Chapter 23

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Living with Douma means two things. One, Y/n could see him anytime she wants and two, watching him as an actual demon, means feed on human.

Her first experience watching him devour female human make her stay awake for two nights straight, she didn't dare to close her eyes and watch how he indifferently eats human flesh. She quickly runs to her bathroom and starts vomiting, disemboweled every meal she had. That goes for her second, third, and so on.

"Technically it's not my fault, Y/n. You need to learn to knock first." He said as he use her lap as his pillow and watches the rain fall to the ground. Douma just comes back from Dimensional Infinity Fortress and learn about Gyutaro and Daki deaths, he lightly talking about the death of his fellow to her and decide to talk about the nights when she finds himself having a banquet.

His words make her scoffed and his lip form a small smile. "Why should I? You're not even knocking on the door and just barge into my room like it was nothing."

She remembers the time that she just finish her shower and about to wear her clothes when Douma scared the hell out of her by innocently come inside her room unannounced.

"Araa~~ Araa~~ You still mad about that?" He laughed, it amusing to see Y/n annoyed by his previous act. "You managed to cover your body with the towel right? Relax~~ I didn't watch you bare naked."

He quickly sit down to prevent getting hit by her in the face. Smiling.

"You are not convince me." She shrugged.

"I didn't see it. Promise. Besides, female human body might have no difference from one to another." He explained, he use his knee to rest his head. Watching the sky absentmindedly.

Y/n feel something sink inside her heart, her mind fill with bad thoughts about him and Douma easily realize that. He slowly tracing her hand until he finally slid his fingers between hers. "I do not quite understand what's the deal with your change mood. Now, speak."

Y/n really don't want to talk about it, plus, she's too ashamed to admit that she's going to be upset if he has explored female human body before but she's not in the mood to listen to his threat too. So she doesn't have any choice. "Have you seen one?"

"One? It's more than that if you asked me to count." He said.

Y/n widen her eyes but the demon took her reaction casually, then he goes again. "I only eat female human flesh, Y/n. I get rid of their clothes because it kept me from eating them to their bone."

"Oh.." She muttered, there's a sign of relief from her voice so he tightens his grip where she welcomed it with equal force.

Douma is satisfied with how she reacts to his words. Now she's around him like what he wanted to, he needs to carefully treat her so he doesn't need to make her experience thing like what Kotoha had. His mood starts to drop once remembers her name, he cant afford to smile sweetly to Y/n right now and he decides to let go of her hand. "It's late, you better get rest." He ruffled her hair so she doesn't need to see his face.

Y/n's eyes trails to where he's gone, probably to his room. She missed the smell of the wet ground but defying his order might cost her something terrible. Douma is not feeling well, it means that it's hard for him to think clearly and could do the unexpected thing that would make him regret later.

Douma's capability to use his excellent brain cell and very calculating only work when he's hunting or on the battlefield, it cant be used to deal with Y/n.

He's not turned down her confession nor return her feeling but he couldn't stop meeting her.


"Douma, can you hide me for a moment from now?"

The demon tilted his head and watch how Y/n suddenly looks apathetic. She used to be so calm and serene inside his room where they share a place on his pile of pillows, reading some book brought by his follower while he leisurely laying behind her and stroking his back soothingly.

"Hmm?" He hummed, "Why should I?" His hand stop on his waist, settle there.

"Your friend. A demon. He doesn't look friendly at all."

"How many eyes does he have?"

"Eh? Two." She answered. She's about to hide in a different room but he prevents her from runaway, earning her groan which he finds too cute. "Douma, he just passed the gate." She warned.

"That's cool, no need to worry about that, Y/n. I'm here." He said calmly but she refuse to stay there. She try to release herself from the demon but he's too stubborn to let her go.

Douma thinks that she is so funny and decide to mess a little bit with her. So he pulls her a little bit too strong and has no idea that she eventually lost her balance and land on his body.

That's what he didn't plan on. 

(Now playing House of Cards intro  XD )

Just a second before the door opened,

Where the time seems to freeze as the demon and human inside the room staring at each other. Douma's mind went blank, it's true that he incredibly clingy to her, he loves to rest his head on her shoulder, hug her from behind, etc. Normally, the close gap like this shouldn't be a problem for him, but having her initially on top of him and only an inch away from her face is a different story.

Y/n's face adorably tinted with rosy cheek becomes more vivid by the time Douma's hand unconsciously traveling from her waist to her back where the other one adding the weight to her back so she leans much closer, naturally lowers her upper body too.

His blank face turns into something when he smiles sheepishly where she quickly mirrored him. Nose slightly touches

"Disgusting". The door slide opened and Akaza comment halted the two of them from doing whatever could happen next.

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