Chapter 3

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Y/n finally get to see Kiriya by person. Last night when Sakonji ready to walk her home, Oyakata sama invited them to have a dinner together. When all the food served the door slide open, revealed a young version of Oyakata sama.

Y/n’s thought about Kiriya as a boy with his snot running through his nose and a silly looking face like how the boy around his age should have finally dismissed. None of her imagination even close to describe the boy who sit in front of her. Kiriya appear to be having a calm demeanor like his father, his feature resemble his father so much even though he wears a kimono that usually wears by the girl. Unlike his older sisters who inherit her mother's hair color, Kiriya has a black hair.

Sakonji peeked the girl and relieved she’s showing a good attitude and to be frank, not drooling over him. The dinner went well but none of the young pair talking to each other, while Kiriya silently glance at her, Y/n just pay attention to the adult conversation between Sakonji, Oyakata sama and Amane.
Sometime when she know that Kiriya’s eyes set on her, she will turn her head and smile at him. Kiriya will always smile back to her.
Oyakata sama even told them to sleep over since its really late to go home. But still, even when they ‘re under the same roof, none of them start to build a conversation other then introduces themself.

“Thank you for the hospitality.” On the next day Sakonji bowed in gratitude to Oyakata sama and Kiriya. They about to leave now and politely decline the offer for having a breakfast together. They want to welcome Giyuu and Sabito before they receive their first mission.

“Its too bad both of you cant join our breakfast here.” Oyakata sama said, “But then again, I wont force you. As for Y/n, it will be good if you stay with us. So you don’t need to go back and forth to your house.”

“I appreciate your offer Oyakata sama, but I still want to help my grandma run The Wisteria House. If she got some hand then I’ll be happy to stay here.” She said in a manner she was surprise she had.

“See you later Y/n san.” Kiriya bid her farewell, that’s their second conversation after formally introduced themself.

“See you later Kiriya sama.” She bowed to him. As the sun start to light up the zen garden, she looks like she’s having a trance. Her smiles turn into a fear, her vision from previous moment strike her like a broken dam, flooding her mind. She knew what had happened before.

Her eyes widen and her breath escalated. What happened to Sabito before make her nausea and she grip Sakonji’s haori stronger, losing her balance. “Are you okay, Y/n san? What happened?” Kiriya asked her worriedly. The next heir of The Ubuyashiki Family alarm Sakonji and his father.

Y/n fight a strong urge to cry so she doesn’t look ridiculous in front of The Ubuyashiki Family but her tears keep falling anyway.
She learns how Giyuu failed in his attempts to stop Sabito and how the battle with Hand Demon lead Sabito to his death.
She knows everything like she was there all along.

She plead Sakonji to leave the place, making the house owner in daze.

“Sakonji san, lets go Giyuu needs us.” Her voice almost inaudible.

Even with his tengu mask on, its easy to tell that Sakonji become frantic by Y/n’s sudden cry. “Calm down Y/n,  what happen?”

“The selection is over, everybody but Sabito pass the selection.” She gets impatient and half scream the older man. She never asking for this gift, to witnessing how Sabito lost his soul and not even capable to help him is not what she wants.

“But Oyakata sama not even receive the results yet.” Sakonji tried to give a sense to Y/n but she wont have it.

“I saw it. I saw how Giyuu passed out from his injuries and how Sabito help the other boys and now he’s gone. Sakonji san please, we have to go to The Wisteria House near the Fujikasane Mountain.” Her voice trembled while pointing to her own eyes and now she pulled Sakonji’s haori stronger.

He know what she said before could be really the truth, its slowly send Sakonji to his biggest fear. He then bow apologetically to Oyakata sama with his voice slightly waver, “I do apologize Oyakata sama, I’m afraid I have to escort her to her destination now and present her in another time when she’s ready and regain her calmness.” He said.

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