Chapter 15

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Y/n get inside her room, slightly annoyed while try to dry her hair. Her grandma insist to help wash her hair and its not end well. But still, she's show her gratitude to her only relatives she had. There's nothing much she can do now since she's not even allowed to work from home.

Today, Kiriya has visited her with Gyomei act as his bodyguard. Though all of his sisters wants to visit her as well, Oyakata sama think that it's not that kind to let all his children come to visit her and troubling both Y/n, her grandma and their helper, plus it wouldn't be that fair if he have to choose one of his daughters to accompany Kiriya.

For some reason, Kiriya appear more manly and not wearing female's kimono like he usually did. Y/n feels like she's meeting the real Kiriya since he is actually a man to begin with. His trip wasn't that long and after short conversation and loaded her with any nutritious food to help her fully recovery from the broken bone (under Shinobu's dietary advice). He call it a day and went home.

The tinkling sound of the glass furin attract her as she believes she cannot feel any wind blowing from her half opened window. Curious, she slide open the door and find a 'start to melt' Douma's like figure standing before her.

"What are you? Is that you Douma?" She asked and bent down to it height. She's not going to deny it, although part of her scared that he's really here, the other part of her pretty thrilled about that.

His replica's eyes set to her hand where the cast wrapped it. Y/n notices it and try to cheer his ice replica. "Don't worry." She started. "Its not as bad as you might think, I'm doing great."

In spite of act as one of Douma's deadly Blood Demon Art that he usually use for combat purpose, he smartly use it for another reason. The replica hand her a round glass container with Lotus Flower inside like a courier, she smiles even wider when she hold the gift with one hand and admires it beauty.

"Thank you, I-- huh?" The replica was gone. She loves the gift and its really remind her of him. Douma bragging about this flower so many times and admittedly that the flower represent him so much with a reason that he refuse to share with her. Not yet. Not within this time.

Y/n's eyes bore to the night sky as the gray colored cumulus slowly reach to hide the beauty of the full moon. She's had enough time alone. Her grandma wasn't a compatible partner to talk to since her hearing ability isn't that good and Giyuu caught in his non stop mission. It surprised her when she received his letter that he obviously disappointed about the fact that his plan to keep on checking her is totally ruin.

She still can feel a slight pain whenever she try to move her fingers, she wince a little and decide to stop moving her fingers. The other time she forced to move her finger its end up with her yelping in pain, making Shinobu scolded her with her reassuring smile.

The night getting colder and the cold wind shivered her, her broken hand try to make her white loosey yukata in place. She gaze at the flower once again and plan to go inside but before she could turn her body, she feel a weight on her shoulder along with her yukata get properly adjust to her body from behind so she will not getting exposed once the cold wind blow even harder.

"As tempting as ever... Are you trying to seduce someone?"

Douma huskily said. The demon settle his head on her shoulder, eyeing the girl with an unexplainable emotion. He got nothing to complain with her wearing the yukata at will. Especially when she bent down to talk with his replica.

He initially just want to give the gift but getting paranoid if by any chance there are someone accidentally seeing her flaunting her beauty. Even in her own house.

On the other hand, with Douma refuse to keep their physical distancing, she got butterflies in her stomach. Her cheek probably blushed by now and she sure of it, Douma's eyes set to her rosy cheeks before getting back to her eyes, unbothered.

"Hello..." She stuttered. "Thanks for the flower." She raised the glass container, to distracting the demon from looking through her eyes.

He give a quick glance and as if he understand that their close gap wouldn't doing any good for her heart. He stopped looking through her eyes, he trace the cast with his fingers and when he finally grab the full of it, its scared her away. His eyes alarm her when he examined it. Very judgmental and jealous.

"Nice cast. Wrapped your hand perfectly. Who's doing such an amazing work?" He asked.

"Kochou san did."

He hummed as response and turn her body so he can get a better view of her, hand still on her cast. "I see.. Then is Kochou san is a 'she' or a 'he'?"

Though she know that Shinobu loves to tease Giyuu everytime she confront him, Y/n never be this grateful that God was kindly enough to created her as a woman. For the sake of her life.

"Its a 'she' ."

Douma blinked multiple times and finally laugh. Y/n finally could breathe with relief, his grip loosened and back to his actual self, a friendly one. She cant treat Douma like before, he slowly changing and not in the good way, one wrong impression could cost her head, along with her god's eyes. The demon about to slowly regain his emotion, and his demon nature forced him to take it wrongly, negatively.

This thing screwed him off but he haven't realize it a bit. He become so hot-and-cold, one minute he could be very sweet and lovable, the next minute he turn into a complete jerk. 

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