Chapter 2

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Y/n is chosen as the future wife of the next Ubuyashiki Leader. Its very surprising for her as she’s not even that ambitious to be elected as the future leader's wife. She receive the news with a simple nod and ‘Oh, I see’ which baffled her grandma and Sakonji.

“Are you not happy, Y/n?” Sakonji asked her, he’s on the way to Ubuyashiki Estate with Y/n as per Oyakata sama’s order. Sakonji let her cling to the hem of his Haori when they’re walking, a habit she emitted whenever she walk with someone she trust.

“To arrange a marriage with someone that I don’t even know? I don’t think I’m happy with that.” She frowned and Sakonji just let a small chuckle where she think her statement before is not that funny.
“Sakonji san, you said I can assume you as my father, correct? Then what kind of a father that let her daughter marrying someone like this?”

“Relax Y/n, the marriage will not happen now or tomorrow or even next week. It will take many years after. Just keep it slow, you get to know him too then if both of you agree, then the marriage happens.”

“I prefer one of your adopted sons to be my marriage partner. I know them so well, plus, they’re older than me.”

The ‘heart to heart’ session between a father and the daughter he was supposed to adopt have to put on hold since they arrive at the Ubuyashiki Estate. Its her third day to know about Ubuyashiki family and Sakonji would wait for her until she finished at Rengoku house.

“Well, I don’t think that’s a good idea since the other would end up feeling hurt by that if you pick one of them. Now, now. Be sure to always smile and I hope you’re not glaring to the people reside here.” Sakonji knocked the door and turn his head to her to see whether she’s put her smile on or not.

So many hours later, the sun is set at the Fujikasane Mountain. While Sakonji probably walk Y/n home, the battle to survive from the demons start again.
Giyuu on his own life and death situation with a demon who successfully injured his head and breaking his mask, he’s having difficulty to stay focus since the wound began to affect his eyesight.

Its a miracle when Sabito crossed his path and quickly strike the demon swiftly, he run to Giyuu to examine his head. “I’m not a doctor but I think its pretty bad. I’m glad I can find you in the right time.” Sabito looks relieved. He help him stand and start to walk to the opposites way.
“How are you feeling?” He worriedly ask him.

“I cant see well and my head started spinning.” Giyuu said, he grit his teeth for him being all weak like this.

Giyuu didn’t notice but Sabito bring him to a place where the people that Sabito rescued is currently at but soon heard another scream. “Listen, you are not in the condition to fight so I want you to stay here.” He said, hand him over to one of them.

“What???” Giyuu not sure whether its from the pain he got or the anxious that suddenly take over his heart, but he doesn’t feel right.

“You guys, take care of him for me okay?”

And by that, Sabito rush to where the scream coming from, leaving Giyuu who hysterically beg him to stop. He cant see Sabito’s back anymore and before he lost his conscious and close his eyes , Giyuu remember his conversation with Y/n before he go home.

‘What’s with that face?’

‘I feel like Sabito didn't take my warning seriously.’

‘You talk to him again?’

‘Yes and he said yes but I know he wont listen to me. What I told him is precisely like what I told you before. But it seems like he doesn’t like the idea to think about his safety first. So, he says yes to end the conversation.’

‘You know him. He probably do that because he know his own strength. He is strong and kind, that’s why he will stick to his plan, he don’t want to see any single soul devours by the demon when he’s around.’

‘Yeah, right. And as for you, I strongly advice you to don’t start a fight that you cant win. Just play it safe Giyuu kun, you don’t need to slaughter every demon you’ve spot. Just try to stay alive for seven nights.

‘I know, I know. Geezz...You sound like your grandma now.’

‘Do you think you cant restrain him doing something recklessly?’

‘I don’t know, but I'll try to do that.’

‘Thanks Giyuu kun. Sometimes someone with a strong sense of justice and too kind like him is vulnerable, we need to put a break on him.’

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