Chapter 34

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"She's passed out?!"

"Relax, Giyuu kun. I know how you feel and I equally feel the same way but let them treat your wounds first... Giyuu kun? Wait! Don't you hear what I just said?" Sakonji quickly following the man who just recently lost his right arm.

His condition is not too stable yet and Sakonji will never let him step out from The Butterfly Estate at all. After a long speech to convince the man who visibly distraught amid the victorious against The Demon Lord, Sakonji finally capable to bring him to where the medical team was waiting for him.

It pains him a lot when he saw how Giyuu staring at the floor blankly, he just lose an arm but he looks calmer compare to when he learns about what was happened to Y/n.

Sakonji promised to take him to where The Ubuyashiki Sibling currently resides now. Oyakata sama insists to have her rest there until she's fully recovered and Sakonji agrees with that. Transfer her to The Wisteria House is too risky for now because none of them know what really happened to her.

It is purely by chance when Tengen finds her lying on a bed of daisy flower when he just followed one of his wives to have a morning stroll on the way back to their home. At first, he thought that she just sleeping there but no idiot would casually lying there in open air like this, Makio then said that Y/n is not responding when she was trying to wake her up and having shallow breathing. That's how The God of Festivities becomes frantic and quickly takes her back to the closest place she can receive some treatment, The Ubuyashiki House.

"Do you think she has some kind of an issue which she keeps to herself?" Kiriya, who is just finally relieved and thought that he can give his brain to rest for a while is completely worried about Y/n. It's almost dusk but she hasn't wake up yet.

The doctor who almost as good as Shinobu just left and said that there is no injury in her head or in any part of her body, to put it simple, Y/n just falls unconscious and the doctor thinks that she might be stressed herself out. No medicinal action is required but everybody around her needs to make sure she's not thinking too much about anything that bothered or depressed her. She needs to be happy.

"I don't know..." Giyuu said, but Kiriya's question enlightens him. It may be rude but Sakonji is the only one he wants to discuss with, after all, it's a family matter. "If it is possible, I wish she can move to Wisteria House. Her grandma must be worried about her." He finds a smart excuse.

"Oh... Sure, I will arrange the transportation."


Y/n is safely transferred to her home and Giyuu leaves the task to Sakonji for explaining the whole thing to her grandma. He could hear how Sakonji tried so hard to maintain his tone to the old lady and he almost pity him for talking around in a circle.

He notices a glass container of a lotus flower on her desk, he absentmindedly reaches for it and small notes fall when he grabs the glass.

He reads it.

Such a wise words with beautiful handwritten there. He can't tell if it's a love letter because he never got one, but he has a feeling that the words are referring only to her.

"Were you checking my stuff?"

Giyuu jumps a little and sets aside his embarrassment to face the girl who constantly worried him. "Are you ok? What happened before? Are you sick or something?" He asked.

Y/n watch him closely like she was thinking about something but then she decides to save it for herself. "... Can't remember."

Baffled by how she answered his question, he suddenly remembers how he used to treat her whenever she was trying to cheer him up during his loss, dodging everything and insist that he's doing fine. Maybe it's his turn to face his karma.

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