Chapter 28

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Happy New Year 2021 everyone! 


Douma seems to really enjoy his role as a lover and his possessive behavior become extreme too. Just a week ago he finally committed his first murder out of jealousy. He kidnapped one of his followers and gouge his eyes out for staring at Y/n when she crossed the hall during the cult gathering. He left the poor man's body in the mountain to be eaten by a demon or simply bleed to death.

His bubbly personality combines with how he try to prove his innocence miraculously changes Y/n's mind for banned him from killing people.

Whenever he announces 'eyes on me.' It means that he demands her attention the most and she needs to stop whatever she's doing, the last time she failed him it cost almost half of her book collection torn into pieces. He just smiled enjoying her irritated face by his action.

Though he said that he can't return her feelings, he obviously quite understand how to do that. Now the shoe is on the other foot, Douma looks madly in love with her since the day he declared himself as her lover.

"Y/n, my dear." Douma chirped while smile widely. He finally comes out from the sunproof room where he is worshiped by his follower. He slides open her room and find her engrossed with what it seems like writing something.

He taking off his hat, place it to the nearby table and proceed to sneak his hand to embrace his darling from behind, gives her a small peck on her cheek then read the letter she wrote clear and loud before demanding her to change the majority of it but then change his mind and he starts write the new one. This time, much to his preference.

"Really? Just like this? It's more like a simple note than a letter..." Y/n complained to the demon who took over her letter for Giyuu.

"It is a letter, my dear Y/n. A simple yet detail letter for your geeky friend." He giggled and snatch the paper from her hand while using her lap as his pillow, admiring his handwriting who resembles her so much. "I'm putting my blood, sweat, and tears to write this letter. It will convince that Giyuu to know that you are perfectly fine, healthy, and happy because your lover gives all the attention you need."

She snorted hearing him talking high about himself. "You only wrote 'Giyuu, I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry.' though."


She sighed but put the paper in the envelope anyway. This unusual couple finally having another night stroll but this time no Akaza act as the third wheel. Douma easily caught some filthy eyes that staring at his beloved and questioned why when Y/n is in a relationship with him, she starts to attract more attention of pathetic male humans than before. She looks unbothered with it at all.

He wants to slaughter them all but he knows that if he does that in front of her, she will ban him for killing. He barely restrains himself but then she reaches his hand. Though she's not a fan of PDA, she kiss the back of his hand when he didn't budge to start walking.

This small gesture of her shrinking his bloodlust but soon he realizes that she did that only to prevent him from making a scene, not because she really wants to do that.

Back to their peaceful temple, Y/n stopped walking and looking at the demon who walks behind her, eyeing her creepily. "What? What's wrong with you?" She asked, almost back away from him.

"I just wondering if you still love me." He asked out of the blue.

Y/n raised her eyebrow and smile at the demon, she knows that he just in one of his jealousy periods. "Well, I'm not sure if you understand what you've been asking me." She said calmly.

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