Chapter 35.2

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"She's breathing now."

The shrine maiden who familiar with medical treatment announced the good news that was long waited by Sakonji and Giyuu. Giyuu runs to where Y/n's at, sitting beside her to see by himself that she's breathing. Her wet clothes have been changed to the dry one, her hair is still half wet but it's fine for him, at least it's not as damp as before.

It still a big question for him how she was stranded by the lake like that. Both of them indeed having a night stroll around the lake after the sealing ritual was done, that time Y/n looks so distant and her eyes are always set to the calm water that reflects the moon's shadow. She didn't talk much back then, only gives a comment that the lake looks so peaceful, then she didn't talk anymore and he thinks that she just not in the mood to talk.

Giyuu plays with her pinky finger, eyes on it. He looks extremely tired and could be seen yawning but he refuse to have a quick sleep even though Sakonji promised him to look after her.

There's nothing that Sakonji can do to him so the old man left them to have a discussion with the head priest regarding the shocking event that happened last night.

The feeling of a cold hand touch her face makes her jolt in surprise and forced her to open her eyes. Giyuu equally surprises by how she gains her consciousness, watching her look around like a lost child without moving a muscle. Once he's back to his sense, he immediately pulls her for a hug.

"What happened to me?" She asked him in confusion.

"I could ask the same question to you." He stopped to inhale the air to fill his lungs, he was too surprised and forget to breathe. "Last night I can't find you in your room, not even in every place inside this temple. Everybody looking for you in the wood and I remember you said that the lake is so peaceful so I asked Sakonji to come with me and guess what? You were there, stranded by the lake. Not breathing." His voice sounds hoarse, trying not to break into tears too much.

"I can't remember anything from last night. I feel like my memory is messed up." She mumbled in his chest once she feels that some part of the back of her clothes didn't feel any wetter by Giyuu's tears before. "I didn't remember how I get to the water but I believe someone told me to go home and pushed me into the water, his hand is so freaking cold and when I wake up I found myself in this room."

"Do you have a sleepwalking habit?" He asked, he looks cute with his slightly red nose and his eyes still have tears in it corner.

"No, I don't." She insisted then frown. "That's sounds familiar, have we discuss about sleepwalking habit before?"

"That's your excuse when you broke your palm, remember?"

Y/n tilts her head in confusion and says, "When?" She can't remember anything that he just mentions to her and insists that she never had a broken bone before. Her words are enough to stop him from smiling and leads him to screech Sakonji's name in total panic.


Walking the path to come back home, Sakonji and Giyuu decide to take it easy and give Y/n the time to enjoy nature more. Like a bolt from the blue, both Sakonji and Giyuu rooted to the spot when the head priest said that Y/n might have lost some part of her memory. The sealing ritual completely sealed her vision, along with the memories created from it. He also said that the reason why she was found out in the lake probably because there is a part in her body system that wants to take back what once hers.

It is said that once a human dies, they will regain all of the memory and Giyuu was very offended when the head priest said that. He said that without her consent, her subliminal forced her to commit suicide in order to obtain all of her memories. However, she failed, there is something that prevents her from doing that.

She's not a suicidal type. Giyuu believes that no force in this world could make her do that. That time, she is more steadfast than him when Sabito passed away. She deals with the pain wisely.

Y/n pulls the sleeves of his kimono, distracts him from his thought, and innocently asks. "Why Sabito isn't coming too?" She said out of the blue. Giyuu was too stunned by her words. Nothing is coming out of his mouth. Sakonji goes on and said that Sabito has died a long time ago.

At first, she didn't believe him but she eventually understands as the last time she saw him is on the rooftop with Giyuu. It took an hour to weep on his death, and she walks with tears streaming down her face.

Sakonji decides to toll her everything about what was happened lately, including the death of Oyakata sama, Kyojuro, and some of the hashira. Giyuu didn't say anything, the ex Water Hashira listen to Sakonji too, his hand settle on her back and caress it whenever he feels she becomes tense. She is so precious to him.

She's surprisingly capable to catch up with the story until Sakonji mentions Muichiro's name. "I don't remember Demon Slayers Corps has a Mist Hashira." She commented. "Never met him in person before."

Sakonji and Giyuu look at each other like they never meet before. They've concluded that she probably saw him through her vision before they met, and the talisman paper helps Muichiro to be a part of her memory now. If it's not because Yushiro's paper, Tokito Muichiro never existed in her life.

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