Chapter 24

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"No, it's not, Akaza dono."

"Yes, it is you pervert demon."

Douma laughs as he keeps answer Akaza comments, he looks at the human who sits beside him, hands cling to the cuff of his shirt. "Y/n. would you like to say a word to Akaza dono?" He asked.

While Douma keeps on his easy going and charming nature, Akaza seems too annoyed about how he handles the conversation. On the other hand, Y/n could not hear what the demon just talking about, her mind too busy to proceed with what just happened a moment ago.

They were so close and about to break the boundary but Akaza spoiled it where she just a second away from going down on him.

Just second away,

And that critical moment where could send both of them to cloud nine has to be ruined by a demon like him.

"This is Akaza dono, he holds Upper Moon Three position and an absolute killjoy. Don't worry about him, he won't bite you."

"It's because I respect woman. Human or not, a woman still a woman." He snapped when Douma making fun of his personal diet. As much as he wants to beat this leader cult, he just cant.

"Well, I do not respect every woman but I respect Y/n. Y/n is the only exception." Douma announced proudly, making her cringe with his words. "Then what's bring you here?"

"Hantengu and Gyokko attacked The Swordsmith Village and they failed."

It sounds funny to Douma, he sneered as Akaza tell him about that. He feels their presence disappeared this morning and he well aware that something happened with them. "Gyokko dono won't let me come along, that's what he gets from declining my request."

Douma doesn't look grief at all, Akaza mostly concern about how they short-handed right now. There is a silence between them, only between Akaza and Douma.

While Akaza thinking hard about what will he do next, the carefree demon rests his head on Y/n's shoulder, sighed. "He won't go away anytime soon right?"

"Nope." She answered and Douma continues to sulk.

Akaza who randomly popped up in the temple almost every night start to make both Y/n and Douma used to his presence. Sometimes he talks with Y/n, mostly to remind her that Douma's place is a no go for a female human like her, he constantly warning her about his true nature, etc.

His harsh words to describing Douma are quite uncomfortable but seeing the said demon looks totally fine with it, Y/n has no needs to be angry at him.

Y/n suffered from sleeping disorder. Now she's more like a night owl, Douma once worried about her which he claims that she's slowly destroying herself but she reassured him that she's totally fine with it as long as she gets to spend more time with him It's flattered him.


The girl eyeing him with an annoyed look as Douma keeps on declining her request to having his clone accompany her while he was away. She told him that Akaza will drop by again tonight and he will wait until Douma come back from his personal business.

He giggled and softly pinched her cheek, "No, Y/n. From now on my Blood Demon art is for my combat purpose only, not to building any misunderstanding between us."

"Which is?" She snapped.

"You look happier when my Blood Demon Art is around."


"You treat him differently, you even hug him so many times. You said you like me but you make me doubt your confession. Plus, I have a feeling that you're going to try to kiss him remembering that time we couldn't do it."

"Excuse me???" Her face redden by the mix of embarrassment and anger. He doesn't need to remind her, she still not get over that moment.

"I'm serious." He said. Yes, he is serious, his eyes can tell, his expression convinced more. It brings her to the 'one wrong move then you die' era.

"Akaza won't dare to harm you. Just like what he said the other night, he respects women. Now be a good Y/n I knew."

Douma leaves immediately after she promised him to be a good girl. She shut the door closed and sit on Douma's comfy pile of pillows. She has been blessed by another book collection from his followers, and some of the books are like what Oyakata sama's have in his family library where that time she hasn't read it yet.

"Why he won't admit that he was jealous of his own Blood Demon Art..." She frowned, talking to herself while choosing which book she will read later.

Y/n is about to finish her second book when there's a knock on the door before it slides open. Akaza comes inside after she invited him in. He learns some manner now, not carelessly barge in like before. It seems like what he saw that night quite traumatizes him.

"Where's Douma?" He asked when the pervert demon is out of sight.

"Outside. He said that he needs to do some personal business, don't know when he will return."

"I guess I'll be waiting for him." He said, take a seat in the center of the room.

'Of course you will...' she thinks.

Douma really took his time wisely and Akaza think that he probably doing a mass kill near a brothel or somewhere. With Y/n live here he can't be that careless to have a dine-in and Akaza understand that.

The quiet and very collected side of Akaza almost gives a wrong impression that he is actually responsible for Kyojuro's death.

Akaza doing nothing but stare at empty space, he looks like someone who got lost but remains calm. He slowly looks at her when he heard his name been called by her. "What?" He said unamused.

"Are you and Douma is a good friend?"

"We're a demon, we don't do human's trivial things like that."

Y/n takes that as 'no' but this demon keeps on visit them and ruining their quality time, he must be so lonely but won't admit it. "Noted." She said.

Akaza looks at her like he's been itch to say but he doesn't want Y/n to think that he is curious about them until he is visibly annoyed by himself.

"Got something to say? Akaza dono?"

He hesitates for a moment but then thinks that it probably worth a shot. "Why you, mortal, choose to live with a demon like him? I daresay that he tells you everything. He is a demon for fucking sake." He said. "But not that I'm curious about what you two have been doing here. It just... I don't know... it's weird as hell."

It surprised her that even a hot-headed demon like Akaza has such thoughts, maybe it has something to do with him restrain himself to eat women. But, her answer remains the same, even if he try to force her into a harsh reality, her answer will always the same.

"I like him, probably in a romantic way as I falling harder for him." Y/n calmly answered him.

"As I said, we're a demon, we don't do human's trivial things." He remarked, slap her hard with his words.

"It doesn't require him to return my feelings, he obviously clueless about your so-called human's trivial things but I am more than delight when he decides to took me here." She said, "But I'll be damned if I don't have a tiny little hope for him to realize."

Her pure, innocent words made him speechless, same goes for a demon who hides his presence and silently listening to what both of them arguing about from the beginning. Akaza didn't say a word after that, and Douma choose to leave both of them a little bit longer. 

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