Chapter 19

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I'm sorry this chapter took so long. Happy reading guys!

During the time as a human, Douma hardly show any emotion and unsurprisingly very lack of empathy. Even when his parents died, he's more concern about the fishy smell of the blood inside the room. Douma dismiss his emotion long before he become a demon.

Y/n's words took him by surprise but his nature as a demon forced him to react different way. "I don't remember asking for another lies, Y/n." He said, half-ass.

Though its hurt her to be labeled as a liar, she think that it must be her karma for keep deceiving Giyuu. "And i'm pretty sure that I'm not lying. I have a feeling towards you." She pushed. As embarrassing as it is, she hates it when Douma didn't trust her. How could a demon who shamelessly quite enjoying forcing a physical contact to her talking like that.

"Is it the same feeling like when you're so fed up with one particular girly and really wants to kill her?"

"No! That's what happened when you're hate somebody, in general." She frowned. "Do you hate me that much?"

"Yups! Even if a demon is so manipulative, I get offense if you possessed that kind of habit. Now, can I request for a cracking sound from your neck?" Douma grinned widely.

His playfulness didn't last long. When Y/n looking right into his eyes like she's so determined to proof what she's talking earlier is true, he feel a weird sensation inside his heart that had been numb for a long time. Though sometime he act like a carefree being, he always pay attention of her every movement or expression, even if its only a slight.

"I am a demon, Y/n. The embodiment of darkness. I could kill you without second thought. There's no way a human like you possibly has a feeling to a demon like me." He sighed. "Its weird...its so wrong."

Y/n could tell his uneasiness behind his calm facial expression. If he's really hate her that much, why he's not murder her right away when he spotted her inside the house. Its almost show her that he's not really meant it when he said that he wants to kill her. He's just pissed off.

"I guess its because you are what you are." She started, "Demon or not, I don't really mind about that."

Douma blinked his eyes multiple time and looking at Oyakata sama's supposed to be daughter in law. He's trying to proceed what Y/n just said. The mixed feelings he's not familiar with start to affect him, he's not even realize when his cheek slowly damp by his tears.

The demon is cry.

Douma looks totally confused. His grip around her neck start too loosen a bit and not in a threatening manner like before. He used to think that his numb heart incapable to feel any emotion, but being with her he can tell a various thing he could feel even if it mostly affected him negatively and now he suddenly feel a warmth within his long-numb heart.

For him to not accidentally break her neck was such a miracle, considering the last time Y/n speak something that he don't even understand was end with a cracking sound.

He avert his gaze and suddenly pull back, aiming to where he come from. "Whatever." He mumbled. "I'm out. I lost my killing intent and I don't have any reason to stay here any longer."

Just before he's out of her sight. She called him and he kindly stop where he stand. "Are we still friends, Douma?" She asked, carefully not to trigger him to do another domestic violence here but he's not immediately answer.

"Of course we are." He said, he sounds exhausted. "And I think I like the idea that you like me..."

That's being said and the confused demon walk away. Leaving Y/n with her own thought inside the messy house of her. She smile softly, relieved by the fact that after his one sided accuse thing, he still thinks her as his friend.

Technically, Y/n doesn't need his answer, she's well aware of his nature as a demon. Since he asked her last words, she just simply speak out what she want him to know.

Once she finally had her eyes on her surrounding, her smile turn into a frown and she groaned.

"Great.. and he's not even help me." She whined. She start to clean up the mess and grumbled incoherent words until she feel a light tap on her shoulder. She froze.

She stop whatever she's doing and slowly turn her head. Explaining the whole mess to her grandma would be tire her so much, since she need to talk loudly so her grandma could hear it and with the heavy rain and thunder, she wont get anywhere.

She's expecting for the sleepy face of her grandma wrapped in a bundle of blanket standing behind her, instead, what appears behind her back is a short creature, made by a crystal who resembles its summoner.

"Oh, hello.. Can I help you?" She asked, giggling with her childish tone, smiling to the creature who start to melt and regenerate.

Mini Douma, who clearly cant even speak and accustomed to combat is quickly help her clean up the room. He diligently picking up the broken shred of window's glass so it wont hurt her when she accidentally step on it. Mini Douma even going as far as to fix the window's glass by putting some crystals but Y/n capable to prevent him doing that. The window with a crystal surely not a normal thing, even if its almost shatterproof and quite durable compare with the glass.

"You are so kind, and cute! I don't mind hiding you inside my closet. "She cooed while mopping the floor. "Douma probably will not show up for the next few days, maybe even weeks. I'm probably going to be lonely." She said. "Say, do you think that guy will be ok?"

Though she know that The Blood Demon Art cannot talking back, she keeps on ranting about Douma while clearing up the mass. She even told him what she likes and dislikes about him, such as admitting that the way he looking at her while listen to her with his smile cause a great damage to her poor heart and calling him a dumb because he don't understand her feelings, etc.

Now the room doesn't looks like have been raid by a thief, she can sleep now and worry about the window tomorrow. Its good to pour her heart out to the tiny little demonic thing, he is such a good listener for her.

"You look less dangerous than you-know-who and since you're here help me out, I guess you are more content than him too." She chirped, she bent down and pat his head.

"Keep our conversation as a secret , will you? Don't tell him a thing, but come to think of it, he wont understand at all." She giggled. She do enjoying his accompany and keep on talking to him. She think that if Douma decide to ignore her, the least he can do is sending the mini version of him to visit her.

Suddenly, Mini Douma walk to where Douma disappeared before. Assuming that this is the time for the little helper to go home, Y/n called him again. "Thanks for coming. Even though I keep talking trash about him, I still do like him."


Douma walk in the mountain path while keep spying her using the crystal clone he sent some times ago. Completely eavesdrop the conversation between Y/n and his Demon Art. He quite offended when she call him a dumb but he find it so adorable when she comparing his crystal clone with him.

'I guess its because you are what you are.'

'Demon or not, I don't really mind about that.'

He start to repeat the scene, when her eyes demanded his attention the most but carefully not to add any fuel. He still don't understand why does his eyes decide to open its dam in the most inconvenient time.

His lips form a smile, he remember how she treat his lethal weapon like a child. Maybe she's right, demon or not, she don't really mind about that.

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