Chapter 33

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The demon promised her.

He promise to help her back to the human world, to reclaim the life she had once. But that's not the only thing he wants, he plans to follow her.

The demon needs a human heart.

He asks the fallen angel to give it in exchange for the black wings he has, he doesn't care about the method and where the angel gets the heart from.

The angel willing to grants his wish, he longed for a pair of wings and dispose his remarkable title as a one-winged angel. The color doesn't matter as long as he has it in pairs, so he can move on from the humiliating feelings when The Gods decide to pluck one of his wings in front of the entire heaven beings. All just because of his twisted mind.

The demon doesn't know that the human comes to an agreement with the fallen angel too, who undoubtedly took a liking to mislead them.

That day, after smuggling the girl to the human world, the fallen angel comes and gives the human heart to the demon. The demon is immediately drawn to the human world, he graduates from his cursed and sinister form and completely becomes a human with the purest heart with no memories about the girl he fell for.

The fallen angel, now fully owned the black wings fly to the mythical forest. He stretches his black wings widely and walks gracefully to where the newborn female demon at. He gives his hand for her where she hesitantly reach it. Satisfied, he takes the girl he stole from that demon deep into the forest.

"Hmph, that's funny though it has an absurd ending too." Douma snorted while reading the book that Akaza claims as Y/n's favorites. He doesn't really like this kind of book and prefers the religious book with a lot of wisdom words which he loves to share with his followers.

Despite his cynical critics about the book, he comes back to page one where the early life of the human girl begins. It somehow reminds the relationship he shares with Y/n, but he's not that dumb demon who makes a stupid promise if he can have her in his demon form.

"That fallen angel totally outsmarts him. I prefer him."

Y/n eyes widen once she opens her bedroom door, where she finds Douma sit casually on the window with her book in his hands. "What are you doing here?" She asked, disbelief about how carelessly he is.

"What?" He asked, unamused. "Does it suddenly become too weird for you to have me in your room? Honestly, I'm quite surprised by your question. Does living between the human ruins your common sense? " His eyes still focus on the book.

"No. Not at all. In fact, I'm so happy but I'm more concerned about your safety. Do you have any idea that you literally enter enemy territory?"

Douma frowned in the cutest way as he finds her statement is a little bit... out of place. His rainbow eyes finally set to her and he says, "I do this so many times before, remember? I demolished this place once, half demolishing to be exact... I claim this place as my territory now."

"I'm serious, Douma... The Demon Slayers Corps is in the hostile mood--"

"They always do. Nothing new." He cut her words.

"More hostile than normally."

Douma closed the book and walks to her. He thought that she will break her eye's dam once she finds him in her room, making him think twice to visit her. It doesn't mean he hates when she started crying, it's just going to be too difficult for him to leave her again. Hundreds fold harder. Overall, he's happy with how she is right now.

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