Chapter 18

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I'm not quite sure with this chapter but...oh well, hope you guys enjoy it!


"I'm not the third person."

"Of course you're not. Who the hell told you that?" Y/n, now a full timer of Wisteria House resident have a leisure time for her self. Serving senbei and a pot of hot tea for her and Giyuu.

The hashira recently know about her withdrawal from 'that' position, the news spread faster than the wind and Giyuu was baffled by how the other hashiras keep on teasing him as the third person. The innocent boy suffered from inferiority complex and that's not helping him at all. All he's doing now is staring at his cup, not even drink the tea inside.

"Then who is that person? The actual third person?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Its a secret, I'm not sure either if he feels the same way or not."

Giyuu turn to see her, the ignorant girl really looks more relieve than before, as long as she's enjoying her life happily, he's fine with everything she do.

As far as he remember, Y/n always busy herself assisting Oyakata sama, now she's suddenly mention about a man. Its make him frowned , something fishy about this.

"Is he even alive? I mean... Is he a human?"

The tea choked her throat and she coughing hard. The hashira quickly rub her back in frantic. Once she can catch her breath, she look at him with her e/c eyes.

"What exactly do you mean about that?"

Giyuu looks hesitant but he talk about it anyway, "He is not some kind of imaginary things right?"

Y/n almost got a heart attack and she can feel her heart still beating rapidly because of his stupid question. The girl try to not inviting any unwanted suspicion more than this, she try to calm herself before speak any further with the clueless man.

"I haven't reach that stage yet Giyuu kun, I'm still normal. Don't worry."

"Well, that's weirdly makes me more worry..."

"Oh hush. Enjoy your duty call, hashira san."

"What? I'm off duty right now." Giyuu literally here without his uniform, he wears his blue yukata and not even bring his nichirin blade.

"Are you sure? Or maybe your old kasugaigarasu is such an imaginary things over there. Looks who's hanging on the branch." She pointed to the farthest wisteria tree inside the garden.

"Its probably some urgent mission. And every urgent mission always start when I'm with you."

Y/n laughed and she can tell that Giyuu wants to laugh too, but he's too skilful to hold his laughter so he left after stroking her hair, remind her to not get her self into trouble.

She's not answer him, she simply smile at him and wave her hand. She worry about tonight. Douma is weirdly too calm when she told him that she's not working with Ubuyashiki family anymore. After a few days absent, tonight he will visit Wisteria House but not practically to meet her. He has his own agenda, and that's not a good thing.


The rain fall as hard as it can. The sound on the roof and the pond fill with the raindrops drifting the householder to their deep slumber, but not Y/n. The girl standing in the dark of the hallway, waiting for the demon show himself. The hallway behind her lead to her grandma bedroom and the other helper's room, she's not going to move until she confronts him.

Douma supposed to be here but it pass 15 minutes and he still out of sight. He must be caught into something that she's incapable to foresee. The heavy rain won't stop him, it wont change his mind.

She keep standing there, wait in anxiety because he's not in the good mood, he come carrying his betrayal feelings.

The thunder strikes and the light illuminates the rainbow eyes of him, he looks like a cat fell to the pond, the pond where the water mix with the blood.

Douma eyes widen when he find Y/n standing on his way. He looks upset, and disgust.

"A good girl must be asleep around this hour." He started.

"Its because I'm a good girl so I stay awake, in case you want to do something to my grandma."

Douma walk closer to her but that's doesn't mean its make her move backwards. Y/n not even move a muscle. His clothes drenched by the rain and blood, a small scratch on his cheek is a newly wound when he enter the house too long.

The demon originally come to kill any body who too close to her, but then he got a juicy news when he overheard some 'passerby'.

"Say...Y/n. Cut my ear if I'm mistaken but why some demon slayers I met before mention about you cancel the engagement plan with Ubuyashiki's son? Cut my other ear if all this time, you ever mention about that? Tell me the reason that I don't have to slaughter all of you here and now."

This is her biggest fear. She think that Douma could never get to know about that plan but he eventually know about it. God must be hating her. So much.

"Its not important, Douma..." The more he started to grin, the more he freak her out. That psycho aura he emerges is in the different level than before. He really means to kill her.

"How could it be that's NOT important, Y/n? Do you remember our rules? I never ever lied to you then why you got a nerve to lie to me? Answer me Y/n! Answer me!!"

The glass window shattered and it will be a pain in the ass to clean all of this mess, plus the broken window invites the wind to drenched the floor with the rain. He swing his fan who nearly cut her neck but its manage to let the blood pour from her fresh wound. "I'm sorry..." She stuttered.

The demon grab her neck so he can choke her anytime he wants. "Answer me." He said, impatient.

"At first, I though that it doesn't matter because I'm not into that plan. I never want it. So a few days ago, I told Oyakata sama that I decline the offer. That's the the day when you talk about Akaza."

"I'm not sure that you convince me enough. Did Ubuyashiki Kagaya really accept your refusal as simple as that?" He mocked.

"I'm not lying."

"But you hide it for me, more or less it actually similar to when you lie to someone. I swear to all the demon in this world, I'm going to hunt down your little groom to be." Douma start to lose himself, he grip her neck a little bit tight and she start to have a difficult breathing.

"I swear, Douma I'm telling you the truth."

"Yeah, yeah. That's interesting. Any last word, my darling friend?" He positioned both of his hand around her neck so he can conveniently break it with a nice cracking sound. He smile happily to her.

"I like you."

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