Chapter 32

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"Bored. Bored. Bored. I'm bored..."

"Just shut your mouth, please. I even humbly ask you to be quiet so spare my ear from your stupid complaint."

"I'm bored and I'm lonely and I miss my Y/n." Douma said. There are no days without whining about how his life dramatically change only because he thinks everything will be fine if he sends Y/n home. He never thought that his whole being is already accustomed to that one female human and her absence is giving a big hole in his life.

"Just go to her house, kidnap her again."

"I can't." He whined and throw another pebble to the pond. When he decides to return her lotus and come to Wisteria House, what he got to see is her grandma. Y/n is not around and one hour is enough for him to talk with that eccentric old lady who has a hearing problem, though he does enjoy their light conversation who mainly about Y/n and him but all he wanted is to talk with Y/n herself, not talking about her.

"Beside, it will be too dangerous here. Nakime surprisingly did a better job to assist Muzan sama to do the mapping. That time surely come closer. Plus, I did visit Y/n's home but she's not there, what I get to meet is her grandma."

"Then stop complaining about your pity life without her." Akaza groaned. His eyes traveled to avoid seeing Douma's face then he finds something that attracts him from Douma's room.

Douma watched Akaza enter his private quarter but he's too lazy to get up from the place. All the complain he said drawn his motivation to even move a muscle and Akaza come back almost immediately with a book in his hand.

"Are you read a book now? So unlikely of you." He commented, giggling.

"She's not taking it with her?"

Douma tilted his head, lazily. "Obviously not, so what?"

"She loves this book, idiot. She reads it four times. What? You don't know about it? Good grief..." Akaza rolled his eyes and throw the book but Douma doesn't even try to catch it, the book miserably land on his face.

Douma examines the book, he can't remember how many times she holds this book. He's too busy staring at her figure, playing with her hair, or stroking her back. All he did mainly demanding her attention, he hates when she engrossed herself with the book too much so he doesn't care which book she reads the most.

Akaza is right, Douma knows nothing about it. But now he doesn't care about his lack of attention to her book, he is more concerned about how Akaza knows about tiny detail that he missed or maybe refused to notice. It's sparked an annoying feeling he occasionally felt.

"Don't you think it's funny that you even know about how many times MY Y/n reads that book?" He eyed him with a judgemental look. He shifts his body to sit properly.

Akaza, who stubbornly shut his mouth because he also questioned himself why did he notice that stupid detail. His silence infuriates Douma and that's enough for him to release his murder intents.

In the end, Akaza admitting its because he quite often saw her reading the book in different page during his visits. The pink haired demon knows better to not trigger him any further because he couldn't win the fight against Douma in his berserk mode.


The sky is a little bit gloomy today but the cold wind gives a sign that the rain probably will fall any minute.

The window in Y/n's room is still wide open amid the strong wind blow that place. Inside, the room's owner uses her hand to support her face while the other hand caressing the lotus petal lightly.

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