Chapter 8

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This following weeks, Y/n try so hard to finish her duty before dusk so she can reduce the possibilities to cross path with Douma. The Demon will not show up before the sun completely sink so all she have to do is going home early.

Even if she avoid him, she kinda miss his bubbly personality. Talking with him ease her mind from the stress she secretly hide from the people close to her, including her grandma, Sakonji, Oyakata sama and even Giyuu. She's still not fully agree with the idea of her become the bride of the next Ubuyashiki Leader.

'Though I strongly advice you to not getting your self involve with them'

She start questioning Giyuu's advice is a good idea or not.

That hashira openly said that but he never there to become her talk buddy. After honour Sabito in the way they usually do, Giyuu never even once come to her or send her a message using his old kasugaigarasu. He totally disappear from his social life.

"Y/n san, you can go home now." Said Oyakata sama to her, "thank you for today." Its already dusk and she know that she's in a bad luck now or even lucky, she know she probably going to meet Douma soon.

"Thank you Oyakata sama." She said in gratitude.

The sky already dark when she leave the estate, she walk slowly until she reach the path to the hidden garden and stop, debating if its really alright if she go against her friend's wish.

But in the end she let herself take the stairs and come down to reach the pond but nobody there. Douma is not there. She's been avoiding him so long so its quite make sense if now he's not waiting for her anymore.

She feels guilty for deciding to avoid him, even if Douma is a demon, he is such a kind demon, the most exceptional one.

Once she think that it would be pointless for her to stay there longer, someone covered her eyes from behind.

"Guess who?"

Even if he's using his falsetto to faking his voice, she know who it is. "Upper Moon Two?" She said.

He giggled but he won't release her yet. "Wrong." He immediately said, "That Upper Moon Two has a name too you know. Whats his name?" He asked again softly, now with his actual voice.

"It's Douma." She called his name and he let her go, "Hello there." She greeted, she know the demon quite well so she know when he looks normally happy and when he's happier. And she's 100% believe that he's in extremely good mood today.

"Hello Y/n. What a rare moment having you wait for me first." He grinned. "Miss me that much, huh?"

What he just said was true, but this is the side of him that she doesn't like. He always bluntly said something that she wished to remain unspoken. Its embarrassed her but he didn't get it, plus, its look like he's enjoy teasing her. "Well, I'm not. Not even a little."

Douma sporting sad look as much as he can muster. "Too bad then. I'm kinda missing you, you know." He admitted, "Its not like everyday I've got a cute accompany."

Y/n almost apologize to him but she know she's better not. Giyuu's wise advice echoing inside her head. Realizing she's not giving him the reaction he wants, he change the subject. "Were you really that busy these days?"


"Work?" She nodded as her answer, "I see, but come to think of it, aren't you live at that Wisteria House? What else are you working?"

Y/n's orbs widen for a split second but he easily noticed she slightly taken aback. His innocent question could be hit a jackpot.

He well aware that every Wisteria House resident has a close relationship with Demon Slayer Corps and so is she. Even if she quickly turn to her calm demeanor, its not enough to deceive him. She easily lie to Giyuu but she cant slyly lie to this demon.

"What do you work as? Where do you work?" He asked again, though he smile brightly to her, he silently observes her.

"I'm learning to be a priestess." She carefully answered, in this content she's not even lie to him. That's what she mostly do at Ubayashiki Estate, learning and also helping Oyakata sama by assisting his wife to manage the corps but her role is still small. "What about you?" She ventured herself to ask him back.

Douma equally calculating his moves in order to act naturally as possible, the demon fully believes her but still assuming that she might hide another detail. He know he shouldn't rush to extract the information from her so he decide to slowly pressure her. "Me? I have a cult. I'm some kind of a leader. I have a temple and that's where i live."

She get silent, didn't know how to handle this situation when he exposed himself to her.

"What's wrong Y/n? Is there anything you want to ask?"

She shook her head slowly, thinking that his question and answer session will end up soon if she's not ask him a question again.

"You know, my followers think that I'm capable to communicate with the gods but to be frank, I don't believe any of them exist. "

She frowned as response, much to his liking. Then he start again, "I'm not deceive them. In fact, I'm actually help them from the problem of their life, with my own way of course."

She try to keep silent.

"Its funny how they desperately worshiping me and by the way, I only kept 250 followers, no more than that." He stared right into her eyes. "With that numbers, my cult will not easily exposed when some of them reach their eternal paradise."

"Okay..." She gulped, she really wants to ask something but she's not ready to gamble with her life.

"Y/n. You consider me as a friend right?"

"Yes... We're friends."

"Cool. And I know for the fact that you've been restraining yourself so why don't you just spill the bean." His rainbow eyes suddenly looks menacing. There's no way in every aspect that the rainbow colors could emitting a dangerous light. Douma breaking the idea about how the rainbow colors seen as a good shade.

"Just a stupid question. Forget it." She demanded. Asking him about his demon's life is completely digging her own grave.

"No, no. We can't ignore something even if it just a tiny-puny-faulty things." Douma start to laugh and by him shifting his body to fully face her indicates that he's totally into her stupid question.

"New rule." he cheerfully announced. "There will be no lie layering our words. With your pervert eyes and my manipulative nature, it would be easy for us to lying to each other. Lets be honest, no matter what it takes and how it will lead to." His eyeing her intently now.

Y/n take the last part of his words as a warning if she keeps dodging his upcoming question. The demon smartly push her mental down. 'No matter what it takes and how it will lead to.' it sounds like another dangerous gamble of life.

Her question about what he really is is not comparable if he asked about what she's currently doing. If he come clean about the fact that he's a human eater demon then that's it, if he's end up kill her then she die, case closed. He already know she's reside to The Wisteria House but if he find out that she's directly under Oyakata sama order, not only she will face her own death but he will extract any information about Oyakata sama in the most unthinkable way and she will be forced to become a part of the plan to bring Demon Slayer Corps down.

That's too much worse than the death itself.

Seeing how her face become pale, Douma think that he doesn't need to push her farther than this. He is amuse by the fact that her debating face show how the vision she have was not helping at all.

'Poor thing. She looks so useless with her mind pressured like this. There must be some condition she needs to fulfill in order to unlock her visions. One of them is to be in her serene state. Not under pressure like this.' He thinks.

"Agree?" He asked, quickly switch into his bubbly self. Leaving Y/n with her jumbled head.


New chapter! I was re-arrange the plot of this story when I randomly switch to Disney Channel and I'm really into Phineas and Ferb lately, that's the reason this chapter took so long. I'm so sorryyyyy...

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