Chapter 17

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Y/n look at the sky where some kasugaigarasu flying across the sky. Flapping their wings to their respective owner. Y/n feel something perch on her shoulder and pat the head of one kasugaigarasu who recently lost its owner.

"His death wasn't in vain, he passed down his flame to us. Now I want you to be ready for whatever will happen next, we surely need you." She looked at the bird with a tired smile. The bird eventually fly to the opposites side of the others and probably back to where the rest of them gathered.

"Is it coming close?"

Y/n bow her head to respect her leader and smiles, "No, still long way to go but it will come. Eventually."

"I see..." Oyakata sama said. The leader motion Hinaki to leave both of them, the daughter obediently leaves the quarter and slide the door shut.

"I know its probably in rush or maybe not, but I want to hear your answer. Please do remember that I'm not going to force you and I always respect you. You are equally dear to me like my own children."

Y/n know that it bound to happen at any rate and she's happy that she finally have a reason to convinced her self and the head of Demon Slayers Corps.

"I'm really grateful to have you as my master. Doing priestess job is start to bore me and I realize that is not even my typical things I want to do and I'm so glad that you took me to assist you ruling over this corps."

Her honest words make Oyakata sama laughed, its not everyday she could hear him laugh like that. "Have you reconsider your answer then?"

Y/n nodded her head, "I did. At first I don't really understand what to do and probably will going along as planned." She said. "But something happened and I don't want to deceive Kiriya sama. I cant see him more than a brother. So with all my respect, I decline the offer to be a part of Ubuyashiki Family. I ... I have someone that I think I'm fallen with..."

Oyakata sama looks surprised, if only he could see how Y/n's face blushed so hard to the point she could bury her head. What surprised him is not because she decline the offer, Oyakata sama always remind her that he wont forced her to say yes. But to think that Y/n have someone special to her and this whole time she's spend her time inside Ubuyashiki mansion, he feel guilty.

Oyakata sama chuckled, "Is that so?"

"Yes, it is." She said firmly.

"Is it Giyuu kun you've fallen with?"

"What?! No! Not him..." She groaned.

'But if it was him, it would be much easier..' She think. She look at Oyakata sama who keep on smiling at her. "Oyakata sama, can I request one more thing before I left?"

"Sure, but honestly you don't need to leave this place, you can come in like you used to do."

"I can't. It only hurt him." Her voice fill with sadness, but she need to carry on, she need to chase for her happiness too.

"True, that kid grew quite fond of you." Even if he's blind now, he can actually feel how his surrounding. He know that his only son likes her and he also know that Y/n's mind occasionally branched somewhere.

"Let me talk to Kiriya sama. I think I need to talk to him about this."

"You don't need to bother..."

The door slide opened and revealing a black hair boy with his unsettled smile. "I'm sorry father, for eavesdropping."

"Its ok, son. Now I let both of you to talk your heart out." Hinaki and Kuina help their father stand as both of them quickly reach the quarter when they heard the door slide open, hurrying to assist their beloved father. "As for Y/n, our door still open for you. You can come back anytime you want."

"Understood." She bowed her head and change glances to his daughters who visibly looks baffled hearing what their father just said.

"Are you really left?" Kiriya asked her once the door shut. Trying his best to looks calm as possible.

Y/n looks at the younger boy, amaze by how Oyakata sama raise him into. He's not allowing his personal feeling to get his head.

"There is no reason for me to stay here anymore. I only will come back when that time is about to come."

"I understand." But his voice quickly change in the next second, "Is it Tomioka san?"

Y/n laughed dryly as not only the father accused Giyuu as the reason she declined the offers, even his son think the same way. "You've heard it before right? Leave that poor guy alone, he's got nothing to do with this."

"I'm sorry."

A minute away he looks too mature from his age, now he act like a kid who break an ancient vase belong to his mother. Kiriya couldn't stand to look Y/n in the eyes.

"Its fine, Kiriya sama. I'm so glad I get to know you."

"The pleasure is mine, Y/n san."

That's the last time Y/n see him. He's not even show up to bid her farewell. Though Amane  feel bad about that, Y/n reassured her that she's totally understand and think that Kiriya should recollect himself first. She feel bad that she needs to crush his feeling to pieces. But that's better, way better than if Douma found out about that, he will crushed his whole body and soul.

The night feels a little bit cold, Y/n walk pass the road. She will miss it, a journey to her home. Was she really fallen to a dangerous demon like Douma? A demon who could harm her any second whenever his mood swing. Hanging out with him now feels like walking in a garden fill with underground mines. Y/n think of it as how he show how much she meant to him. And she will always think that way.


Her eyes lid to the smiling demon that greets her from afar. His charming smile is so precious, he looks very happy just like what she predicted. She find her self running to him, open her arms which he gladly welcome it. He embraces her and keep laughing.

"Araa~~ Araa~ So clingy, aren't we?" Douma said, playfully shake her body left and right. "Listen, listen. Kokushibou dono told me that Akaza dono completely disappointed Muzan sama. I really cant stop laughing until he pointed out that Akaza dono was standing behind me the whole time--"

Y/n listen to him and laugh together in every gruesome things Akaza did to Douma. She hopes this is the best and somehow she could change his mind for stop getting involved with The Demon King.

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