Chapter 10

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Over thinking.

Y/n stressed her body out. The day after Giyuu walk her home, she visit her secret place which still remain ruined by Giyuu's handy work. Her attempt to find Douma there was in fail.

Douma nowhere to be seen.

Same goes to the second and third day, and soon become a week.

Its almost feel similar to when Sabito passed away. But its not a heartache, she's smart enough to tell the difference. She positively heartbroken.

She's crying along with the rain who drench her body, and disappoint knowing that when she's passed out soon, its wouldn't be Douma who help her.

Y/n wake up when she realize that someone piggyback her, the rain has stop and the night sky fill with the stars as if they want to cheer her up.

She's not feeling good, her head is spinning, her body burned in fever and she feel the need to disembowel herself.

"Go to sleep, Y/n." Said The Wind Hashira. " Seriously... Which idiot who like to hang out in the middle of the night, in the middle of fuckin' rain!" Sanemi grumbled while try not to shake her too much unless he wants her to throw up on his shoulder. "

"That will be me..." She answered half whisper. "But thank you, though."

"Hmph...Its a good thing I'm the one who find you otherwise you probably get attack by some demon."

She think that its impossible, 'Douma won't let that happen, doesn't he?'

She questions where the demon is, and what he's doing right now. Considering how upset she is, she start to wondering what he feel when she's avoiding him before, did he feel uneasiness like her?

Sanemi knocked the Wisteria House and bow to pay a respect to Y/n's grandma, and of course telling the elder of how stupid her granddaughter is. Y/n is too tired to argue with him and too afraid to purposely vomit on him so he can just shut his mouth and carrying her to her room.

The next day, Giyuu check her forehead and sighed when she's still have a high fever. Y/n pretend to sleep so she doesn't need to lie to him again. "What are you thinking..." She heard what he said, "you aren't that stupid, to let yourself walking in the rain. What are you searching for?"

She really wants to tell everything to him but she's afraid with how he will take her words, he will be mad at her or even disappoint. She knew Giyuu will leave anytime soon but its hard to control her tears to not accidentally slip from the corner of her eyes. Its good to her that Giyuu's kasugaigarasu finally arrive and instruct him for his next mission. Giyuu reluctantly leave her but he doesn't have any choice. He give a quick glance before completely gone.

"I'm sorry.." She said and open her eyes, wishing she have a courage to say it directly.

In the next few days Y/n pay the price for carelessly let her self drenched by the rain in the middle of the night. After forced herself to eat a plain porridge so she can take the medicine, she didn't feel any better, instead, her head feels so heavy than before and her face getting redder.


Three days ago--

Douma attend the Twelve Moon meeting and surprised by how a Lower Moon Demon like Rui have a lead about Y/n. Akaza feel relieved about the news and his lord spiteful words didn't hurt his pride.

Akaza cant hide his mega watt smile when the meeting is over and surprisingly willing to talk to Douma.

"I don't mind Muzan sama tortures my ears with his rage all day than having to track that woman." He grinned, "I thought you can handle this mission but Rui beat you first. "

Douma wasn't that too emotionless. When Rui announced that, even if its only a little, he can feel a few drops of anger running through his veins. Rui might be just doing what Muzan order to all of them but Douma only sees it as 'Rui try to sabotage my plan'.

"That's strange." Douma said, walk pass him.


Douma grinned behind his fan, "I caught some hunters but none of them confirmed it. They said they 're only rely on their spy, not a psychic." He lied. "I can tell they're hide nothing. Akaza dono might be know by how I treat woman gently, but if it comes to man, I'm not hesitate to gauge them alive in order to obtain what I want."

His misleading words quickly send Akaza to his turmoil. He punch the nearest wall and caught Kokushibou's attention. Douma smile widely when Kokushibou approach them. The Upper Moon One clearly not in a good mood too.

"The next time you two brawl again I'm going to send both of you for blood battle." Kokushibou snarled. Its really a long day for him. Having labeled as an incompetent demon by his lord makes him want a bloody distraction, such like blood battle between his comrades.

"Ara~~ Don't be that upset Kokushibou dono, I just tell him that Rui kun's statement might be wrong since I got an opposite testimonial from another hunters. Akaza dono just expressed what appear to be his dejection. Please spare his low life."

"Shut up, you filthy maniac." Akaza snarled in anger.

Kokushibou quickly agree to Douma's statement, he's too eager to prove what his lord called him was wrong. He wants the story about a psychic girl is nothing but a lie. He's not realize that he already fall to Douma's trick.

When he's too busy keep on spreading his lie, he lost count of days. He casually wait for Y/n at their usual place but she's not there. Two days is enough for him to change his mind about her.

"Interesting. I even risk my life to mislead them so she remain invisible but this is what I get..."

1 Km away from Wisteria House,Douma eyeing the house. The scent of Wisteria flower could be sense within this range and it would scare away normal - small fry demons, but not him.

Douma decides that this is the right time to pay a visit for her.

'Could it be that she's pretend to believe in me so she can runaway that day?' He cant help but think negatively.

"Okay."He closed his fan, "It will be a little bit ticklish to barge that house. I spared her life but in the end she do what Kotoha did to me. She's no better than her. They're the same." He commented.

Douma enter the house and waltz to the backyard, ignoring the pain when his skin start to crack open slowly and bleed. He's not going to suffer from a mere pain, he is incredibly strong.

Douma know where she is, there's a dim light coming from one of the room and her scent linger there. His killing intent growing rapidly as he walk closer to the room. He sure that Muzan sama will praise him and maybe grace him with more blood for eliminate her.

"Knock knock." Douma chirped happily, ready to kill and eat her to the very bone. He heard a small grunt and opened the window with ease and come inside.

There she is, the woman that he claimed betraying him, lying weakly with a towel on her forehead. Her eyes was too heavy but she smiles in her sleep, "Douma.." She called his name hoarsely and give her hand for him to reach.

He took her hand and look at the girl, melancholy but let a warm chuckle listening to her sleep talking. "Poor girl, when I thought that you've betrayed me..." He said, rubbing her hand with his thumb, sending her to her slumber. The medicine start to kick in and she need all the rest she can get.

Douma lovingly stroked her head, ignoring the massive effect of The Wisteria Flower. He still capable to endure it, more like he didn't have a problem with it. His body keep regenerating from the open wound.

"Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming.." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Well, I'm really here." He giggled. Y/n let a small grunt when Douma took her fever away. "Sleep well, Y/n. This time you can have a proper sleep."

That night, Douma successfully intrude The Wisteria House and leaves his haori to point out to her that he really come visit her. He will not going to wait for her at the usual place anymore, instead, he wish that her vision would bring her come to him soon.

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