Chapter 37

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'Some says she's not pleased with how the fight turns,'

'Mhmm, can't argue with that.'

'Other says that she can't handle her gift anymore.'

'Sure, sure... Go on.'

'And I've also heard that she deeply mourns the previous Oyakata sama's death... Is that even normal? Gee, I can't imagine she and the late Oyakata sama--- you know..."

'For my sanity, I prefer the first and second one. But please watch your words, no more link her name with Ubuyashiki's leader or any other man.'

'Forgive me, sir, but may I know what is your relationship with Y/n san?'

'Araa~~ Araa~~ can't you just tell me what happened to her?'

'Well, Tomioka told me that she went to the temple to seal her ability but when she's back, she forgets everything she knew through the ability, it taking back what she shouldn't see through those eyes.'

'Does that mean she got no idea who am I to her and what we've been through?'

'... My condolence, sir...'

For god's sake, Douma thought that rekindling his relationship with Y/n would be much easier since he's a human now but he didn't expect to be a stranger to her. If it counts as an ordeal then god is indeed very cruel to him, he would rather die than watch her didn't recognize him anymore.

The conversation with Murata soured his mood.

Y/n might fell in love first but he fell harder. So hard that he can't stand to live without her.

Douma pinched the bridge of his nose, he's doomed now. His mind went back to where he met Murata, the sake bottle he gave to him is very convenient to grab, it will be so relaxing to swing the emptied bottle to someone's head. The sound of the bottle breaking will be very delightful to hear and the blood sticking to the rest of the shards will boost up the thrilling scenery, it would please his fucked up-criminal mind. But, no, he can't do that. Violence, especially killing people will get him nowhere and that action will only lead him straight to jail.

The bright sky is now filled with dark clouds, changing the mood of the cheerful summer day. The wind blows rather too strong and it's enough to make the umbrella escape from Y/n's hand when it blew in her direction.

A strand of her hair loosens from the hairpin, eyes watching the umbrella flying away from where she stands. She runs fast to go after the umbrella, hoping that it won't rain anytime soon. Just when she got the umbrella back, the thunder's sound startled her and she was baffled by how the weather changed so fast. The sky finally opens the dam and without a doubt, it's raining cats and dogs.

She tried to walk through the rain but it's become unbearable for her anymore, she got no choice but to take shelter under the wisteria tree and hope that the thunder won't strike it. "Heavy rain in summer? Why not... the weather started to become unpredictable though." She mumbled under her breath there.


she's not alone, someone overheard her complain.

Under the big tree with its twisted trunk, a man is leaning on the tree and he got his red kimono drenched by the rain.

He widened her eyes for a bit but soon adorned his face with a smile that the angel too will fall for it.

"Stuck in the rain too, huh? I bet it's our bad day." He said, friendly.

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