Chapter 29

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"So basically he just comes here to whine about how Nakime become Upper Moon Four and get to work under Muzan sama supervision privately..." Douma murmured after sending off Akaza. Y/n currently staring at Douma's bookshelf, trying to pick some good book but as far as she remembers, she already read all of it.

"Is he always like that?" She asked, eyes still on the bookshelf.

"He is too competitive...over trivial things."

"Then how about you? Being number 2 doesn't make you competitive?" Having no interesting book to read, she sit on his pile of pillows and the demon mimics her. He immediately use her lap as his pillow.

"I could care less about that but I do become competitive if there's a promising man try to take my place."

Y/n smiles hearing his words, she lovingly stroking his hair as he close his eyes like he was sleeping. He smiles a bit and as time pass by, he suspiciously becomes too quiet. She glances at her lover then sighs when she finally figure out something.

"What are you scheming at this time?"

Douma didn't answer as he focusing on something, he eventually opened his eyes and looks dead serious while remain in the same position. He then clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tch...It's failed." He muttered.

"Why are you doing that?" Y/n scolded Douma. He quickly looks away from her, stubbornly refused to talk about how he sneakily send his Blood Demon Art to attack Akaza on his way back home.

"Shhh... he deserves it. He ruins our time."

The sliding door was knocked off by the brute force of an angry demon. Akaza is still healing his severed hand and Douma welcomed him with his sly grinned, ready to battle him anytime he makes a move. "Araa~~ Araa~~ Did you forget something Akaza dono?" He asked.

"I forget to bring your head as my souvenir, you sick demon."


Douma hummed happily, dragging Y/n's hand as he planned to take her to someplace. Y/n almost think that what was happened a few nights ago could permanently ruin Douma and Akaza's relationship seeing how Akaza lashed out at her lover. If it's not because the dawn about to come, Akaza will not thinking twice to stay any longer there. He said that he hates Douma the most and somehow his words hurt her feelings as well. But the next night that demon still comes to visit them as nothing happened.

"So? Where do you taking me? Finally decide to sell me?" She giggled when Douma gives her a frown.

"Don't be silly, my dear. If what Akaza dono was said the last time he visited us is true then we need to run some tests on our newly recruited Upper Moon Five. If he doesn't know about you then it's good but if it's the opposites then I need to get myself clear."

"Relax, Douma. We are never bound to meet at all. The one that exposing me is you." She groaned. They finally arrive at the lake where Akaza claimed that the new demon is currently residing there.

Akaza claimed that Kokushibou practically wastes his demon blood, giving the demon blood only because of someone's begging to isn't so noble.

"There he is, he senses your presence but not mine. Just walk in his direction but not too close! I don't want anyone but me could be any closer to you." He reminds her.

Y/n rolled her eyes then proceed to walk in his direction, the newly recruit demon drop his guard down as he finally got the sight of her. Originally, he wants to test his ability as a demon but his instinct prevents him to do so and he followed.

Kaigaku tilted his head when the human is someone he knew. He remembers her face from the burned letter coming from Ubuyashiki Estate through his kasugaigarasu. She is Y/n, a girl who possesses the ability to foreseen things, known for her upcoming status as the bride of the next Ubuyashiki's leader.

The white kimono which Douma demands her to wears boost her haunting beauty and the goddess walks elegantly like an actual ethereal being. Douma watch her in awe from afar, his smile faded when he heard Muzan 's voice inside his mind. Just when he enjoys her presence the most, he suddenly needs to put a break.

"I know you!" Kaigaku said out loud, raising his katana on her. An action that Douma finds cross the line. "You're the one who possesses that power! I'm curious if I consume you will that power run through my vein or maybe I could tell Kokushibou dono first..."

"Hold your horses, newborn demon. I strongly advise you to keep your plan remain unsettled." Douma cheerfully said that with a malicious tension only Kaigaku could tell. Hands-on his pocket, he smiled when Kaigaku lower his katana pointed to her, and he motions Y/n to stand beside him.

"Now, Upper Moon Five, this female human is mine and any information about her leak then I'm personally going to shorten your second chance of life."

"But she's like our jackpot who coming from Ubuyashiki---"

"Detailed. Detailed. I know who she is and with who she affiliates with." He cut Kaigaku's words, waving his hand boringly. "I believe you are smarter than you look. So live your life happily and don't think about tell a single soul about us unless you want me to make your life a living hell."

Kaigaku nodded in fear. Though the one who threatened him might be not as strong as Upper Moon One, but he could tell that Douma is strong and mentally ill person like him is such bad news. He watched the pair drift away from him, walking hand in hand as he was forced to learn the reality that he could never even use her to blackmailed The Upper Moon Two at all.

Far away from where Kaigaku resides. The pair decide to go home and Douma takes her to the different route, swinging her hand and humming a song that she couldn't tell. She adores his cheerful side and finds his possessive side he shows just a moment ago arguably perfectly fine, as long as it's only a word and not take an action.

"So now you believe in hell? Because you said that you will make Kaigaku's life like one." She asked when both of them crossed the nemophilia fields. She remembers she had a dream about this place once.

"No. But that Kaigaku probably believes in it." He said then stop. Eyeing the girl who immediately smiles when her eyes meet his. "I'm so confused. I want to preserve you but turning you into a demon might be not a good idea."He started. "I can't guarantee your feature will be the same, not wanting any unwanted additional shape in your body and your sweet personality which I adore so much could be vanished too." He complained to her and slightly pout when he runs out of an idea.

"I've had a feeling that 'that time' is coming sooner than we could ever imagine. Muzan sama told us to ready ourselves since he currently working on spotting Ubuyashiki's whereabouts."

Fueling with his words, Y/n pull him into a hug and he quickly embraces her tightly. It started from the need to fill her boredom, befriend with him and her fear turns into love which she treasures the most.

"Don't say that... I don't want it to end."

"It's hard to keep that promise, you know, but then again I'm not choosing to drag you in the middle of the mess." Douma cupped her face and could tell that the dam inside her eyes about to break soon. "If I survive from all of these, I will come back to you."

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