Chapter 7

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'Long time no see, Y/n.'

'As beautiful as always.'

'How come you look flawless even in the middle of the night?'

'I just meet you less than 48 hours but I miss you already.'

Douma travelled miles away just to make sure that his newly play thing doesn't fall into the wrong hand. The demon learns that woman loves to hear sweet words and he try to make Y/n fall for him with his sugar coating words. But he need to admit that it wasn't that easy to impress her, she's not taking his words seriously.

"Look at those pervert eyes.." Douma leaned to Y/n's face as he admiring her eyes, its almost 3 months now both Y/n and Douma getting more frequent to see each other.

Douma took his mission seriously. Not for eliminates her but to keep her for his own purposed.

"I have no pervert eyes." Y/n cringe as she heard what he just said, plus she's not comfortable by the gap between them. "That's rude you know."

"Well, it surely likes to peek someone else future." He pinched her cheek playfully, "Unless you have something to called those eyes of yours. But I like to call them pervert eyes." He giggled endlessly, "So catchy."

Its become his habit to wait for her in the abandoned pond, though he's not always there. He still have a job to do as a demon or as the cult leader. But he really spend his time dedicated for her.

Y/n glared at the demon, "Its not pervert eyes, Douma. That's not how it works. Idiot." She mumbled the last words.

Even though the last part is audible enough to him, it just make him wants to tease her more. "But it still peek. That's what pervert do."

"Whatever you said, Douma. Whatever you said." She sighed in defeat and throw a pebble to the pond. "By the way, I'm curious with how you have more time to come here now."

"I come here because I really want to and I find that you are such a good accompany." He smiled, "I told you so many times yet you keep asking me."

"Are you've been kicking out from your job? So you have more time to spend with me?"

He laughed as her question really tickling him off. "The only one that can kick me out from my job is no other than me, Y/n. What's with that question? Is that what you see from your pervert eyes?"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, "No." She answered shortly.


The next night, Douma is nowhere to be seen and it's quite bother her why he's not randomly popped out as he used to do, but then again she know that she really need to focus on her duty since she enter the week of Final Selection. She gives a report about what happened during the Final Selection but when she reach the day where Sabito passed away, she asked to have a day off and mourn to his death all day without Giyuu's knowledge. She's pouring all her uneasiness and how she really felt by let herself consumed with her great sadness which she always keep by herself. Later at night, Giyuu come to honour their last moment together like what he always did ever years, the two of them sit in the roof top again.

"About this year Final Selection..." She started and notice the current Water Hashira who sit beside her getting all tense, she know that he probably worried about the boy he sent to Sakonji. "Don't worry, he will make it."

Though he say nothing at all, Y/n could see that he feel relief now. "Oyakata sama asked me to go with Kiriya sama and his little sister to greet the participants who passed the selection."

"That's great. You're getting close to each other." He nodded his head.

"How about you?" She asked, "How's the other hashiras?"

Giyuu didn't answer immediately as he belief that Y/n probably angry with what he's about to say. He keep his mouth sealed but she keep on staring at him in hope that he already making friends there, but he know that he disappoint her. "I don't know, they're look fine by themself. So am I."

She dropped her shoulder and feel sad about him. To be frank, she know about it but she wants to heard it from himself to admit his incapable to break  the loop of his denial.

"Do you know that Kochou san's tsugoku also attend this year selection?" She tried to ease the awkward moment.

"No, and I don't care."

"I heard she's so cute and self-contained like you." She pushed.

"I... don't care about that either."

"Go ask her out." She teased and happy as Giyuu give her another reaction than looking at her deadpan, he dramatically closed his eyes and sigh.

"You crazy."

She laugh wholeheartedly and she could see Giyuu smile a little bit as he heard her lively laugh. He glance at his only friend left, she is the reason who drive him created the Eleventh Form of his breathe style, Dead Calm. He swear that he will protect her no matter what as she is the last human who keep his sanity. He lost his sister and his best friend by the hand of the demons, and if the same thing happened to her, he's totally going crazy and probably will lose his desire to live.

"Giyuu kun, have you ever heard about Upper Moon?" She asked out of the blue.

Its quite surprised him that she know about that term, but he's not too sceptical about that since she's work with Oyakata sama although her main focus is to take care the next heir. "Did Oyakata sama mention about it?" He asked.

"Yes." She lied, but soon feel a rush of guilty.

"Then why do you ask?"

"Because I'm so confused about that. How do I know if I meet one of them." She groaned because his words make her to create another lies.

"You can tell by whats engraved in their eyes. The Upper Moon has both of their eyes engraved while The Lower Moon only has one." He informed her, "Though I strongly advice you to not getting yourself involve with them."

Giyuu look at her in the eyes seriously and she wish she can tell him the truth that she already failed him and the worst thing is now she feels like she start to miss The Upper Moon Two's presence.

"Yes." She said, "Of course."

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