Untitled Part 36

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"How's your hand?"

"Better, just need some time to get used to it."

"I see..."


"... So what's your plan now?"

"Nothing much. I guess... I live my life to the fullest."

"You're right." Murata lets a small laugh. "We're completely retired now. Though I'm so happy everything finally ends in peace, I never imagined The Corps actually disband." he stopped, staring at the gravestone written with Ubuyashiki family's name on it.

Then it went silent.

Giyuu starts to look blank, he suddenly can't find any words to say while Murata is trying hard to not make Giyuu pressured by this unplanned meeting. It is fate that brought them together, here, in this cemetery yard with Ubuyashiki's gravestone before them, they're about to rekindle their friendship.

Or maybe not.

Both of them end up didn't say a thing at all, petrified.

"I'm outta here." Sanemi decides to leave, and the dog that he claimed does not belong to him follows behind. Wagging its tail while trying to catch up with its owner. Sanemi's smile is seen from afar and now Y/n and Tengen know that he's lying about the dog ownership.

"It obviously belongs to him," Y/n said to Tengen.

Tengen nodded his head and he start aiming at Giyuu's poor social skills. It cringed him to the bone. "If he keeps that kind of behavior, he won't be able to have many friends."

"Uzui san, you don't need to have many if there are only a few who really care about you."

"Then that really suits him." He said, then he remember something that slips from Sakonji's mouth when he and Sanemi visited Wisteria House a few days ago and it was not about Giyuu. Sakonji accidentally read the note on her desk and stared at the flower that refuse to wither. It adds to his confusion and he asked Tengen in blind haste if Y/n is currently seeing someone. Sakonji always behaves like Y/n's father and what the father fears the most is when their daughter is in a relationship with someone.

"So... who gave you the flower and the flashy note that Urokodaki san was talking about?"

"I don't know. Can't remember anything about it." She said, deadpan.

"Actually, it's going to be funny if it was Tomioka who did it." Tengen starts to laugh. Giyuu surprised everyone after the hashira meeting is done, he basically asked the previous Oyakata sama to let Y/n go home with him.

"My grandma said that the person is not from our circle. I bet she knows about that man but she won't spill anything other than that ."

"Well, I still suspect Tomioka for it. Who else that quite close to you? Kiriya sama?" He teased her, but when she gives a blank reaction, he realizes that he messed with the wrong person. She will not be infuriated or blushed, her answer might be boring too.

"No, Kiriya sama and I aren't that close. Do you think Giyuu kun will do the extra mile to get that flower? He can't even tell the difference between lotus and waterlily." She claimed, she was only a little bit emotional in the last part of her words, not because he mentioned Kiriya's name.

"I agree with you, that idea won't cross Tomioka's mind, but, I can't tell the difference too. Who needs that flowers if roses are already easy to tell."

"You guys are terrible." She frowned, pulling her umbrella to herself so Tengen now has direct sunlight above his head, the guy annoyingly squeezes himself under the shade. That action catches Giyuu's attention and when he turns back and finds that Tengen is a little bit too close to her, his eyes widen.

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