Chapter 25

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'Dear Giyuu kun,

I hope by the time you read my letter you already befriend with everyone but I highly doubt that.

If you wondering why it takes so long to send this letter is because the weather wouldn't let me go to the nearby village, besides, I'm too lazy to step out in the rain.

So, everything is fine. I'm doing fine and you don't need to worry that much, I repeat, I am doing fine.

Don't even try to find me ok?

Tell grandma that I love her so much.


Douma finished reading her letter clear and loud. All smile but there's a hint of annoyance from his voice. Y/n raised her eyebrow, questioning him.

"No hidden hints there, not even a code to deceive you." She told him.

"Read it again, Y/n. You mention about the weather here, this 'Giyuu kun' probably check which place has a heavy downpour rain. Change it." He demanded. "And no 'dear Giyuu kun' it is supposed to be 'to Giyuu kun'. I even let you using honorific tittle there, so be grateful for that."

Douma gives the letter to her and sits in their favorite place. The comfy pile of pillows, who held a sweet or maybe embarrassing moment getting caught before even doing various things.

She frowned looking at him. "But you're the one say that the rain probably falls all over the country."

Douma gives a boring look, he's not in a good mood and extremely bitchy. He regrets granting her wish to send a letter to her friend. "That's all my doing Y/n. It's only a local rain that falls all around this temple. I lie to you, ok? It is hard for me to have you send a letter with this 'Giyuu kun'." He admitted. "By the name of it, it's probably a male name."

She sighed and that's enough to draw his attention but he's not sorry for lying to her, even if he's the one who initiated to not lie to each other. "Ok." She simply said.

Douma stop sulking and look at her oddly, he expected her to yell at him and bring up the issue about trust each other here, but she didn't. The human calmly rewrites the letter to change the provocative words and she gives it to him once again.

He gives a small glance at where the revision is.

"It doesn't require him to return my feelings, he obviously clueless about your so-called human's trivial things but I am more than delight when he decides to took me here."

He remembers her conversation with Akaza. She really meant it. He starts to reflect on everything he did to her, comparing before and after she confessed to him, it is safe for him to say that his current self is more restrained to do domestic violence on her. But he can't deny that he still doubts her, the more she looks determined the more he is scared of the possibility to betray by her.

"I feel some odd tense in the air."

"Welcome home, Akaza dono." Douma greets him sarcastically, the wheel is turning and now this is his turn to get a lot of visit by Akaza. Now he realizes how wrong it is to keep come uninvited.

"You should reply to him by saying 'I'm home.' Akaza dono." Y/n remind him when he just send his deadpan to Douma. "Anyway, can we go now?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the nearby city, she needs to do something there. You are welcome to come along if you want to, or maybe I could use you to guard this place."

"He wouldn't dare, Douma, he is too inhuman. He will attract unwanted attention."

"Shut up! I didn't say that I want to tag along with you!" He snapped angrily.

That's what he said before, but in the end, he followed them after all. Claiming that he needs some quick meal and headed to the same direction and what Y/n heard along the way is Douma and Akaza bickering about a simple thing.

Y/n give a small glance to the demons behind her.

Akaza looks far from what Tanjiro ever mention, Y/n could sense there's a fit of anger, strong resentment binding him to find his peace, and he also seems to feel loneliness, yearning for something he couldn't have.

It's quite easy to analyze him compared to Douma. Akaza is like an open book. He uses his brute power to fill his emptiness.

She can't read Douma's personality or what he's feeling. She cant label him anything but the numb demon.

Akaza parting way with them as he finds someone who suits his taste. That leaving Douma and Y/n to enter the town farther. So many people wandering the road and they need to do it fast, who knows out of hundreds of people there recognize her, they need to remain low.

"Douma, it just a mailbox here. Sending your clone in the dead of the night would work too." She said while putting the letter inside the box.

"My clone is for combat purpose only, unless you want this place to be demolished like your house then I'd love to do that." He grinned.

"Forget it..." She groaned, Douma happily walking behind her. It's always good to tease her, he knows that whatever he said or did to her, she will not leave him. He didn't forget the deal he made with her though, and he quite agree with it to send her away from the upcoming destruction.

Douma engrossed himself with trivial matters and did not even realize when Y/n stop walking. The moment he looks up and no Y/n in front of him is making his frantic mode on. He called her name many times and walking fast to where both of them pass before.

"Ah... there you are." He sighed in relief, Y/n is seen carrying something and talking to it, he curiously looks at what she's holding like a baby and relieves that it's only a cat, a big fat cat who almost like a baby.

"He is so cute, I wish I can keep him but I'm not that good with keeping a pet." She said. Struggling to keep the cat in place.

He smiles looking at her carrying the cat like an actual baby but that warm feeling didn't last that long. His mind suddenly runs to where he saw someone doing the same gesture.

Carrying a baby

Half beaten

Sobbing uglily

Asking for a shelter

He cherished them

But her life ends in his hand.

Douma let the memory embraces him and once again come back to the time he hates the most. Was he really hates it? Or he simply regrets what he's done that time.

Douma let the reminiscence hit him, unaware that Y/n tighten her hold to the cat as her ability starts to working, without her consent.

The cat bites her finger lightly, causing her to drop him in surprise and he walks to the bush, leaving her with Douma.

Once everything is done, Douma has trouble adjusting his sight, he cant clearly look at who's standing before him as he still in a daze. He slowly bats his eyes but he is still confused whether he's in the reality or not.

Under the dim light of street lanterns, when his rainbow eyes meet her, his hand caress her cheek and carelessly said,

"Why you look so sad? Kotoha?"

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