Chapter 6

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The winter this year is quite troublesome. Its almost reach the end of the season but the storm keep happened. Y/n stuck in The Ubuyashiki Estate for almost three days now, while she’s away from her Wisteria House she help Amane to treat Oyakata sama so she will getting used to treat the same disease when she’s end up be with Kiriya.

Within three days, she managed to know Kiriya better. The heir of Ubuyashiki surprisingly more mature than she think. The way he use his brain and his point of view matched her, it feels almost like talking to Oyakata sama’s dupe.
Kiriya is such a wise kid and she relieve that its not going to feel like babysitting him.

“How’s your husband doing?” Giyuu asked her. When the dusk sky looks fine and had enough sneezing the land with the storm, Giyuu visit the Ubuyashiki Estate to give the report about his last mission. Y/n use this as her chance to leave the estate, she wants to come home. Though Kiriya seems not too happy hearing this, he eventually have to get along with it since Oyakata sama permitted her.

“He is not my husband, Giyuu kun.” She rolled her eyes, she cant decide whether his statement is to point a fact or simply tease her.

“He will be.”

“Will you find another topic? The one that not aiming to my personal issue.”

“Right, right.”

She scoffed as Giyuu seems have no idea to talk about anything outside his curiosity on her. “Do you think Sakonji san will teach that boy?”

“Why you ask me when you already know the answer?” The need to hit the back of his head suddenly urged her to make it into reality. So she did it, earning his priceless confused face.
Sabito’s death really give a huge impact to his social life. Poor boy.

“Gezz... Don’t spoil my attempt to breaking the ice.” She groaned. “Any news from him? I’m really asking you this time, I got nothing from my vision.”

Giyuu didn’t take her words easily. He end up having a small staring contest with her while keep walking because he assume her that she probably know it beforehand. When it feels like forever they finally walked on the road where she took a path to abandoned pond before. She slower her pace then stop, sneakily peek to the direction. But nothing there.
She’s a little bit disappointed. She was hoping Douma is there doing whatever he loves to do, praising the beauty of the post storm scenery maybe.

“What's with you?”

She get a little bit jumpy and frowned when his blue eyes staring at her. She realizes that both of them won’t meet again until winter is over but she hope that for whatever reason she could find him standing by the pond. “Don’t scare me like that.” She groaned but her eyes quickly find its way back to the pond. Giyuu raised his eyebrow since she looks distraught.

“What did you see?”

She hesitate to tell him. Giyuu is the least she want to share about it, its going to be a one way conversation. He’s not going to give any thought about it so she decide to hide it from him. “I see nothing.” She claimed. “Lets start moving.”


Her vision ability getting improve by time to time, she’s helping to reduce the casualties from the demon attack. Though Oyakata sama wants to keep her abilities as a secret, the rumors about her ability eventually reach Kibutsuji Muzan’s ear.

Douma just finish his last meal when he transferred to The Dimensional Infinity Fortress, soon the rest of the Upper Moon Demon all gathered and Kokushibou doesn’t need to roll call them.
Douma, the bubbly demon hums happily but his happiness annoyed Akaza a lot, he keep told him to maintain a large gap between them. Douma comically shocked by how Akaza dump him but he wont listen to him anyway.

Once the meeting started, Muzan gives another task. He wants all of them getting information about someone with clairvoyant-like power who work under The Demon Slayer Corps. “If the rumor is true, find and kill her where she stand.” He stated, he even know about the gender.

At first the demon of happiness having no clue about who his lord been talking. Akaza even said to Kokushibou that it doesn’t sound like a job that suit him.

“That doesn’t mean you can abandoned the order.” Kokushibou remind him.

“Or maybe we can send this lazy ass demon to find her since its really his field of expertise.” His eyes glared to Douma who literally stand between them, the other Upper Moon already dismissed themself.

“Akaza dono...”

“I know, I know. I get it Kokushibou dono. I will track her down and when its confirmed I’m going to send another demon to kill her.” He irritated by his own words, Akaza leaves the fortress as soon as possible. He proofed himself loyal to his lord but he finding that the new task is too much for him.

“I love this task so much.” Douma triumphantly said, “hunting woman, I cant waste any more time.”

Kokushibou got a feeling that Douma forget the main part of this task, he might forgot that this is not about hunting random people. Judging from his overexcited expression, he really miss the important part. Kokushibou manage to stop him before he’s disappear in to the thin air.
“Should I remind you that there is a specific woman that we’re going to hunt?” He asked.


“I knew it.” The Upper Moon One calmed himself before he pull his blade and make a several hole in Douma's body. “Find someone who have an ability to predict the future events.”

“Oh... Oh.... OHHHHHH!!!” His eyes wide opened and he suddenly remember Y/n. His exaggerated reaction was too bold and he needs to find a clever reason to hide the fact that he know her.

Kokushibo is not that stupid, he quickly sense that there is something behind Douma’s reaction before. But then again Douma is a woman eater, its should be a common reaction when the job is involved a woman.

When Douma finally found the most sly reason, the question from Kokushibou never come.
He just sighed and shake his head and leaving Douma to be the last one leaving the fortress.

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