hear gibbrish rambling being Leatherface. "Shit...hi Mama I'm fine i swear none of this blood is mine, and i ran into Baby and her brother Otis" Elizah says to calm down Leatherface Elizah's "mother" sighs in relief "they just need to stay here for the night we we're just figuring out where they were sleeping" Elizah adds. He pats Elizahs head after hugging him and trots off you sigh in relief "alright which one of you in sleepin with me?" He winks at Otis "well i can Bunk with Leatherface, you can have Otis" Baby giggles following the direction of Leatherface.

"Come on Otis I'll get you settled" Elizah says heading upstairs "I'd rather take my chances with Chop..." Otis mutters but follows Elizah to his bedroom E drops a blanket and pillow on the couch in his bedroom. Then Elizah wipes off his face with a t shirt then digs through his dresser for P.J.'s Otis slumps into his room and drops on the couch Elizah kicks of his boots and slips off his pants making Otis cringe at his beautiful legs...and ass. E slips on his black pajama shorts, slides off his leather jacket and plops back on his bed "ready for me to kill the lights?" Elizah asks Otis groans "whatever..." He replies "look asshole do you have a problem with me?" Elizah spits. "So what if i do?" Otis spats "no there is, is there something you want to say to me Otis?" He glares at Otis he stands up and walks to Elizah he however stands up smirking at Otis "kiss me Krueger" Otis shakily whispers. "What was that honey?" Elizah teases "kiss. me." Otis says through gritted teeth "one more time?" Elizah asks sliding his hands up Otis's front "fuuuck me..." Otis groans "kiss me god dammit!" Otis yells "that's what i thought i heard" he says falling back onto his bed. "Sorry but these lips you need to earn, you were very rude earlier" Elizah says "hey...you were rude first" Otis argues "sassy, there is a difference" Elizah says going on his phone Otis huffs "whatever, would've been a one night anyways..." He mutters. "Doubt it" Elizah butts in still looking at his phone "they aaall come back for more" he teases Otis sighs and faces the back of the couch after laying back down.

Elizah sighs "what?" Otis asks "it's my Dad, he promised to call me everyday and i haven't heard from him for the last week" Elizah lays his phone face down on his chest. "Well what's goin on Elizah?" Otis asks facing him Elizah sighs again "my dad he's...trying to control other or was trying to control other slashers to spread fear and become the strongest". Otis looks to the side "he's done that before i take it?" He asks "yes but with Jason, literally the most powerful aside from Pinhead Pennywise and my Dad" Elizah tells him "they finally caught him and allowed him to contact me but hasn't for a week I'm worried as fuck..." Elizah stares up at the ceiling trying not to cry. "Okay i could care less seeing someone cry, but if you mean a lot to my sister you mean a lot to me" Otis says walking over as Elizah sits up wiping his eyes "I'm fine Otis..." He insists "bullshit, come here" he says pulling him into a hug. Elizah laughs a little "what?" Otis asks with a small smile "you wear the same cologne as my Dad..." Otis chuckles "please don't get a Daddy kink from this..." That making him laugh "i promise Otis i am not into that..." He tells him cuddling closer "huh...you are pretty curvy for a guy..." Otis point out "my dad in his younger years is where i get it" Elizah points out "how was he not a total babe magnet then?" Otis asks "because the cute ones are always crazy" Elizah states. "That explains Baby, Tiffany, Julia...i know there's more" Otis says "Kayako, Samara, and Carrie" Elizah adds "oh yeah them too but they are pretty kind and sweet" Otis points "true" Elizah says "hey I'm sure you'll hear from him soon" Otis tells E then Elizah's phone starts going off "well that was quick" Otis says handing E his phone "Dad!" Elizah cries after answering the phone.

"Hey kiddo how's it goin? You behaving yourself?" He asks "fine now that I'm hearing from you and never because I'm your kid" them both chuckling. "Good good" Freddy replies "why did you do it?" Elizah asks Freddy sighs "had a feeling you'd ask...and i don't know something made me power hungry worse than normal" Freddy tells him. "Dad i miss you, i want to go home" he says trying not to cry as Otis takes his hand. "Elizah i am sorry, i want to be home with you too but i can't until they say so i-i put Jason in the hospital...." Elizah gasps "you put my aunt in the hospital? Dad I'd kick your ass just for that!" Elizah yells Otis tries to not laugh as does Pennywise on the other end of the phone. "I know!...i know...that was the stupidest thing I've ever done" Freddy confesses "hey i do have to go but i will call you in the afternoon okay son?" Freddy says "okay Dad, I'm going to hold you to that you fucking better call" "Hey! Mind your fucking language Elizah!" They both giggle. "Okay night Dad, i love you" Elizah whispers "i love you too E, get some sleep" they both then hang up "you good Elizah?" Otis asks Elizah just leans against him and yawns "yeah, just relieved i heard from him i know he's okay" Otis lays down holding Elizah. "I-i love you too Elizah, if it means anything..." Otis says shyly "i know" Elizah says before leaving a kiss on Otis's cheek and falling asleep in his arms trusting his Dad he will call tomorrow afternoon.

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