Chapter 21

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So many people visit Y/n's Wisteria House and most of them are Kakushi Brigade. After she told Douma about her intention to come back and sided with The Demon Slayers Corps, Douma swiftly destroyed the half wing of her house, just like what he intended to do. Claiming that he helps her to find the reason to move out of this place.

That brute's handy work really surprised her. While she confidently dodges having Douma to wreaking havoc in her house, it still happened. Y/n now realizes that there is some event she cant prevent to happen.

Like when Sabito faced his death.

Y/n sits on the pile of rubble and watching the Kakushi brigade doing their works. Beside her is the Wind Hashira who happened to be sent by Oyakata sama. Sanemi decides to stay with her until certain someone comes.

"You are not... devastated, right?" Sanemi asked her, trying to show his sympathy. He orders one of kakushi brigade earlier to transfer her grandma to The Butterfly Estate to treat her minor injury.

"The one that devastated is my house, my mind just a little bit jumble right now."

"Chill. Don't blame yourself, sometimes things don't go our ways. This house can be built, the wounds can be healed but if you lost your life, it won't come back."

Y/n silently looking at him, his words really something but when it coming from him, it just really weird, "Not trying to be rude but without your spitting words, you really not like Shinazugawa san I knew."

"Well, fuck that. I'm just trying to cheer you up with my fucking wisdom words." He groaned. Holding his habit is too tough for him and he quite glad that Y/n is not used to his polite words.

Y/n laughed as she finds his annoying face somehow looks so funny. "That's better. But don't you worry senpai, I'm doing fine."

"Senpai my ass..."

"How about aniki? Like that little brother of yours called you." She grinned. Many people will think twice before barging into Sanemi's personal life. It's either verbally roasted by him or beaten to pulp. But not with her, although she's canceled her wedding arrangement with Oyakata sama's son, he still respects her as a part of Demon Slayers Corps. Not to mention that he has a soft spot for her carefree personality.

Instead of being harsh as he always be, The Wind Pillar decides to ignore her this time. "I...don't understand what the hell are you talking about. What I'm so curious now is do you remember how that shitty demon looks like? Can you describe it? There is almost zero reports about demon sighting around this fucking area."

"You've got one now. This house demolished by one." She said with her matter-of-fact gesture.

"... And about the demon?" He set aside her stupid answer, she's telling the truth but still silly.

"A male demon, fairly like a human and.. uh.. handsome?" She hesitantly adds the last part and he gives a looks like questioning her sanity.


"Anyway~~ about his level, I personally think with him casually barging to this house, he's probably one of Moon Demons."

"Can't argue with that. At least tonight you're not going to sleep in this place, Oyakata sama ordered me to escort you to Kochou's place." He said but then find a familiar face enter the garden and looks totally worried.

He snorted, "I don't know he can pull that kind of face, he totally loses his shit."

"Of course he can, he is a human too, loaded with emotion." She elbowed him lightly. 'Not like a certain lunatic who thinks using Blood Demon Art just to destroy grandma's house is nothing but a joke.'  She thinks.

"I'm off. Don't want to be a fucking third wheel, he will do the escort thingy." Sanemi disappeared before Y/n could stop him.

Explaining the whole thing to Giyuu with his current state is as hard as hell. His frantic face tells how much he worries over her.

How she wishes to tell him everything but she just can't, the result of Giyuu knows everything about Douma is going to be the day he dedicated himself to cut off Douma's head.

He starts to grilled her with his question, she patiently answers every single of them and waits until he finally gains his cool.

But looks like the hashira takes it too seriously, he even going to ask Oyakata sama to let her stay at his house, not Kochou's.

"You crazy! We cant live together under the same roof. I'm a girl and you're a boy!" She refused immediately, if it happened and Douma tracks her down, he probably going to mutilate her.

"Well, we're occasionally holding hand though, I don't see any problem with us living together. Aside from that, my house is just on the other side of this city. Technically this place is still under my guarding area, so why stay at Kochou's." He mumbled.

"Because Oyakata sama told me so." She said. But he won't listen, he still insists to have her live with him. He's about to send his old Kasugaigarasu to Oyakata sama but she managed to stop him.

"Listen, Giyuu kun. I know that you probably disagree but I have a plan, if it's work according to my plan it might lead to where Muzan is."

"Spill it."

"Heck no! I don't want someone to interfere with my plan." She stubbornly said that but soon regret by how she talks to him, "What I mean is... I'm glad that you probably going to help me, really, thank you Giyuu kun but I need to find it by myself. I will send you a letter. Promise."

Y/n can't remember whether she asks Douma to allow her to send a letter or not, but she will make him do it.

"A letter? How long do you intend to go?" He frowned. She knows basic hand to hand combat and quite skillful using katana but that's so long ago when she used to skip her priestess school before Oyakata sama pick her as his soon to be daughter in law.

With that long gap, she's obviously become so rusty.

"Trust me, I'll be fine. Once everything starts going wrong, I will tell you beforehand."

"It's hard, really, if something happened to you... I'll be damned. Please be safe or else, you better forget whatever you've been planning." He shook his head in exasperation. He just come back from a mission and have an urge to immediately visit her, he doesn't feel right at that time and decides to drop by just to ease his anxiety.

After a long lecture from her childhood friend, she finally finds peace when the hashira going home, she could see that he is still upset about that but try to respect her decision.

The sun began to set. The Kakushi brigade calls it a day and stops repair the mess from last night, leaving Y/n inside The Wisteria House all alone.

Surely she will miss this place, and she hasn't said goodbye to her grandma. Oyakata sama probably understands her choice, Giyuu... well, she promised him that she will keep in contact with him, so by the time passing by, he will understand too.

She waits inside her half build room who still has a horizon of the sky as its roof, waiting for his charming demon to pick her up.

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