Chapter 16

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"Y/n, can I heal your hand?"

The demon constantly asked whenever he get to see her, which is almost everyday now. Y/n think that he might be start to feel guilty for breaking her right hand or maybe it just because he's not getting used to walk on her left side.

"No, Douma. Its fine, just let it be." She stubbornly give him a same answer over and over again. "Give it up, Douma. I won't let you do that."

Douma stop walking, unamused by how she keep on declining his offers but he's not visibly angry, at least that what she's think.

Soon after that, the sound of splatter blood and a loud thud took her attention. Some passer-by start to panicking but their attempt to run for their life is nothing but a futile. The demon who clearly not even move an inch hide his grin behind the fan.

She looks pale and her breath start to hitch. She could feel the demon stand behind her, closing her eyes and leaned to her ear.

"Did you see it? With those eyes of yours?" He said huskily, grazing his cold lips to his ear. "That's what I'm exactly want to do but worry not my dear friend. Seeing your frantic face is enough to put a break on it."

Y/n nodded as she try to calm herself that she's lucky enough to avoid something that sadly, she only able to see a few second before Douma doing pointless massacre here. If Douma didn't change his mind, Oyakata sama will hide her from the outside world and Douma will not going to be happy.

"I understand." She said, "Thank you for considering that."

He wave his hand dismissively. "Oh well...I'm not that idiot, Y/n. I know that it will only raise suspicion when your hand suddenly healed. But still... its worth a shot."

Y/n cant 100% rely on her vision if she's getting involved with Douma. It affects her vision and she barely dodge the worst case scenario. Its pointless to try to see his future if he keeping his unpredictable mood swing. Y/n feel happier when he's around but he could endanger her life if he suddenly feel rejected by her. This demon slowly turn into some kind of possessive freak.

There's something about him that make her want to do the same. Despite of the consequences, he wholeheartedly deceiving his comrades and still doing that until now. She wants to mimic his devotion, closing her eyes from his illicit form and keep carry on the relationship he offered.


"Good morning, Y/n san! Such a beautiful day to start a mission, isn't? A beautiful day should last forever. A beautiful smile tenth times make it longer."

Y/n forced to smile even if she doesn't want to. Her vision wont help the man to cheat his death, not if he refuse to runaway from it. "Good morning, Rengoku san."

"Hey! Its still morning and you start your day with that unhappy feeling. Feel free to talk to me! I still got some time indeed." The hashira encourage her. Rengoku Kyojuro is a man equipped with positive thoughts, that's why he won't listen to her no matter how she try.

"Really?" She avoid his gaze and start to walk the garden of Ubuyashiki Estate, Kyojuro catch up with her and still trying to help the girl that he think have an important role within the organization.

"I'm a good listener you know. I feel bad if I let you deal with your hardship when I get on the train."

"Will you listen to me now?" She asked and the hashira nod his head vigorously. "Then get off from the train."

"Am I hear your voice clearly? I though I heard 'get off from the train' instead of 'get on the train'?" He slightly confused but kick that thought away.

"Get off." She emphasized it. Its like what she already know, he won't take it well enough. "You still can choose how you lead your way, beside... life has a lot of alternative ending, it shouldn't end that bad."

Kyojuro took her words calmly, its not his style to avoid whats after him. He considered himself in the middle of a board game, Snakes and Ladders. What he can do now is keep on roll the dice and try his luck, he wont stop until he reach the top.

"I appreciate that but this is my calling. I wont stop fighting even if it cost my life. Beside, this is what I assigned for. If I cant protect them then it would be my greatest regret. I'm sorry Y/n san but I'm not going to stop."

"I know, I supposed it would be too pointless to try to warn you after all. May the god watch over you." She performed the purification ceremony and make sparks for his good luck. "All done. Good bye Rengoku san." She whispered.

"Thanks for the spoiler though. It set my heart ablaze, now I know I should try even hardest."

She watch how Kyojuro walk with his dignity as one of Oyakata sama's finest swordsman. Its harder than she ever thought but she grateful with how he see his circumstance. He think positively and make her less sad about what he decide to do.

Y/n enter the quarter and find Oyakata sama sit staring at his zen garden. She greets him politely like she always do. The leader turn his head to her and smile.

"He won't listen, did he?" He asked, full of understanding.

Y/n let a low chuckled, "As we expected before.. he wont."

"Judging from his personality, he wont step back, not even if he knew where it would lead him to."

"Still... It such a great loss." She hung her head low, feeling useless like before.

"Indeed, but at least you've tried. He choose his own path."

Both of them stay there, listening to the wind blow until Y/n's lips form a smile. As what Kyojuro would say later will always be remembered. "Set your heart ablaze, huh?" She could feel that Oyakata sama smile too.

"Even if he's no longer here, his words will be written inside our heart and live along with us."


In the end, Rengoku Kyojuro never coming home, not when the sun start to rise, not even when The Kakushi Brigades and the youngsters reach The Butterfly Estate. Oyakata sama and Y/n who already know about his fate taking the news calmly, as they're carefully not drowning over the loss feeling too much and start to move forward.

And Y/n should re-sort her feelings too, there is someone who overly thrill awaits her tonight.

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